HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 29- 574, Appropriations for Year 1929 95 O1tDI!fAJa 10. 0'1" .d ORDIlfAJfCB APPROPRIJ.fIIlG KOIDS :rOR TO SUPPOR!' AND KAlltuABOX' W 'BE JIUlfICIPAL GOVDNJlBft OJ' THE CITY OJ BOZJ:llA.!f YOK '61' B'ISCAL D.A.R ,. 1929. I [ .II! ODAIID :BY !HI CODISSIOlf O:r. THE QlfY OF B07.mKAJ.f: Seo. 1. That the fOllowi:ng IUIl8 of IIODey 'be. ani the same are hereby appropriated for the n.pport and maiDiananoa of the :Munioipal Government of the Ciyy of Bozeman for tblt tis..l 780 of 1929. pm-auan,'t to the proTisions of 8..tlo. 5002 of the RltTle.a Ooil.. of Jlon1ana, 1981. &8 amende" by a..tlol1 8 of Qhapter 1'1:3 ot the IUneteenth Legislati.. '&S8_b17, 1925. and 1. acooMano. with - -. the Annual Budlet ani R..o...nlationa submitted by the City Manager, to-wit: J)ep&nJJlent J~. tl200ltOO nr S .- a. "or ~8;n.. 100.00 'ota1 era ti12& DOe.oo fOUL tl3oe.oo Da~eDt ~Se"10e 1500.00' or 8a 18,.... - J'or Xxpe... 19000.00 - '10 tal OpUlltiD' 20500.00 DbBrtmcmt of ...ltare '-01' SaJ.arle. "000.00 -. For ~...e ^ 11.000.00 -, 'to tal . .ra tlng , 1.5000.00 " Depar-aent of sat.~J' .l'or tSaJ.1U'1.. 16,OtO.00 I 1'01' aq.u. 4.800 .00 loal OparatiDg 20000.00 D.~'tmellt !: .inanO' 0'150.00 For 5&' r1a. For 1I%p.... 3710.00 '0'tatJ. Opttn'inB 9500.00 !Q!JI. 16~.dg lurplu. for Oap1 tal o.t1&7 3260.00 - Glt.lD 'OfU'" \ 69060.00 Wa"-I' >>;1....1 -(])epv .n~ o~ 8en10.) hI' Ba1azo1.. 6100.00 J!r BEp....e J.J.IC)O .00 or .80.4 Int.re.' ~O.OO 10 -.1 Opera..1.- MiOO.CO ~or Caplk1 Outlq 1$000.0.0 !Ol4 '~~<l' .00 Seo. 2. ' 1111. Ol'cliD8Jloe ahall De pu)11sh." OBoe ae preTtied. 1. Seetio. ilOl, llevlsecl 004.. .t Kohtana. 1921. a. aa.d... by Seotion I, of, Chapter 173 of the lineteeth Leg1alat1ve Aa.ablJ. 1925, and ten daY8 at't..r such pUblicatio.. -7 b. fl:nall7 pas..d, - but not. IetOI'. '\he fir." MO"tq 1n .l....rua17. Sec. 3. !hia Orcl1DELnoa shall lae in full torce anc1. .f~.et tro. and ~ter I' it. tinal p....... hOviaio_1l7 paB.... th1. 18th I~ of January. 1929. .A.twQ: ~4fip/ .' ._-.~" " . 0 .8 oa Ji_ll7 paaael. this .~ "'&7 ~,_ ft).na17. J.. D., 1929 '- &il!#<J.1 -- ... L A.t"..t.: -~- r . ~-