HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 28- 573, Providing for Opening of Babcock Street Between Rouse Avenue and Bozeman Avenue
ORDIl'l~ .0. ~73 .
OJ' BlBCOOJr Sf.tdlft .~..l!ilCN ROUSE AvdO. AND
CpUftY OJ' ~!I., S!AH OF MOftANA,
W H B_'R E J. S:
(1) He1'4ttofor., on the 17th day of April, A. D. 1928, OWUI"
of property or ~e agents of owner8 of pro>>erty on BaboockStl'e.t 111 the
City of :Bozeman, ani. owners of property !Jr agents of owners ot pro})erty
- oa Ia~ 8"r..t and crosa, 8,,"1'.8t. in the City of Boseman, filed wi th th~
ComBdsBion of the City of Bozeman their Petition tor the opening o~
Babcook St.re.' b....n Rouse Avenue and Bozeman Avenue for the purpose
ot rel1..1:q trat~1o on the ....et8 of the City of BOzeman. and parttou-
lar17 Ka11l Sv..t.; an4 .
(2) !he 8ald Petition waa reterred to the City JlanapZ'. the
C1t7 B11g1Jle.. and. the 01 ty . Attor.ney for the purpose of "e'bermiJline; the
nee.saity tor and eo." of opening eai4 ~ortlon of Babcook stre.t;. and
(I) the Oi ty Jlanager an4 the City BngiDe~ have made a
rapor. to the ~OO_B.l01l of the ~City of Boz.~an setting forth the
pn_t. property ne..saar,. to be aoquir.d for the opening .of sa14 por- I
. ."
t10D otBaboock Stpe.t, the estimated ooat thereat, ~nd the ad411i1eDal
1JIlp1'e.emen"8 to be ha4 and ma.40 in corme.tion therni th, &8 follo"as
1. . ~J1t~1t& SPIBTH:
A str1p ofr the south side at the property owned by-
Brabua S})leth, sa14 8tr1>> be1n8 more part1cular17 4eB-
crib'" as follnas to .11>>: Beltnn1ng at a pOin" in the
Bouth line of the I'I't ot Sec. ", !. 2 S. R. 6 .. J .her.the
..e i8 intere.et... by the ...t line of Rous. A.veBuo;
then.e we.' along Baid south,... ofJWt 160 t..";, tlleDoe
BOrth 0.81 t..t; thene. easterly 160 t..t,.or. or le.st
~ a poi.t ill the .e.t line of Rouse A.V8nu; thence sou h
aloDB sa14..at line of Rouse Avenu. D t..t to the place
ot b~1J1I11ng, contalll1D6 46~ 8q.uare t.et. or approximat....
17 o. '1 of an aor.. situated in the COUBty of Gallatin,
S.. t. of llon\8.D& J
JUDY mell, BVA DXft GA.DIER, HURY.O e01UlIol:.
K.OIOROUSB. . ~~~p.: .. . . :
A sVi>> oft the south lIide of the pro:pert, ooed by I
liar, Ja:ne JlaughJl, at &1. &aiA etI-ip belDg .1'0 partlou...
larlJ' 4e..rl be" aa :to 110.a, to wi": Bag1ml1ng at a
poblt in the Bou:ih line ot the .JW.t ot Sec. ". !. 2 S. :I. 6 B..
8&14 poiKt bel:ztg 160 :te." ...t'ot the W8Bt line ot
Bou.. Avenue S .IJ then.. ...t aloD8aai4 south line of
lit 31 ta.t; thence ..ater17 31 feet to So p01nt 0.81
f..t north of said south lina ot ~; thene. south 0.81
te.t to the plac. ot beginning, oonta1n1n812.5 square
teet or approximatelT 0.0003 a.ere, situated in Ga11atiJ1
CeUJ1ty, )(ontaDa;
3. TILttJI Dl'lDL:
!he ea.. 2" t... of' the portion ot tractional Lot l.
ot G'tQ'" .A44itlo11 to Bozeman, lying south ot the north
_..,~.~~-- ~~, ,," '''-''',''l" .,,"' ~. ," " .,..., '. ' . ~, ~ ,,0.,",,1:;" -.'~.
liD. of the 'SWiot s... 7. 1'. 2 S. ft. 6 K.. and ..st
ot the .a.t 46 teet, .hieh ... deeded to the C1ty of
BoZ.IIBD fo r s'treet purposes;
Also a strip et-r the north eftd. ot i a.zi.
101;a 3. 4, &lid 5 and the eaa" 10 -r.... et tractIonal
lot 2. ot sa14 GU7'.-Ad4ition. sa14 atr1p being IDGre
partIoular17 'esoribel as tOllows, to w1t: Beginning
I at a point in theDO~~ liBeot i Jare 10"',1 ot said
GU7' s Adai t.1 0.- I...... by Job C. GU7 and wite to
Lizzie IBrs~on April 17, 1876. ta Book .XW >>ee4s,
PaBes 86 and 87. reoor4a Gallaii.County; thenoe south
-- 5 te.t to the SB corner ot the said :M:antoD Lot; then.e
.e.t 102 t.et, more or lIs.. a10:ag thet south 11.. ot
sa11 1tJIara'to. Lot- to a pout 30 t..t ..st of the
.aat line of J'raetional Lot 8. ot said Guy'S Addition;
then.. south 6.44 t..,,; thenoe,la.ter17 3,80 :e..t.
mol'. or le.s, to the .est I1n. of said Rous. AT.nUI
8.; then.e Borth I te.' to the plaes. of b.ginning.
oontaiD1q 13817 aqU8.%". te.t, or approximat.17 0.32
of an acr.;
~ _ The W.." 170 te.t ot "A J'ra.tiona1LGt in
&117'. .Ada! tie. fronting "7 t.., O:D Boz_n .iTenue
and ext8D41D8 ...t &&2 fe.t- aa d.,..rib... in teed
trom John C. GUI' and wlt. to Uaaie llarstoll, April
l~" IS7'. oonta11l11tC '199q .quare t..t, or 0.183 of
an aor.;
, .
5. LtiDD MARlto.:
The eaa" 72 t..t of -... Fraot10Dal Lo" in G~'.
Adai tl0B fronting '" :t.." on Bezemall .lV&nu. anel
extending eaat 242 t..t" aa 4...ribel in 4..d from
John C. G'tq and w1te to Llzz1e Marston, April 1'7.
1876, contai~ 3Z84 aquar. t..t, or 0.077 ot an
aore; :
I 6. sn G. BRAGa:
A st.!>> Oft the ~orth si4. of the portion of
traetional 10" 2 ot GU7'a A4tition to Bozeman 171ng
.e., of -the east 30 t.... of 8a1d Lot and south ot
the trae" cle.e" by .roa O. G1q and wite to Lizzie l4ar-
stOD. April 17, 18", an4 4...01'1..4 aa -.1 I'ractional
Lot in Gu7'8 MAitioll tronting 4'l t.et 011 Boz.man
Avenue ant extending .ast 248 t..tlf. sa1t strip b.ing
6.44 teet w1d6 at the, east end and 12 teet wide at
the ....t enl a4Jolnlng .Boseman A....nu. ani 147 ~
t..t in leacth, contaiD1ac la05.Z4 square teet, or
0.081 of an aore:
,-. .&oqU1si1:1oB ~of prope..ty :tl'Oavarioua owna.,.,
. . aa atoresaid, 8.t1"'.d, $3416.00
, t · ~
fb) Cons'r-uet1oD of ~rllg. over BoHman C.eek 2000.00
0) ..Cos", of a1s ~ ....r .tat 570 :t..,.
..'1matei. : 690,00
TO!AL ..t~..t.. ooat ot a.qui.1t1oll ot
property, construe'loBOf bridle,
oOlls'ructlo11 of wa.er ~1n,to, be paid $6106.00
a, 'he 01 V, c .
.'llllID COSt or OOlHRUftI<m. OJ'. SD>B.ALQ
I ; CURBS, s.- AJDB1!tmI!HIO P.llDENf TO ..'
~ 1\ \.
(a) 1040 ~.., of Clmen" waD ." ~.1~60 per
1"WlIl1mg f 0 et, -, 11Oc60.00
(b) 1040 :t.., ot our.iag,pell rwmiDB :toot
11.00, : 1040.00
(0) 20 t.... of lI&J1i.ke, ....., ....11.00 pe>>
troD" toot. 1560.00
(4) 020 :f..t ot Bl~'th1. paTine a" .7.oe
- j.. front foo"" 7280 ,00
fO!AL ..'i.maie4 eoat of the toregolng,
to be paid by >>"1.1'\7 "'DUB, 114fD,00
~----_...,-~~- -
and . . . ~ .
C') trhe CODal.81GB ot the City of Boa_an hav1." d.termIned
. .
tha" it 1s ne...8&ry an4 proper at this tl.e to open BaJa.oak Sv..t
b..en Ron.. ATfIJSUe an4 Be!teman A._11ft, am acquire the neoessary I
~ .
prIvaM prop4tMY 'ther.tor by oon4....tlcnl proceedings and make the
___ry II1pZ'Ovementa 1n comaeotlon thU'ew1th. for the purpose of 1m-
Jl'OTing Baboock str..t and. re11evlng the traft!e on ....r..... of BOzeman.
anel pa~"eul~ly OJIl.lfa1,nSv..t. ]lOW THERUOD .
. ~ .
S..tl0D 1. !hat for the purpose Of,improvlng Babe.ok street
and relieving the trattia Oil .tre.t. of the City of BozeIDBJ?, and par-
iioular17 on JIa:1Jl SU..". it is ne.essary to open Ba'boock street be-
uea. Rouae .A.venue. and B,zeman Avenue; , ~
S..tloB 2. !has in' opening Babcock Str.et, a8 afor.sail. it
1e ......-.y to take by eon4.maat1on pro..~ings certain private pro>>er-
tie. hereiJl&tter 'e.erlbe4; thai the taking and .ond.-natiOJl of said.
prlva'M proptNftie. her.latter desoribed iator a publi. use authorize4
. .
b7 la., ",0 wit: !he opening of a public .tr.., lnthe City of BOzeman; and
that the taking and oondemnatioB of the private properties hereinafter I
4...rib... is necessary to Buoh public use. to w1t: !he opening of
Baboook atn., bew..n Rouse Avenue ant :Bozeman A.venue;
a..tloD 3. That the fo11owlng tra.t.~or parcel. of private
property be taken tor the purpose of openlng BabooCk street &8 aforesaid:
1. .
. .
1l~ of Owner: BA.RRA itA SPIER' ..
.A 8vlp ot-r the south side at the property owned
by Ba~bua Spieth. said strip be iDg -.ore par_
tloularly d.esorl baa as follows. to wi'ti: ",1u!Dg
. a' a ~f.Ja:t in the south l1ne of the JWt ot See. 7 !P.
2 S R. 6 S.. where the Bame is lnt.lt...ied by the
. .e.", lino of Rous. Aveau8; thence we." alO~ sa14
south. line of ... 160 t..,; thence no>>th 6..1 te.t;
. thODe. ea.".r11 160 te."; ilbre 01"1.... to a point
ill the we., line of Rouae Avoue J then.. south.
aleJlg sald w..i 11ne of Rouse Ayenue5te.' to the
plaoe of beginning. oonta1D1DB 466 8qy~ teet, or
. a:pproxima to17 0.01 0' an aor., ~s 1 tua. teA in the COUJ1ty
of Gallatin. state of llontana;,
2~ Kule. of Ownera: JURY J.d. MA.t1GHB. HARRIM AND nLB.
lWWIBL JUDY .oCORJIICr. .lUllftJJl)) BUItD (Dim) JIoCORlttcJt
B'lA laY ClDIll. JOD MAUY, W~T-:~.MADY~!tU iim.
,DAVID MJ.:D!.. .AD Bll!IB I. wilJ.'llfOUSS.!Ior . .
. De..ril)"i OIl: , .
. A .ViP of-r the south 81d. of . the :property owned by
lI"aI7 Jane :Ma.U8hn. 81; a1, . said SUi}) being _re
. pal'1;ieular17 a.e..ribe" as fQllOws, to .1t: Be-
glml:l.ng a1; a Joint in the south line of the nt
. .
OF S...'1, !. 2 S. R. '.., sa14 point being 160
te." ..st of the we.1 line of Rouse A.venue S.,;
then.. we." along sa14 south line ot :mri 31 teet;
~eno. eaa".r17 11 :t.... to . point 0.81 te." north
ot said south ltDe of lit ; th~e. south 0.81 te.t to
I the pIa.. ot beglnalng, oontaID1ng 12.3 square feet,
or ap:prox1mate17 0.000. ot an aore, sItuated 111: Gal1a-
till County, llOntaDa; t ~
3. .ame of Ownerr 'Dn.L'IB _1fOL
The ea.' 2 78 t..t of the portion of traotional
Lot 1 at Gu,'. J.d4itioa to Bozeman, 171ng south of
the north line of the M ot Seo. ". ~. 2 S,. R,. 6 ~.,
and w.at of the east 4' . eo", which was de.ed to the
City of Bozeman for street purpose.;
Alao a strip oft: the north 8n4.8 of i Aere Lots
Z, 4, and 5, and t~ east zo :r..t of ~aotiona1
Lo" 2, of said G~'. J44it1oD, said strip being more
particularly de.or1-",4 as tOllow., to wit: Beginning
at a poiDt in the Jlorth line .:r ... ...ere Lot 3 of sai4
GlQ". J44i tiOD where the same i8 int~8eote<< by the
weat line of Rouse Ayenue S.,aa op.ned hi teet;
thence ..., along the north line of said' Aore'
Lot :5 anI. ... .ure Lota " and 5 a 4istanoeot 278 te.t
, more or lesa, to the ea.* line ot ~~.tractional Lot
in G~t sM.1.1 tio.. ter by 301m e,lGU7 and wife to
~ Lizzie lfaratoDJ.prl1 . . , 18'., in Book "X" De.s,
Pages 86 and 87, recorda of Gal1&t1:a Oounty; thence
aouth D te.~ to the SI oorner Of the Bait Kar*t..
Lot; thence we.' 102 :re.t, ml'e or le8s, along the south
line ot 8&14,....10. ,Lo"" to a point 30 te.t west of
"he ea... line ot ~ra."iona1 Lot 2. ot sa1dGU7' 8 Ad-
1.1 t1ca; thence south 6.4.& t..t; thence .aster17 380
I te.~, ~r. or 1..., to the .e.t line of said Rous, AT.une
a.1 theDe. north &; :re.. to the place.or beginning, COIl-
'kiJl1:r:w 1181' .quare f..". or appro%1mate17 0.32 of an
4. .
lIame ot OWner: ~.~.~~ .JmJ.Gf .
!he ".at 170 f..t of D", h'ao"lo:oal Lot in
Gu7'a ~l1t1oll fronting" t.et on Bozeman Avenu.
and: .xtendi~ .a... ua t..". .. "..cribe" in a...
iro. John c. ~ ani. wite toLiszt. J4al'aton, A;pr11
1', 18 '16, ill :80_ lip- ot :D....., P.... 86 ani 8'1,
re80Ka of GallA"a 001Ult7,; oontainlDg '1990 aquar.
t.." or O.lSa of an ....;
Kame of Owner: T~~~.""IO.
: !he ea." 7a t.."ot It... 7raotlonal Lot in G'\17'.
.ldditioD,t1'OJ1tiDg 47 t.e' on Bozeman Avenue and .x-
tending ea.t Ma t..". _ ....orlb.4 in "eea fromJou
O. GuJ' and wite to Llsz1eJf&raton, Aprl1 17, 1876,
. in ,:80.1: "X · ot De....,. Paces 86 andS', recorda ot
GallatinCoUJlty, oonta1Jd:og IH4 aquare tee",. or
0.077 ot an acre;
I G. Kame ot Ownett: '171 G. Brau:
De88riptl0Ju . . . t . <
J. strip oft the Borth sld. of the portioJl ot
traotional lot 2 ot GQf'. Adlitlonto Bozeman lying
w..t of the ea.' 10 t... of said Lot and south of
the tract claedet by JohnC. 9uT and w1te to Lizzie Mar-
aton, April 17, 18", in Book -xa oiDe.ls, pag.. 86 and
87, recorda ot Gallat1a~oUllt1, anell.scribed aa "J. )lrao-
tional Lot in Guy's .&4J.l'ion frontlnl "'1 :re.' 011
Bozeman Ave:mue and eX"J1ding ea.t 84. f..t", saiel
strip beiD6 6.4-tte."'.,"4.e at the .ast .n<<. and 12 teet
w1de at the ..a' ena a~"o 1ll1ug Bozeman Avenue, and
147 te.t in length. oontaiD1Bg 1350.Z4 tquare te.t, o~
0.031 of an acre;
. .. . .. . . ..
" . .
t SeotloJl". IJtat the co.t and expense of acquiring said I
- ..
properties, and each of thelJ1l.. and the coat an4 expense of constt-ucting
the bridge over and acro se Bozeman Creek emll be defrayed and pa1d
fro. the levy ot taxes tor street and alley Jurpos.., upon such terms
ani at such times as the Oommission may her.atter direot; that the' cost
and. expense ot COXl8~Oting the water :main shall be pa1d from the
Water P"tmi,; and tha't :at Bueh t1-mes as the CODD.1SIltOD may hereatter
determine, Spe01al Improyement Districts sha+l 88 c~8a~ed for the oo~
. .
8u-uctioD of the other, Improvemen'ts, and. the co at and expense thereot shall
b. paid by Spa.ialA...sementa levied and aBsesaed against the property
within aaid Districte beneflttea by the said speoiallmprovements;
SeotioD 5. !hat the City Attorney of the City of Bozeman be,
and he ~s hereby Instructe. to o~mmenc. in the 1'1'01'01' oourt, on behalf
of the Cityot BO z.eman , condem:oatlon prooee4ings to aoquire the private
properties aa de8cribed ill Se.tloa a her.ot, tor the 'purposes hereill
a.tad; .
.,. S..tiOD 6. That th1s O1'dinance shall be in:tull toroe 'and I
.tr.., trOD and after 30 t.,.. troll the date ot ita pasaag. by the
CoDa! B' ioll. .
Se., ion ". that hereto attached .and made a part hereof is a
Map of the PropoBel Opening of Babcook 8tr.o"
. ,
Pas.... by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular
....10D ~hereoth81d OD t~. 12th d~ of o.to~.r~~
. - or
.. !
.Air'..' :
dlQk 01Z~~~/ .
In"troduoe4 and read at a regular s,.at..onot the CemlliasloD
o:f the City of Bozeman held on the o-th day elf O."obtr, 1928, and final
paaaaga thereot fixe4. tor the regular session oftha COmais81oll of the
. .
City of Bozeman to be he14 on the 12th day of Oetober, 1928.
Publishe" pursuant to the prOVisions of S..t101l M53 Po~l'tloal. I
Ooele, R. C. .. 1921~', on the ~~.tf, day of Ootober, 1928.
! .
. .
. t