HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27- 567, Vacates Streets and Alleys and Parts Situated in Northern Pacific Addition, Granite Addition and Drum Lummon Addition 78 ORDINANCE NO. 567. I \ AN,ORDIlUliCE VACATING .ABD DISOOlfTINUIIIG CERTAIN STREETS AND ALLEYS, AND , PORTIONS OF STREMS AND ALLEYS, SITUATED IN THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION, GRANITE ADDITION AJIl> DRUM LtlDON ADDITION TO 'THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF THE ALLEYS LOCATED AND BEING IN BLOCKS NOS. 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 .. 10 - 11 A.ND ,12 OF DRUM LUMMON ADDITION; .ALL OF THE ALLEY SITU- ATED AND LOCATED BETWEEN BLOCK THREE (3) OF DRUM LUMMON ADDI'fION AND BLOCK I THREE (3) OF THE NORTHERN PAOIFIC ADDITION; ALL OF, THE ALLEY BETWEEN "BLOCK TWO (2) OF DRUM LUMMOJ ADDI'!ION ..J.ND BLOCK FOUR (4) OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC - " ADDITION; ALL OF THE ALIZYBftWDN BLOCX ONE (1) OF DRUMLUDON ADDITION AIm BLOCK FIVE (3) OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION; ALL THE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 6 - 7 - 16 4ND 17 OF THE NORTHED PACU'IC ADDITION; .ALL OF THAT PORTIONQF THE ALI.iIn' IN BLOCK EIGHT (8) OF TRE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION FROM SOdtt"AYLSWORTH J.VENUE EXTENDING WEST TO THE COUNTY ROAD OR STREET RU1f't'o. i,,''', ' . NING nUO:OBLLY NORTHWEST AND SOUTEEAST TRRU THE WESTERN PORTION OF SAID BLOCK EIGHT (S); ALL OF THE ALLEYS INBLOQKS FOURTEEN (14) AND SEVEftEEN (17) IN GRANITE ADDITION; ALL OF THE ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 2 - 3 - 4 - 7 - 8 ... 9 - 12 - 11..... 18 AND 19 OF GRANITE .A.DDITION TO BOZEMAN; ALL OF THAT PORTION OF EAST BABCOCK STREET, NOT PREVIOUSLY VACATED. EXTENDING EAST FROM THE CENTER OF SWITZLER AVENUE'fO THE CITY LDAITS; .ALL OF THA!! PORTION OF EAST OLIVE STREET, NOT PREVIOUSLY VACATED, EXTDDING EAST FROM THE CENTER OF ~ AVENUE TO THE CITY LIMITS; ALL. TRATPOR!ION OF ..JUM. CUR'fISS 'S'RE:$!, .'1f~T PREVIOUSLY VACA,ED, EXTENDING FROlt THE-CEItTER' OF SOUTH SWITZLER AVENUE TO ....'fHE CITY LDlITS ;TBE SOU'l'H HALJ' (Si) OF EAST CURTI SS STREET ~IliG FROM THE CENTER OF SOUTH Me !DOW Avl!:huE TO THE CUTER OF SWITZLER 4UNUE;p.~ALX; THAT PORTION OF EAST KOCH STREEt NOT PREVIOUSLY VA04!Bl>, EX- TENDING nSIf TO THE CITY LIMITS FROM THE PUBLIC ROAD OR BfRBE'! RtmNIBG DIAOO1ULLYBORTHWEST uno AND SOUTHEAST (5E) THRU BLOCKS lfBREI (3) AND EIGHT ta~'GF THE NORTHERN PACIJiC' ADDITIOIf TO BOZEMAN; ALLO!' KAPLE STREET IN DRU>>:~ON A.DDI!Iplr; ALL Oli'SHJ.Y S!Rl!I1'f IN DRUMLUMMON ADDITIOlf.ALL OF E.A.STONSTRDT IN DR_:r.m.m.OrL-AJl1)I!I01f; ALL OF SOWHAYLSWOIl!H,'AVENUE EXTENDING NORTH FROM rOR! ELLIS AVDUE!O THE CENTER OF EAS~--eURTISS STREft; ALL OFSOU!H SWI!ZLER AVENUE U'.rDDnlG NOR!H FROM FORT ELLIS AVENUE TO THE CEN'l'ER OF EAST CURTISS S!REIT; ALL OJ' IBllT"'~"_f1.;f.J:mlI,....tJll)- n~TZDDH.A.QI1IEFU1:BG BETWEEN THE CDTER OF EAST CUR!tSS.,S!REI'.D '.AND THE ' CENTER OF EAST BABCOCK STREET; ALL OF SOUTH ELECTRIC AV.!!;,NUl!: LYING BE!WEEN THE CEN'.rER OF EASTB.lBCOCK smm AND THE SOUTH :f,I:NE OF GRANITE ADDITION TO BOZEMAN; AIL OF SOm:!H SPRING AVENUE LYING BETWEEN THE SOtJ'rH LINE OF GRANITE I ADDITION ~O BOZElUJi AIfl) THE NORTH LID OF EAST BABCOCK STRDT; ALL OF SOUTH .AMUSEY AVENUE OR' RUllSlfi STRE:ft; ALL OF SOU!H OIA AVE:NU'I OR WEIR STREE!. BE IT ORD.lIIED BY THE CODISSION OF';rHE CITY OF BOZDfA.N: Sec. 1. that allot the following streets and alleys and portions there- of situated. in Northern Pacific Addition. Granite Addition and Drum Lummon Addi'tfon to the C1 ty or Bozeman, to -w1 t : ALL OF THE ALLEYS LOCATD AND BEING IN BLOCKS NOS. 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 "'i,11"1tml,"l2 or DRUM UJl,fMOB ADDI!ION; ALL em THE ALLEY SIiUA1ED AND LO- C.n:D BETWEEN,BLOCK'RREE (3) OF DRUM LUMMON .ADDITION AND BLOCK THREE (3) OF THE NORTHEftNPAOI1IC ADDITION; ALL OF TEE ALIEY BETWEEN BLOCK TWO (2) OF DRUM LlDOtON-ADDI!IOI .urn BLQCK FOUR (4) OF THE NORTHERll PACIfIC ADDI- !ION; '""'UL orrTEEALI.If'BlIRBD BLOCK ONE (1) OF DRUM LIJJDq)B' J.1)l)I!J;Oll AND BLOCK FIn'(5) OF THE IfORTHEllN PACIFIC ADDITION; ALL THi.lLf&YS II ~ 6 - 7 - 16-.,.AND17OF!1m NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITION; ALLOP"'KA! POR!IOB OF THE .AIJ:BY IN BLOCK EIGHT (8) OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ADDITIOlf FROM SOUTH AYLSWORTH AVEliUE EXTDDING WEST TO !BE COUlTY ROAD OR STaDT R'ONIIJ'G DIA.GONALL'!'1I0RT'HWEST AND SOUtlEEAST THRU THE WESTERlP01t!IOJOr SAID BLOCK . EIGli'l' (8 l; ~.OP TlIE .u,um I1I' BLOCKS FOURTEEII (;1.4l 4lIll lllltll;llftdJ!'l ;OJ GRANITE ADDrfI. ; ALL OF TBI ALLEYS IN BLOCKS 2, ... 3 - 4 - 7 ~. 8 -f - 12 - 13 - 18 AD1'OI'Oft.A.NITE ADDITION TO BOZEMAN; ALL OFTHA! l' RTION OF EAST BABCOOJCI!REft J -NOfmEVIOUSLY VAC~~. EXTU>>1NG EA~ FROJlTHE CUTER OF SWI!ZU!JR AVEllUE!O!. CITY LOOtS; ALL or THAT PORTION or lAST OLIVE STREET;! NO! PREVIOUSLY VACATED ,IDDDING EAST FllOll TB!;,QINTER OF SQI!2ZLER AVIlUE.!O~HE CITY LllU'J!S;J.LL!HAT POR!IOI OF ..DftClJR!ISS STliEft. BOfJRmOVSLY:V.A.CATED .U!DDING FROM THE CUTER OF SOUTH SWITZLER 4YElflJE TO !HECI'ft LIMITS; THE SOUTH HALF (Si)OFtiST otm!;tSS -'STREft EX- J TDDIlfG FRCJl TIm CENTER O!'SOUTH Me ADOW AVENUE TO THE cmu OF SWITZLER '-:VlmUE; .ALL THAT ,PORtIO. OF EAST KOCH STREE!, NOT PREVIOUSLY V ACA!ZD, EX- fJ!IBDIlIG UM !rC TO em LDaTS FROll THZ;E'UBLIC:e.oAD OR STom RUlf:NIlfG DIMONALLY NORTHUST(mr> m SOUTHEAST (SE) T;BRU .:aLOOI8 THUE (~lAlD EIGH! (8) OF THE IORIfRERN,.,~IGADDITIOlVTO BOZDWI;..AJ'J. ot IU,PLE ~!R~ IN DRUM LUBOlf ADDITION; .,.- .,:'.1)1 SHAY STREET IN DRUM LtDIIOI !DDu!li'l4LL ". J,ASTOlf STREm IlJ ;DRUllLUPON .'teIOw; .ALL OJ' SOUTH J.YI4IOMH AVuUl!; ,UTE1mI:J(~ lfORftPROM FOR'!ft,LISAY.Q~TO'l'P CE1f!EROlEAS!-CUt!ISS c._t'$ OPSOVlH S3'~~~. .ORTH nl* 'Ii ELLIS A,UUE !O 'FBI OMft OF lAST omt ... - tStun,' JI.LcIj<!HE EAST R4Ll ( . ') OJ'SOp!H SWI'fZLm J.VDUE L~. ..- 'THE CEER.k'JIAST CUlTISS S~JlD! AlJ)TBB C~ER OF EAST' BABC'O .'~Rml!',ALL -O"r,.~U!lt'...ctRlG .A.YUtlIDIBG BI!1'lDR ,- -- .';;';illc," -, ..H i.:'. 79 THE CENTER OF EAST BABCOCX S!RD'.r .AND TBB soum ~INE O:rGRANITE ADDITION TO BOZEMAN; .ALL OF SOUTH SPRIlIG .A ,auJI t.YING :BETWEEN THE SOUTH LINE OF GRANITE ADD IT! ON !O BOZEMAN AND THE NORTH LINBOll' EAST BABCOCK STREft; ALL OF SOUTH AlroSEY AVENUE OR RUMSltt, STRD'.r; .ALL OF SOU!H WEIA AVENUE OR WEIR STREM' , , ~ . - I be and the same are hereby di8continu,ed and y&cated. Sec. 2. That the V&cati9n and discontinuance of' said streets'and alleys is made pursuant to the petition ot the Bozeman Country Club, a corporation organized under the laws of' the State ot Montana, John Bader, Samuel R. King, and Granville A. King, tUed with the City Commission in writing on the 25th day ot November, 1927, setting torth that said petitioners are the owners ot all the lots and pareele ot land ab_utting upon the street'sa;11d. , alleys described in Section 1 aboTe, e:Eoep", that one Annie Wenstrom is the purported owner ot Lots 19 - 20 - 21 and 22 in Block 7 of G1!anit~dltlon, - and that W.H. Perkins ot Buttalo, Kansas, is the :purported ~er' of'; iQ.:te 1 ...., and 2 and the west halt ot Lot 13 and all of' Lot 14 in Block>.S.of'-the Nor- thern Pacific Addition, and 'that one L.G. Looke ,or Lowell, ArizOlHL.,.,.1s the puported,owner of Lots 15 and 16 in Blook 12 ot 'Drum Lummon .Addition, and tha tone H. W. Ri shelor Canyon Crlfek, :Montana, 1s the purpor ted owner or Lots 31 to 34 inoluaive in Block 12 ot Drum LummonAddition, and whioh :pe- l: tition recites that said streets and alleys and portions thereot, described I could be vacated and disoontinued without detriment to the pUblic interest. !bat upon the tiling ot said petition and consideration thereot by the City Commission ot the City ot Bozeman at 1tsregular meeting held on the 26th day of' November, 1987, City Commi8'.lOD Ie 80 11lt ion No. 91, being a resolution of' intention of the said City Commls810n to :pass anordinanoe vaoating and discontinuing said streets and alleys, setting a time and plaoe f...or- hearing obJections to the :proposed vaoatiJlg8ll4.d1soontinu.ing the same, and provid- ing tor the notice of' said hearing"wa8 duly pas884 and adopted ~4.- said ~ hearing coming on regular17 'to behe&1'd on 'this 9th d8l' ot'~c~~;_...927, .- ". ~ at the regular meetll1g ot the e1t7 Co.a18ftoa, an4 1 t appeartng that due and -- regu.lar notioe of the proposed vaoatHn and discontinuance ot sam--1!ftl'~ets '. rf" a.nd alleys has been served and ;puhlJ.ahe4as provided by law, and it f'urther appears that 1e ss than fifty-one >>er ..at. of the atteoted property obJects to the proposed vaoation and d1soetatiDGallce ofsald streets and alleys, and that the same said streets t.Dd alleY8 ean oe 'facated and discontinued withpnt detriment to the public intereat, and it further ap>>earing that the :prayer ot " I '-~, said petition s~d be granted, said av.eets SJld alleys and all thereof man- ;, tioned and desoribe" in .Sectio-n 1 a bOTe,ve"..ated and disoontinued. :\,i If the diMOntil'lUll..' or vaoatloa:d' any puticulu street or "'~ Sec. 3. alley or any portion th.1't:~I" shoul4;,,,,~"'1&t1y"q\l.s1;ioned_ by th$ Court ,t'C JI'" ,,-,-;u", _, . held to be inv.ill tor 8.111 r.a.,~, ,t-,'1:DY&11dity otthe vacation or d1 scon- ~t - tinuanoe of" such ~t1cular 8t.-e' C?,;, a).~ Or portl.n..1"aot, eballinno manDer af'teet the otbtr _o.l.t1fMr?'_.,!,:!JlPJUUlOe, or .at'teot ,"-val14it7 ,. "''''.i... - 80 "- of the discontinuance and vacation ot any street or alley, and so held to be valid. Sec. ". !bat this ordinance shall be in full torce and effect from am ~'. atter thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. I Passed, adopted and approved by the Commission of the City of, Bo~eman, )lontana, this 9th day ot :December, 1927. .AftEST : ~/AI~~c/$~ .-- '. ,~~A,,~~~rTA/ MAYOR ...<:"~,',;;.!i'r,.,,.. "'~""'~ etERX"O'!',tr! CO*ISS lOll n .../- -,-' -'- - - - _.:~ '- --,. - V" ~', 'Z _~ >,~- ,," . ,/'f- STAT1r"m"1i(;~Al'fA ) S8, county of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk ot the Commission of the City ot Bozeman, Xontana,do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 567 'of the City ot Bose.n, Montana, was published by printing at length in the I Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a da11y newspaper of general circulation, printed and pubIi shed In theei ty ot Bozeman, Montana, in the issue of Decemb.r 10. 1927. and that dur proof of said p1i'bllc~;tion WaS made and . i tl1.d.f.nmy ottice. !lWI'!'Q$SWHEUOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate ~ ".~. -- .. seal ot said City this 21st d~ of December, A.D. 1927. ,- . .....,-............. ~.....g....PAI- ~4/ - ~I',.. -, ,-",~". -- "~,,,..- ; - i~' .M, .-, CLERK OF !HI COMMISSION. ~ I ~ , . .'" >~ .::_~~;;<:~.,..' ., ...,. I.';,'