HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27- 565, Suppresses Liquor Traffic and Repeals Ordinance 526 74 Rep6a~s Ordina~ca No...s- ~ ~ ,.. ORDINANCE NO. 565. .&:I ORDINANCE J'OR THE SUPPRESSION 01' !HI LIQ.UOR TRAnIC III THE CITY OF " BOZ:ElWi, PROVIDING PllUL'l!IES FOR I'l!SVI*II, .ADD RlPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 526 OF THE CITY OF BOZElUN, AND DEC . , - All DJRGENCY. W~REAS, Ordinance 110.. 526 of the City ot Bozeman, being an ordinance I tor the polioe oontrol and sU1Jpession ot the liquor traffic in said , ,~~., . .:,' '''.''"~''I'''',,~".......~ "'., O'1ty, was ,"~, a deoision ot the Supreme Court at :Montana, rendered No"V'em- ber ~:;-19ar.. declart4.'Ioid; and WRlDAS, For a period of over ii ve years "/lIP'''' : ~ - p,,~prto.'~-saidp dceclaton the City of Bozeman had, by virtue of the pravi- . - ,-- .,- - sions of said ordinance, and to a large extent, prevented or limited the , traffic I-n contraband intoxicatine liquor in said oity, thereby material- ly pres'erving the public peace, health, property and safety of the in- ,~ I habitants ot said 01ty; and WHEREAS, The City of Bozeman has now no ~ ordinance for such purposes and contraband intoxioating liquor is now being kept, possessed, given away, transported, and sold, openly and pub- - c::t :z lio17, orthre..tens so to be kept, sold, manu:tactured,transported and ~ disposed otoP$nly and publicly; and WHEREAS, Public drunk$nness is, and = ces c: -- threatens to be , more or lea" pre vale n t thereby inciting tights, riots, ~ 1.""... C.;) and disturbances of the pUblic peace as well as other crimes and offenses, C~ (..3 and which may also affect the health, property aDd satety of the inhabi- ~:!:I r~ c:.;> ~"..... tants of' said city; and WHEREAS, The holiday season is approaching" I bringing with ita well-kn01m OlJ!tom for an enlarged demand tor intoxicat- ing liquors resultlllg 1n an 1ncreaseddanger to the public peace, health, \ property and safety of' the people of' said city; and WHEREAS, It is neo- essary, proper and expedient that the City of Bozeman enact at once an ordinance to suppress the traffic in contraband intoxioating liquors in ttw said, o it l' for the reason stated a~ that an emergency exists, and is hereby declared to exist, for the immediate preservatio~ of' the publiC peaoe, health, prGperty and safety ot the inhabitants of said oit7. theretore, RG[t"'~k:. 1'" ,..- r ,., .." "n ~;/~ U't'~ii~~%Ji.:", 1.',41"...,.. v';; :'f.,n" .._.: '" BSI! ORDA! NED BY THE eOWSSIOI OF THE CITY 07 BOZEMAN: seo. 1. that It shall be unlawful for any person, association, firm, -or corporation within the City ot Bozeman, Montana, to keep, possess, sell, exohange, give, 'b<arter, transport, or manufacture any intoxioating liquor exeepas e;xpressly authorized by the laws ot the United States and ot tlte S-te of Montana. Seo .,2 . For the purposes ot this ordinanoe the worde "Intoxicating 'I liquor" shall be oQnstrued to include alcohol, brandy, whiekey, rua, gin, , '.'1" . ale , )orter and Wine, and in addition thereto any spu-itU01l8, vin- ous, malt, or fermented liquor, liquids and compounds, whether medicated, ".- proprietary, :patented or DOt, and by whatever name called, oontainlng one-halt ot one per oent., ,or moreotalcohol by volume, whioh 1s or are 75 . " .+;.....~t.~~:~'~. l'~. ' ' .'j: r ~ ~lt tor beverage pur~oses. Sec. 3. Every person, assocla"lon_t1l"m or cer~O.fatlo~ oonvicted in the polioe court of the City of Bozeman ot a violation ot this ordinance I shall be tined in any sum not exceeding Three Rtmdred Dollars, or by im.. prisonment in the county or eit1 Jail for not more than ninety days, or by both such tine and imprieo.ent; pl'O~ided. that it the fine is not paid .~ the person convioted shall belmprisoJ1e-d in the C1"7 or County 'Jail until suCh a ~ine be satisfied at the rate of one day'S imprisonment for every . Two Dollars of such fine. Sec. 4. That Ordinanoe No. 516'ot "'e City of Bozeman and all other ordinances or parts ot ordlntlJ1C.. l:tf"oon:tliot henwith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. That an emergenoy is h81"eltydeolared'to exist, by reason whereof it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the publio . peace, health, am\ satety of the itihabi tants of the City of BozeD&n, that this ordinanoe shall take etfectand be in 'fUll toroe trom and atter December 4th. 1927. Passed, adopted and approved 'this 2d day ot Deo.mber, 1927. A!'l!EST: I E2 :L ~~ ~7----. J4..J~' " " , 7'""./M~ ~/b-rA( MAYOR ." CLEBX OF ~HE COlOlISSIOlf. STATE OF )lOE An ) . 5S County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of' the CO~881on ot the City of' :Bozeman, Ilontana. 40 hereby certify that the foregoing U41nanoe :10.566 of the 01 ty of Bo.e.. lDan. Montana. 1I&S published by prin'ing at length in the- BOzeman Daily . Chroniole. a daily newspaper of'general olrcul&tlon, printed and published in the City of' Boseman, Montana, in the i880.e of Deoember 3, 1927, aJll""..tba"i due prootof said publioation was 1184. and f'iledin my otfice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereuitto set my haad and the oorporate seal of' said C1 t1 th1s3d day of Deo....r, .l.]). 198'1. ',r J /~/#~~j .~O:r !HI COIDlISSIOK. . !ill ~ , .~;~ , , ~ ..'J