HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27- 564, Vacating and Discontinuing 207½ Feet of East End of Alley in Block "G" of Rouse's Addition ,. 72 /"'.. ORDIlfANCB :NO. 564. /' !If ORDIIfUCE VAQ.l!J!ING AND DISOOlTllUIl"G 207i ft. OF THE Ill! EEl) OJ' THE ALLEY III BLOCK -G" . '=-, 01' ROUSE'S ADDITION TO '1!HI CITY OP BOZEItWf. '.1-- BZ IT ORD.lIDD BY TH! C08ISSIOII' OF THE CITY OF BOZEJWi: Section 1. J. petition in writing baving been filed with the City '. .. CODlJlieaion. signed by all the owners of Lots Oil that portion ot the alley hereinafter deaarfbed. requestlDB that the sane be vacated and discontinued aDd a notice of the hearingot said peti tiOD having been legally published tor the time required by law. and 1t appearing that said portion ot said alley. here:iM.t~.r desoribed, oan be vacated and disoontinued without detriment to the publia interest; . Section 2. !hat all of the east 207. ft.. ot the alley running east and ..at ill, Bloek aG- ot Rouse' a Addition to the Oi ty ot Bozeman, being , that por1;ion ot said a.lley extena.ing 207* ft. wes1; ot the .6.at line ~ lIorth Church ..,enue be and same is hereby Taoated and. disoontinued; Section 3. ,hat this ordinance shall be in fu.ll force and 'tt,ct thirty days after its f'1na.l adoption and approval. .Adc;>pted and approved this 1st 483 et .JU;W, 1927. - -ff~#//y(~ J!UST : ...- f ,.~_... _ _ tr \....-. .--. - .'It . ..., )... ,~:,.':~~r<:".'''' 8!RO'fE:ii'.~ P'0BJl: ^'~ ~. . ,-... -. ClifT ATTOltux ' _ ~ -1'-" \ ", S!fAtJ of' J(ONT.&.NA 1 ~ S8. , ~ GnntJ' otGalla tin' .. I. W.,1'ter:lav18, Clerk ot City Commission in the City or Bozeman, _ ',~ " i :Montana, do hereby oertity that the number and ~itle ot the tGrego1ng OriiDaDce' .o..~64 of the C1ty otBozeman, Xontana, .....spubllehed 0110. .'. " ~lth1D... tell day...... . atter its pas886e, to-wit: . pn. t. he 6th day 0'1 JulY,. 192'1 - ..,(.. .........~. "../~ Bozemq,.J)aily Cln-Oniele, a daily newspaper ot general clroulation ... .... ., ..-_.. -:./ ..., 0\. , ' .. ~~C1an!l. ~1shed 1n the City ot Bozeman, .ontana, ani tlat c1:~e proo:t " ~' ,',,:'" ,...".,' -.. ..,. '" . ~ ~ .... I... - - ~ <.:~ .,... ~".. ,. , ~ ;~ .. 73 '\ of said publloat10D _s _4eand. filed in my ottie.. 1-, IN WITNESS WHmREOF, I have hereunto set my hand anA the Corporate Seal of the said C1't7 o~ Bozellm, this 11th day ot J'u~.,'-~"'-' .,' 1927. ,/ - ,,-,..,;. ..:;. -., ..- - ....., .' .. -, G j~~ . -.,.. . - ./ . . .' I \.. ",; -, -,. ..' . . -~ .. ':' , I . ., 'c' . .. * ':i , 0- " .