HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27- 563, Regulating Overhead Line Construction and Repealing Ordinance 450 .....'"~'- . ~,.,-'"'"!'~' ':'.~':~~:"';,.:~.'~' -,. i" .. .' .63 ) OlU)IN.mC~ BO. 563. :::10 ctl "C2 .AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO OVERHEAD LINE CONSTRUCTION IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, it AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOWION ,THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE CQ NO. 450 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, .AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS c:::) OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. a. -. I == BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: I>> == C"':t CD STREET AND ALLEY RIGHfS-OF-WAY :::iiE c=t - Sec. 1. Wherever possible lines shall b& erected in alleys. Lines shall be laid out, wherever po-ssible, so as to follow one s1 de of the ~ street or alley so that the number of streeto.-rossings and corners shall be reduoed to the minimum. No poles except ornamental light poles shall be erected or main- tained on the following streets:, Main street, between the east side of Wal- lace Avenue and the west side of 5th A'V'&nue; Mende,nhall Street between the east side of Wallace Avenue and the west side of 5th Avenue; Babcock Street between the east side of Wallaoe Avenue and the west side of 5th Avenue; ex- cept where .necessary to maintain munioipal lamps and service wires. New pole locatio.. shall be made under the direotion of the City Engineer and with the approval of the City Commissiorh Where double pOle lines are neoessary for light and power and for I signal Wires on one side of' '& street or alley, the oonstruction shall be gov- erned by the rule s and specifications governing JOint~ole line construction., REQUIREMENT S FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, REA! AND POWER Sec. 2. Any person, co-partnership or corporation owning or using tmy pole or appliance on which isruh~ plaoed" ereoted or maintained in the said Ci ty of' Bozeman any wire or cable used or to be used to oonduct or oarry . eleotricity for the purpose of light, heat or power shall provide and main- tain an unobstructed climbing B})aoe adJacent to any such pole or appliance so". -. that persons shaJ.l be a.ble to asoend any such pole or appliance Wi th reason- able safety_and oonvenienoe up to and~hru the.ires, oonnections, attach- ments 8.1'ld struotures of any such pole or applianoe; and, in all such cases where any "buck" or reverse arm is used, or where Eilpecial construction is used, there shall be provided and maintained an unobstructed climbing space not less than twenty-two inches square, omitting the area of any such pole or appliance. ,- SPACE BETWEEN ARlIIS ON POLES OR APPLIANCES FOR HIGH..AND LOW VOLTAGE /' I Sec. 3., At loast one f,Jtand~pole gain. or thefJlu1 valent of follr' feet, shall be left vaeant 'QIetw.en"the nea:'est cross-arm on whioh is placed or maintained any wire or cable conduct1ngor carrying more than four hundred and forty volts ofelectrio1ty, and any- oross-arm oooupied by or used for " wires or cables carrying four hund:e'd and forty volts or less. I That the said stamlard :po1e,~pln shall be spaoed not Ie sa than f.i:':'- <' --, .'1", -'''''"tl"""".!'''-'-'- 64 twenty-four inches, oenter to oenter. except that one buck or reverse arm IIB.y be placed not more than twelve inche's below any cross-arm; and provid- ed, tla t this section shall be held not to a:gply to bridge construction; and further provided, that it .shall be held not to apply to primary taps I to transformers on poles; and provided further, that all such primary taps leading to transformers on po.les shall be of double-braid, ru.bber-covered wire of' at least twenty-two hundred volts insulation. . CROSS"l'ARMS Sec. 4. All croas-arms shall be made from clear, straight- . grained wood, or standardized material. The cross-section ot wood arms shall be not less than three and one-half by four and one-half inche s. - The pin spacing shall be, for.' six-pin arms, not le ss than thirty-inch cen- ter for pale pin spacing, fourteen.inch side spacing and five-inch end spacing; and four-pin arms not less than thirty-inoh center for pole pin spa-cing, fourteen-inch side spacing and five-inch end spaoing. .BRIDGE ARMS Seo.5. Bridge arms having the same pin spacing as the standard oross-arm and a cross-section of not less than four by six inches IIlfiY be installed in alleys ar at alley and street interseotians wherever suoh oon- struotion may be proper to. provide the necessary. clearanoe far fire escapes I and other abstructions Which m~ overhang the alley. All suoh structures shall be provided with idle arm, or span wire, for use of workmen. DOUBLE ARMS Sec. 6. Double arms, if ot wood, shall be used at all line ter- minals, corners and curves where there is exoessivestrain. All double . arms must be blocked and bolted in a ccordance with standard practice. All pales on whioh wires are ,perIQanently "dead.ended" shall be double armed. GUY ATTACHMENTS Se c . 7. All_guy wires, when attached to. poles. stubs, or other ungrounded supparts, shall not reach within eight feet af the ground ~ Guy anchors may be installed, or go:y wires may be attaohed to rocks or ather grounded supports. ,GUY INSULATION See. 8. Any guy wire attached to any pole or applianoe on whioh is run, plaoed, erected, Or maintained any wire or oable used to conduct or carry electricity far the purpose ot light, heatorpawer. - or .used jointly' I wi th telephone, telegraph or other signal wires, shall be permanently and efteotl vely insulated at all times by the insertion of at least two strain \ insulators. The upper of these insulators shall be inserted in the guy so as to be at least six feet in a horizontal line from the pale itself, and the aecond strain insula tar shall be inserted in the guy sa as to be not , , .k -"'.-',". .,~;'. .. ,65 I.; " i,:: ,- less than eight feet in a vertical iine from the surface. In short guys in which the two insulators are required, and which Will be located at the same points or near each other, two insulators may be coupled in series I and put into the guy together. All strain insulators shall be so oonstruct- ed and maintained that the guy wire or guy oable holding the insulator i~ plaoe shall interlock in case of failure or breakage thereof. The ab,ove shall not apply to railway eleotrifioation, where at least one insulator shaJ.l be inserted. in eaoh end of every auxiliary cross-span, and one in each auxiliary guy. GUY CtlA.'R A.NtE Sec. 9. Guy Wires shall be attached to poles so as to interfere as little as pOSSible wi th workmen cllmbingcr working thereon. Every gu.y . wire which passes either over or under an eleotrio light or power wire -- othe~ than tho se attaohed to the guyed pole shall be so placed and main- tained as toprovlde a olearanoe of not less than three feet, between the guy a.nd any eleotric wire. ARC LAMPS Sec. 10. No arc lamp shall be erected or maintained in the City of Bozeman on any pole or appliance unless suoh arc lamp be so constructed I and ma.intained as to be lowered to wi thin ,six feet from the surfaee; pro- vided,. that this section shall not include arc .lamps used for ornamental street lights attached to iron pedestals or any arc lamp attaohed ,to build- ings, poles, or other structures which do not oarry wire other than those feeding the lamp. WmE INSULAT ION Sec. 11. The standard insulation, wherever insulation is used, for any wire or cable run, plaoed, or erected in the City of Bo zeman, and used to conduct or carry electricity for light, heat, or power, for all volt- age,' shall have at least a triple-braided weather-proof cover. Sec. 12. All of the foregoing prOTisions of this ordinance shall includ.e current and voltage used for light. heat, or power, not to exoeed seventy-five hundred volts of eleotrioity. Sec. 13. None of the provisions of Sections 2 to 4, inolusive, of' this ordinanoe shall be held to~ply to direct-ourrent wire carrying nomi- nally six hundred volts of electrioi~y. and used for street railway purposes; J provided, ho~ver, that an unobstructed climbing spaoe not less than twenty- six inohes in a horizontal line shall at all times be provided and maintained. OVERHEAD LINE CONSTRUCTION OF TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH, AND OTEER SIGNAL WIRES CROSS-ARMS Seo. 14. .All cross-arms .shall be made from clear, straight-grained wood, or standardized material. No wood cross-arm shall be used having a 1 I ~l ! . 66 oross-seotion of less than thre& and on,-fourth by foU1"' and one.fourth in- ohes, except where steel pins are used or where two-pin arms are used. The standard pin spaoing shall be not lese than sixteen inohes from oenter to center of pOle ]line. I CLIMBING SPACE Sec. 15. Any person, company or corporat ion owning or ueins any pole or appliance used exclusively for telephone, telegraph or other signal wires shall provide and maintain an ~obstructed climbing space of not less than sixteen inches. Whenever "buok" or reverse arms are ueed, an unobstructed climbing spa.ce sballbe left adjacent to the pole ot' appliance at le'ast twenty inches square, omitting ,the area of any such pole or appliance; any wire or oable attached to the pole in such buck-armeonstruotion, not le,:;is than forty in- ohes from the nearest oross-arm, shall be held not to be an obstruotion to the climbing space as herein provided., GUY INSULAT ION Sec. 16. In all cases where guy wires pass over, under, or be- tween electric light, heat, or power wires, t,hey shall be perma.nently and ,- effectively insulated at all times by the insertion of at least two strain insula tors. The upper of these insulators shall be inserted in vhe guy so I as to be at least six feet in a horizontal direotion from the pole itself, and the seoond strain insulator shall be inserted in the guy so as to be ~ot less than, eight feet from the surfaoe in a vertical line. In short ~s . in whioh the two insulators here in required would be looated at the same point, or near each other, two insulators may be oou~led in series and put into the gu.y to gether. Anohor guys for guying aerial cable leads shall be insulated from the messenger wires, by being plaoed upon separate shims, or insulated as above speoified. "AERIAL" CABLE SUPPORTS Sec. 17. All "aerial" cables having two hundred pairs of number ninetten B & S gauge oopper wires; or four hundred pairs of number twenty- two B & S gauge oopper wires, shall be supported by thru bolts at least five-eights inches in diameter; at all railroad and high-tension orossings, grades, curves, and corners, suoh cable shall be reinforced by a strap sup- ported by a lag-screw or thru bolts at least one-half inch in diameter, or other appliance of equal strength. I POLES OR APPLIANCES USED JOINTLY FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT, HEAT OR POWER WIRES, AND TELEPHONES, TELEGRAPH OR OTHER SIGNAL WIRES Sec. 18. A separation of at least four feet, meaSured at the - pole, shall be provided and mintained between any telephone, telegraph, ,. ando,ther signal wires or ca.bles, and eleotrie light., heat, or power wires, .~'J.,'" . " cUryii1g not to exoeed four hundred and forty volts; provided, that when ._-'--'--"'-,._--'..,..... ""O'~''''':': .r...~'~',. 67 the telephone, telegraph, or signal wires or cables are above the e1ectrio light, heat, or power wires carrying a voltage in excess of f~ur hundred and forty volts, the clearance shall b,e eight feet. Telephone, te~.graph, and other signal wires or cables shall preferably be run and maintained below 0 electric light, heat, and power wires or cable. In no case shall telephone, -. telegraph, or other signal wires smaller than No. 12 N.B.S. gauge copper wire, or No. 12 B.W.G. iron wire be run or maintained as "lead" wires above electric light, heat, or power wires; provided, that thi s shall beheld not to apply to telephone, telegraph, or sig~l wires used exc,lusi vely to main- tain electric light, heat, and power line. CLIMBING SPACE--CROSS-ARMS Sec. 19. All telephone, telegraph or 0 ther s~gnal wire s placed on poles jointly used for electric light, heat. and power wires shall have an tulobstructed climbing space of not less than twenty-six inches. All tele- phone, telegraph, or other signal wires placed on poles jointly used for light, heat, or power wires shall be placed and maintaine,d on cross-arms, except that brackets may be maintained on one side of the pole not nearer than two feet below the lowest cross-arm, for the purpose of' carrying duplex wires or cables to distribute telephone, telegraph, or signal wires. . GUY IN~ION FOR JOINT CONSTRUCTION r Sec. 20. All Joint construction ~o~ wires or cable of different I . and conflicting voltage, as outlined in the preceding section, shaJ.l be guyed in the same manner as ~ecified for electric light, heat, and pOller con- struction. TWO OR MORE LIEES ON SAME SIDE OF STREET. CLIMBING SPACE Sec. 21. In all cases where there are two or more pole lines used for telephone, telegraph, or other signal wires, on the same side of any street, alley, or publiC hignw~, provided such lines are not parallel on a horizontal plane, the cross-arms shall have an unobstructed climbing space of not less than twenty-six inches. : GENERAL CONSTRUCTION FOR .ALL WIRES .AND VOLTAGE Sea. 22. All poles shall be o'f the best quality cedar or other standardized material, except poles carrying one telephone circuit for rural or farmer s' use. No pole shall be maintained which has not sufficient - strength to safely sustain itself when supporting wires are removed. r S IDE ARMS : Sec. 23. When necessary to avoid obstruction, a side or offset arm . may be used. In all 6l1oh cases a s.peolal arm of the same dimensions as the standard arm shall be used. This arm shall 'be bored for pins and belts and installed with an angle-iron brace. Wherever a transformer is used on any such pole on which side-arm construotion is used, an idle arm shall be pro... -~ vided. .--.-.'-,'-..-"'''-. . 70 standard practice; provided, this shall not be held to apply to electrical machinery and auxiliary devioes carrying six hundred volts or less. When lines or wires carrying seventy...fiv:e hundred volts or more are disoonnected from their souroe of power, for work to be performed . thereon, said lines or wires sha1.1 be effeotively grounded for the preteo- ,. I tion of workmen. U OPENING TO OUTER AI R FOR MANHOLE,S Seo. 32. The openings ~o outer air for any manhole used for light, heat, or power shall be oircula;r in shape, and shall not be less than twenty-four inches in diameter. The opening to outer air for- any manhole used for telellhone, telegraph, or other signaJ.. wires ab.aJ.I be circular in shape, and shall be not less than twenty inohes in diamter. Whenever persons are working in 8J1Y manhole, whoJ:le opening to the outer air is less than three feet from the rail of any railway track, a watchman or attendant shall be stationed on the surface at the entrance of suoh manhole at all times while work is being performed therein. Sec. 33. A:ny person, oompany or corporation owning or using any --. 'pole or appliance on which is run, placed, ereoted or maintained, in the said City of Bozeman, any wire or oable used to conduat or oarry eleotrici- ~ ty shall at all times, when so requested by the authorities of said City, permi t the City of Bozeman to occupy and use any pole or applianoe for its lj, fire and police "Signal" wires without cost, provided wires are maintained by the City. DETAILS NOT OTHERWISE COVERED Sec. 34. Details of oonstruction not ~ecifically covered or made a part hereof shall be governed by the rules la.id,down in the National Eleotrioal Safety Code, Handbook Series of the Bureau o~ Standards No.3, and eaoh subsequent modifioations as nay be endorsed by said Bureau of Standards. LIABILITY Sec. 35. Nothing contained in this ordinanoe shall be deemed or oonstrued to relieve any person, firm or corpor'atlon owning, operating or installing any eleotrical apparatus from liability for damge to any person injured by the eonstruotion, installation, insulation or operation of the same. . The City o~ Bozeman expressly reserves the right to I I Sec. 36. U order and enforoe the change of location of any and all poles or applianoes erected or maintaiped whenever the City Engineer of the City of Bozeman shaJ.l order any such ohange of location, and such change of location shaJ.I be~'Il't' the expense of the p:erson, company or oorpora ti on owning or UB- ~ ing any: su~h pole or applianoe. --,~~._...,.. 71 PP4J:.fi Sec. 37. Any >>erson, or persons, oompany or corporation violat- ing any of the provisions of this ord1Jj&nce shall, upon oonviotion thereof, I be punished by a fine in 'any sum not exceeding Three HUndred Dollars. or by .- imprisonment in the Ci ty jail not to exceed ninety days ,or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any oourt assessing a fine under the provisions of this ordinanoe shall provide in its Judgment that if' the fine be not pal d the defendant or defendants shall serve one day's imprisonment for eaoh Two DollArs ot suoh fine unpaid; provided. that no violation of any of the provisions of this ordinanoe shall be held to arise or exist by re~son at the temporary loca- tion of any wire or pole or oable or 01"0 ss-arm while the same is being ac- . tually run. plaoed or erected.. Seo. 38. Ordinance No. 450 of the City of Bozeman. and all I ordinanoes and parts of ordinanoes Whioh are in oonfliot wi tb. any of the provisions of this ordinanoe. are hereby repealed; provided. that nothing , herein oontained shall be so oonstrued as to repeal Ordinanoe No. 441. or any part thereof. Seo. 39. This ordinanoe sha~l take effect and be in :force thirty days from and after its passage and approval. Passed am approved thi s 27th dax of May. 1927. AT!EST: ,." . , . ... .-.- ./ .6"..b&;~/ --'~~~A'lflPl~zt .......... ~ CLERK Oli''l!HE COOI55101l. :~OR. .~ ., >i STATE OF MONTANA ) SS County of Galla.tin ) -- ~ ... I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the ColllDiission in the Ci\y of'~.iJozeman. ",,- . Montana. do hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing - Ordinance No. 563 of the City of Bozeman. Montana, was published once with- in 'ten 'days a.fter its passage, to-wit: On the lOth day of June, 1927. in . the Bozeman Daily Chroniole. a daily newspaper of general oircula.tion. printed and published in the CiV of Bozeman. Montana. and that due proof of . . sal~ publication was made and fll.ed in my office. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I baTe hereunto set my hand and the corporate.....--..., .; , " ,. ,~~~..... ' seal. of the sa.id C~ ty this 11 th dait1it~~e. 1927. ,. "- ." ;,.~~ .. . ..... ... ~. ~b:;~~~~/ ---. ,..'~, ----- CLERK OF !B! CODISSlcm. " , .",.".