HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27- 562 Regulates and Governs Plumbing and Use of Sewers and Provides for Appointment of a "Board of Plumbing Examiners" and Repeals Ordinances 227, 300 and 404 56 ft..A\ N'a "0. & 11 ~ ft8\l8a\ed \Yf UIUln~\I\'" ~. .'~"'I!I~ '2 .7JDQ.q 0 ORDDfANCE NO. 562. R8P~als C.~,.......v9 "0...2 Z . ~ If AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AlID GOVERNING PLUlmING .AND THE USE OF SEWERS IN THE Or.!Y OF BOZDAN: PROVIDING FOR THE .APPOINTMENT OF A "BOARD OF PLUMBING EX... AMINERS" , DEFINING THE DUfIES OF SAID BOARD; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TEE VIO~ION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NUMBERED 227, 300 AND 404 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF/BOZEMAN.J.. IN CONFLICT HERDI!H. ...s<'?e C4. S-~ ..If;"C, /VI. /:/"..:<- / ?~rr~. I ':\ BE :rr ORDAmED BY THE CO:MMISSION OF THE C~TY OF OOZD!AN: ,a Seo. 1. Within thirty days after the passage and approva.l of this ' .. ~ ordinanoe. the Mayor or the City of' Bozeman, with the approval of the City ;I Commission of the, City of' Bozeman, shall appoint a Board of p,lumbing exam- :-.' -~':~ I.. . iners, consisting of fo'U.r' members, one to be the Dir.eotor. of Public Safety . . of' the City ot Bozeman, one to be the Health Officer of the City of Boze- ~.,. ,...., man, one to be a master plumber and one to be a Journeyman plumber. The l.!i:':' ~l..... members Of the examining Board wi-th the exception of the Director of Public ':... Safety of' the City of' Bozeman and the Health Officer of said Ci tyshall - serve tor a period of' three years trom the date of their appointments; pro- vided, however, the first appointments shall be as follows: The Journeyman plumber shall be appointed until JJmuary 1, 1928 and the master plumber until January 1, 1930. Thereafter, upon the expiration of' the term of' of'- ., .. fioe of eaoh member, exoept the Director of' Public Sa.:fety and the Health O:r- tioer, or whe'n a vaoancy occurs, the Mayor shall make. a .new appoi~tmt!nt ~~ the unexpired term or for a period of' three years. The members of' said .., Board, exoepting the Director ot Public Safety of' the City at Bozeman and . . the Health Offioer of said City, shall be entitled to a compensation of Five Dollars par diem, each, for each and every day while actually engaged . in the \\Ork of the Board; the compensation, however, to be pajid from the revenues realized uDder the provisions of' this ordinance, but not otherwise. Any applicant for a license to work at the business of' plwnbing in the City of' Bozenan shall be examined as to his qualifications by the Board of examiners of plumbers for the City ot Bozeman. It shall be the du- ty of' the said board to examine each applicant for a lioenseasprovided for in this ordinance, three to determine his qualifications and fitness for carroying on the: business at' a master plumber or Journeyman plumber;. and if ; the applicant successfully passes the examination a~ prescri'bed by the said board, then a license shaJ.l be issued to such applicant for suoh license, authorizing him to engage in the business and occupation of a master plumber or a journeyman plumber, as the case may be, which license, when is sue d, . , .:~hali". a~ize the holdeI' th~reof to ce:J!ry on the business of. a ....ster I' ..... plumber or S;, journeyman plumber.. . .... Sec., 2. Any person, f!Jlrih, or corporation, desiring to engage in or worki'n the business ot plumbing, either as a master plumber or as a Joux-neyman -plumber, in the City of' Bozeman. shall apply to the secretary of' satdbPa.ri of plumbing examiners in the City of Bozeman, by filing a written -,>~ . ,- .~,". -'"-~~.'~._,... '.. 57 "', "I ~ ..:' ~ . . ,- J; . \ .' " . applioation with the secretary o~ the board , stating his :place ot ra sidence, age, experience, and the plaoe where he bas acquired his experience, and '. ' shall at such time, and plaoe as may be designated by the said board, as - I herein provided ~or, be examined as to his qualifications for said license. In the case of' a firm or corporation, the examination and issuing or a li- or_. cense to anyone member of the firm, or to the manager of' the corporation, ~~.i shall satisfy the requirements of this ordinance as to master plumbers, but ~ ':1 not as to journeymen plumbers; provided, however, that no person shall do . , '~.'''''''' ., ~',;>.4. . .""'~ the work of a master plumber unless licensed as provided for in this ordi- ,- -~,._- .......,.._~... . ~~,'". nano e . Seo. 3. No applicant for a master ,plumber's license shall be en- ". - , ti tIed to submit to tbe examinations presoribed by the said board of plumb- ~-r:'., '. --- _ing examiners until he shall have deposited with the seoretary of said board the sum of Ten Dollars as an examination fee, ,and no applicant for a jour- neyman plumber's license snaIl be entl~led to submit to the examination pre- scribed by the said board of plumbing examiners until he shall have deposit- -, ' Etd with the secretary of said board the sum of Two Dollars as an examination 1 ; '~ fee, such examination fee to be, returned to the ap:plicant in case he fails to passtb.e examination and is refused a lioense. Eaoh lioense when issued I shall expire one 'year from the date' of its issuance, and shall have no force or effeot ~ter the expiration of one year af'tet* the date of its issuance. .Any license, however, is sued to a naster plub;-er or a Journeyman plumber ."'~~"^"~__......., >.I' shall be renewed annually ;"~"O:\l:".xaml:natlon, at any time prior to its ex- piration, by a written request for its renewal, directed to the seoretary of the said board of' plumbing examiners, _4 the pa,mentof the sum ot Two Dol- lars and Fifty Cents for a renewal of a mllu~ter plumber's license, and the sum of One Dollar for a journeyman pla.ber' s license, and any such renewal' shall al9J be for the period of one year. ... Seo. 4. No'\hing in this &rc\1n&nee;~.Jrohibit any person from working as u apprentiee in said ~ad.u Of plumbing wi tha :plumber duly,li.... oensed by said board as here in provided for. and under suoh rules and ,regula- tions as" may ,be .pr'escribed from time ,to ,1me by said board of plfunbing exam- inerB; pro.lded, the name and residence of each fq)prentice, and the 'names and residenoeEi of their employers, ahall be. dUly flIed Wi th said board, and a reoord in a su1"-lJiLfl'-'ook, to be >>r0Tf4e4. by said board, shaUb. k'Jt b7 I I said board, shoWing the names and "....aces of moh apprentices. Sec. 5. All moneys paid for lloense fees as ;provided for in thia . , : ordinance shall be placed in tbe ,oust9'Q of the Director, of Fin~ce of the Ci ty of Boz e~an, whO shall keep suoh SWJls in a distinct fund, and any moneys .."..,~'" ~.,' . in such fu.nd shaJ.I b,eapplied 1n o.et1"&7!.ng an7eg;penses, incurred by the board of examiners at' plumbers in the Ci ty.t'~r& _an in oarrying out the pro'9'i- SlOllS of 1mi s ordl:n.'... 1 :,~!~}:..,::,:'~':;'+:~. ,;, - 58 Sec. 6. !he license and permit granted &s herein provided may be at any time revoked for incompetenoy, dereliction of' duty, or other suf'f'i- cien"t cause, a.fter a full and fair hearing by said board. Se c. 7. A majority of: 'said board of plumbing- examiners shall con- I sittute a quorum foZ'" the purpose of transaoting any and all business that may come before the board. Sec. 8. All master am journeymen plumbers, now engaged in the . business of ao'tually or regu.larly working at the trade of' plumbill8 shall be entitled to a license, to be issued by said board of plumbing examiners im- mediately after it s organization as provided for by ,this aot, wi thout. sub- mi tting or being required to submit to any examination whatever, upon the -p.,ment by each of the applicants for such license of the sum of Ten Dollars in the case of the master plumber, and Ifwo Dollars in the oase of a Journey- \ '. man plumber, and suoh lioeitee, when iSRed, shall be renewed from time to ) time annually as hereinbefore provided. Seo. 9. The Director of' Public Safety for the 01 ty of Bozeman shall be the ohief administrative authority in all matters affecting the inspeotion of plumaing in buildings in the City of Bozeman. Sec. 10. my plumber, before doing any plumbing work on any building in the City of Bozeman, exoepting repairs (and repairs are defined I to consist of mending leaks in drain, soil, waste and vent :pipes, and re- ,- pairs on faucets, valves and water pipes, and oleaning'out waste pipes), .... ..shall seoure a permit from and make -a statement in writing to the Direotor of Publio Safety, or his authorized agent, the statement to show in a gen- eral way the work to be done. When the work is roughed in, and before it is oovered by other construotion, the p~ber shall report such fact and the Direotor of' PublioSafety or his 6.~nt shall be lP,resent when the plumb- ing is tested. No plumbing Will be aooepted until it has passed a satis- factory test. When the plumbing is completed a final ins,peot1:on will be made, and if satisfaotory a certificate so stating Will be furnished. Be... .. for_;tinal acceptance the plumber must furnish tor record pUt"poses, data showing the location of all sewer and water lines installed. - - Sec. 11. Plumbing in the Ci tyof Bozeman shall b 6 done by li- oensedplumbers only and under the following minimum requirements: -- That portton of house drains inside of the walls, and underneath the buildings, and, 'for not less than three feet outside the area or founda- I tion walls, shall be constructed d:t what Is known to oommerce as standard cast iron soil pipe, and standard fittings. Rous.e drains shall be seourely anchored to the walls, not less than f''1ve teet.apart, laid in trenohes ot uniform grade, or suspended from the floor timbers by strong iron hangers. ..' '.> " .,-,.,(;"<'f~r;.:;.;: ,.'.'. <... " ~ ' 59 Drains and soil pipe shall ha'Y'e a uniform tall at not less than one-quarter inoh to one foot. toward ~he sewer or eess pool. Changes in direotion shall be made with "yabranches and l/S I bends. all drains to be acoessible when praotioable. Soil pipes receiving the dls0~l'"go from one or more water closets v shall be standard cast iron pipe. samet as speoified ter drains. not less than four inches in diameter. to continue full size inside of buildings. and extend not less than one foot above roof. and at least five feet above . ,/ and ten feet away from any window o1"opening of the same or adjoining buildings. All vertical soil pipe shall be supported b~ pipe rests. in buildings of two stories or more. atlo&st one on each:noor. All Joints shall be Jacked with pioked,o.akum and run with molten lead. .thoroly calked. . Where soil pipe passes thru roof to be flashed with sheet lead. or approved patented flashing. not less than four pounds to the foot. Vent pipes must not terminate in. or leadthru ehl~ey flues, but shall be carried up inside of house and supported same as soil ,pipes; or may. in oase of no independent vent pipe. conneot into soil pipes at not ,I less than one foot above outlet of highest fixture. . All vent pipe s shall be run as direct as possible, and 45 degree ells shall be used at all times when practicable. Galvanized wrought iron pipe with galvanized fittings. standard soil pipe and fittings, or lead pipe (weight not Ie ss than extra light) maybe used for ventilation. No black iron pipe will be allowed for either vent or waste pipe. Connections J of lead pipe to wrought iron pipe shall be made with brass solder nipples or unions and wiped Joints. Conneotion of lead to soil pipes shall be'D8de by brass ferrules. calked to iron pipe. and wiped to the lead pipe. When necessary combination , ferrule s may be used underground.' in basement. Waste pipe in horizontal position shall not enter into heel of closet bend, but may be conneoted in _ side of lead bend. All traps or bends of lead must be made of not Ie ss than fi ve- .. pound lead per square foot. No outside or inside draiDB. soIl. waste or vent pipes sballbe ,,- ..' I oovered from view or concealedunt11 atter the workha.sbeen tested. exam- ined and approved by the Direotor of Public Safety or his agent, and a oer- tificate give~ for the same~ -' S,eQ. 12. The whole Bystemo:f'lnside drains. soi~waste and vent pipe s shall be tested by filling with _ter, or by what is known as the smoke test. Waste pipe s from all ftxturesshall be of lead. galvanized iron '"., ,,,,,,:'c - 60 or standard cast iron, and of not less than the following sizes: Bath- tubs, sinks. laundry tub and urinals. one and. one-half (It) inches; wash basins, one and one-quarter (It) inches; slop sinks. two (2) inches; where , "- two or more fixtures are conneoted to one waste pipe, suoh pipe shall be no, correspondingly increased in size; lead waste pipes shall not be of less weight than the grade known as extra light., .,.,~ - Each and eTery fixture having a waste pipe shall be separately and independently trapped with a water-sealing trap as near the fixture as practioable; and such trap shall be protected from syphonage and air pres- sure by a special vent pipe. except bar and soda fountain work tables. Waste from bathtubs and laundry tubs shall be connected to a 4" x a" drum trap which may be lead or cast iron. Everywhere practicable the waste pipes from fixtures shall enter the soil pipe at a point beyond the lead bend. Waste pipes for refrigerators or other receptacle s in which pro- visions are stored shall not be connected directly with the drainage BY s- tem. but shall be arranged towaste in an open trap in plain sight below the refrigerator. This trap may be connected wi th the drainage pipe s upon being properly trapped and vented like other fixtures. Sec. 13. Every water closet or group of water closets within a I building shall be flushed from a separate tank or flushometer, the flush pipe to be not less than one and one-quarter (li-) inches. Outside water olosets must be separately trapped. with clean-out trap. Soil pipe to have lead connection flanged on floor to reoeive hopper~ Trap and soil pipe to be cast iron and to, extend at least three feet out- aide of vault. Hoppers to be flushed with seat. attached to heavy chain or 'j" rod. waste of valve to be connected by brass nipple, and trapped when,con... t/ ,nected to se~er outside of closet trap. Trap and valve for water closet to be placed in vault below freezing and accessible for repairs. Vaults to be built of brick or concrete. not less than four feet () 1fl) , 1..1 ~/(l by four feet inside measurements; every outside water closet to have a sep- arate stop and wast. cock. No hopper. pan oX''''plunger closets allowed in- ~(. - side any building in the City of Bozeman. .. Seo. 14. Soil or waste pipes plaoed in any building for future .... uae&h&ll be vent11.ated. tested Itnd subjected to the same rules in every re- spect as if intended tor immediate use; and all openings closed by sorew I -plugs or calked or ooldered. Sec. 15. All garages having a wash pack on which automobiles or other vehicles are washed. shall be provided wi th a sand . trap . :the diameter of whioh shall not be less than twenty-four inChes. the depth not less than thirty-six inches. Wash racks may be oonnected wi th the storm sewer system :"-':11 ,,*, not with thesanl tary sewer system. 61. I Sec. 16. A stop and waste shut-off must be plaoed on water ser- vice where same enters basement. Sec. 17. When plumbing or repairs of plumbing are required to be I done .in ,.old buildings.. ~orby.reason at complaint from the Health Mtlq,er on , account ot sanitary defect or violation of ordinances, S\1ch plumbing must be carried on under the direction of the Direotor of Public 'Ss;fetY,,~9r his ~ ....... -.,. '-, '..... agent, and, when completed, inspected and ~~CH~p,,~~~ J>Y him. - - ......:::c:~._. Sec. 18. When sanitary inspection has shown the Pl~b~ni ~ ' drainage in arry building, which is or my be occupied, to be in i1>'co.~ltion whioh endangers health, smh plumbing .or drainage shall be altered so as to comply in every respeot with the provisions ot this ordinance; and altera- ~ t10ns of Sl1ch plumbing must, when finished, be submitted to the Director of Public Safety, or his agent, for approval. Sec. 19. The Direotor at Public Safety or his authorized agent shall have authority at all. proper and seasonable hours to enter private premises for the purpose ot 1nspec~lng plumbing and sewer and water conneo- --. tions, and it shall be his duty "to see that all ordinanoes of the City of Bozeman relating to water and sewer oonnections, and the use of water, are complied with, and that all plumbing and water conneotions wi thin the City I of Bozeman are in conformity to such ordinanoes. He shall have authority after written notice of three days to 'the owner, agent or oocupant ot any premises, speoifying the ordinances violated and the :particular d-efect or omission; to prohibit the use of any plumbing or sewer or water-connections on Slloh premises, and to t,urn off the water from such premises a'\....the curb i, . 'iii, - cook until the provisions ot' any SIlch ordinances have been complied 1!..i~h. - "' See. 20.. Any person violating any of the :provisio~ot.this .i\.,.",." ordinance shall be tined in any sum not exceeding' Three Hundred Dolla.rs or shall be punished by imprisonment in the Oi ty or County Jail tor a period not to exceed ninety 4Qai, or by both su.ehtine and imprisonment, provided that in case the fine of such person is not paid , such person shall be im- - prisoned in the County or City Jail until sueh fine is sat,istied in pr~por- tion to one day's imprisonment for nery Two Dollars at said :fine. See. 21. That, ordinances numbered 227, 300 and 404-"and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict wi th the llrovisions of' this I I ordinance be and the 'same are, hereby repealed.. Sec. 22. That this ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in tull torce from and af'ter thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed by the Commissi,on of the City ot Bozeman at a regular ses- sion thereof held on this 20th'" o~ ~y, 1927. J ~ ~ . ".' '..,': ,... . . . _~;..';i;.;~",:J;.';:;'r; -, .^- 62 Approved this 20th d~_of ~, 1927. , """. -,Ij,. -- '----~~ifJA<~yP~~ I ,- ~ ,- .HTE8T: MAYOR. - . ~ .'.... r'~p~~~/ ~~:""";.,,...,.;r"I'-"-'." "..,,, ., CLl!tR!i ~ J!'.:mCODI8S ION. STATE OF MONTANA ) S8 County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission in the City ot Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the number and title of'the foregoing Ordinance No. 562 of the City of B~zeman, Montana, was published once with- in ten days after its passage, to-wit: On the 1st day of June, 1927, in the Bozeman Daily' Chronio1e t a dai ly newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate I seal ot the said City this 2d day of June, 1927. . "..'~". ~ J ~~~( ,- ~ -, ..".. CLERK OF THE COD18310N. ~ ., '""l ,..", -- n'..'<'" .. t ",,:,,~',.., 'n. . .;~,(~'~~At lv.,