HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 26- 560, Creates Department of Public Recreation
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Iaoa4W ,h~ Q....~ "]1"8 No. - 1 i-f 6
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ORDIl{~'NO~ 560.
I BE IT ORDAINED by the CommiSBiono~theC1ty of Bozeman, State of
I Montana:
Sec. 1- WHEREAS the Park Commissioners of the City of Bozeman
ha ve requested the Oi ty Comm1ss10n to pass an ordinance providingf'ora De-
partment of Public Recreation, which shall have chargeo! recreation, play-
ground work, amusements and other aetiv! tie s, to be 0 arried on in the pub-
lic p&,rks of the City of Bozeman, and the work of said Commission would ren-
der greater services to the public from the use of its parks and public
grounds, and would relieve the Park Commiseion of manifold detailed duties;
And whereas it would appear that the creation of such a Board is desirable;
Se () . 2. '!'here! s' he'reby -oreat-edin -, the Departmen't. of Publ!c We 1-
fare a Department of Public Recre'ation,-the head of such department to be
known as the Chairman of the Board of Publio Recreation;
! The Jlayor shall, subject to the approval of the City
~ Sec. 3.
~ Commissioners, appoint a' Board of Public Recreation, consisting of four per-
~)l Bons, one to be the Director' of Public Welfare, and one to be selected from
~jl"'~ ~ ~ U r~' 0"". ,ft~ No
IIWi ~,-. each of the following organiz'ations: ~m~n~gl jJ!lUwmanllJilJil L,~71 ,-
(, ::
[, :
I ~: ,;. 1. The )It. Hyalite Chapter of the Daught'ers- of" the .American
. Revolution,
.- - .I
(:,j 2. The Bozeman Woman's Club,
, '
.'2 ~,~, 3. The B Oz ema.n Chamber""OfCommer ce .
.'i,: :,'j And in the event there shall 'be no suoh organization or organiza-
r "
f" 'l
I-~. .,.
.; :l tione in the City of Bozeman at any future time, then one or more, as shall
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be necessary, of said Members shall be selected from some other public civic
organization of the CitY.rof Bozeman.
Each member of said Board to hold office for a term of three years,
or until his sucCessor 1s appointed and qualified, provided that the term of
the f iret commissi oaers appointed hereunder shallexp ire as follows: One on
the first Monday of JanuarY'. 1927; ODe on the first Monday' of January, 1928;
and one on the first Monday of January, 1929. In the case of vaoancy the
llayor andCO.Bsion sballmakean -appointmemtfor .the unexpired term.
. The Direct,or of Publio welfare 'shall appoint'suob em-
Seo. 4.
ployees and assistants in the DepartJlteRt' of Public Recreati on as may be nec-
I essary for the proper pert-aranoe etthe"work of said Board, '8;t such salary
or. wage as may be approved by.the01tyOomm1ss1on of the Cityo! Bozeman.
Sec. 5. Upon approval of the Department of Public Welfare and the
Ci ty CO_18 s1 oners , the Board' of Puh1,ic Recreation shall have power and
authori tyto equip, operate, supervise, and matDtain playgrounds, athletic
fields, ewimmingcentere"il'ldGer r.,oJ"eat..t on tacili ties ,on orin a.py pUblic .
grounds or buildings, wither within or without the city, which the City Com-
missioners or Director of Public Welfare may from time to time provide, ac-
quire, authorize, offer. designate, or'set apart for such use. Said Board
shall have power 'to organize and conduct play and recreation act! vi ti-es on
the grounds and in the buildings under the control of the City Board of Ed-
ucation, with the consent of sai'd Bcrard and up'on approval of the Commi ssi on. I
Said Board sha.ll have- the power to take charge of and use any ,grounds,
place-e. buildings, or facili ties which may be offered, -ei ther temporarily
or pe rmanently by i,ndi vi duals or corporations for playground or recreation-
al purposes. When approved by the Dir-ector of Public Welfare and the City
Commissioners, said Board may, on behalf of the Ci ty, reoei ve donati ons,
legacies, or bequests fortheimprovenrentor maintenance o-f playground, rec-
reation centers, or other 'recreational facilities, and all moneys that may
be derived from such dona ti ons I legacies, orbequestssball,i unless other-
wise provided, by the terms of such donations , legacies, or bequests, be
deposited in the City Treasury to the credit of the "Board of PublIc Recrea-
tion" and the same may be drawn therefrom and paid out upon approval' of the
Board of CommlsBioners in the same mannerag provided in payment of moneys
legally appropriated for the acquirement, support, and i'mprovement fo'r'play-
grounds, recreation centerS', and other recreationplsc'es; and 'the moneys so
derived from said do nations, legacies, o'r bequests, when not otherwise
therein provided. shall be used solely for such playground'orreoreation I
us es, and only under the d irecti on or-the sai d Board of Pu'blie Recreati on.
Said Department shall have authority to organize and conduct
play s, games, calisthenics, gymnastics, athletic sports, tournaments. meets
and leagues. dra.matics, pageants, festivals, and celebrations, connnunity
music clubs, debating 'soeieties, public spea.king, story~telling, picnics,
hikes, excursions, socials, and other forms of activity that will employ the
leisure time of the children or people in a constructive and wholesome man-
On the first Thursday in .Tanuary of each year said Board shall
meet andorgani'ze 'by electing from- their number a President and Vice-Presi-
dent, who shall hold their respeetive offices for the term of one year, sub-
ject to~ the provision that the members of the Board of Public Recreation who
shall be first appointeds'ft'er the passage of thlsordinanc'e shall meet and
organize O'n' the first Thursday after they 'are appointed, and the President
and Vice-President shall hold their offices until the first Thursday 1n Jan-
uary, 1927, and until the{r successors are elected. The Clerk of the City I
Commiss i on shall be e x offici 0 Clerk of' the Board of Public Recreati on, and
shall attend all meetings of the Board and keep correct minutes of' 'all pro-
ceedingsof said "Boardi-n a book to be provided for that 'purpose, to be
called the "Record of the Board of Public Recreati on of the Ci tyof 'Bozemantt,
'and he shall performsuch'other duties as such Clerk of ssid Board as are
';"'-"' .:
presoribed by law ornecessal'l'ly' -implied by the act! vi ties'and duties of
the Board~ Regular meetings 'of the ':B'(ja'rd:shall beheld on the first Thurs-
day in each month. Said Board shall prepare and submit to'the City Commis-
sion, on the first Thursday in.Ta.nuaryof each year, a report detailing
I their receipts and expenditures and activities for the past year, and pro-
posed plans, with estimated expendltures-for the ensu1ngyear.
Sec. 6. The "Board of PublfoRecreationtt: shall have power to
adopt rules and regulations for the management of playgrounds , recreati on
centers, and other recreati on places and activities in accordance with the
ordinances of the City of Bozeman, Montana, or the laws of the State of Mon-
tana, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Welfare and the Board
of Ci ty Commissioners;
Sec. 7. All claims -agains't the city for expenses authorized by
said Board shall be presented' to said Board in writing, duly 1 temiz ed and
certified under oath, and such claims as maybe approved by said Board shall
be presented to the City Commisslan, snd.upon the sam-e being approved by the
City COlDllission, allO"ed and paid out of the Recreation Fund.
Sec. 8. This Ordinance shall and does repeal that part ofSec tion
23 of Ordinance Number 524, which provides that pUblic playgrounds shall be
under the supervision of the Park Oormnission.
I Sec. 9. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and
after thirty days after its adoption and approval.
Passed, adopted and approved by the 01 ty Commission or the City of
Bozeman, State of Montana, this' 8th day 'of OctOber, A.D. 1926 .
ATTEST: ~~~~~
County of Gallatin } . .<~_'''''I~,I~I'..
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~.,.,.. .,'
I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission in the City d~,-Dozeman,
Montana, dO hereby certify that the number and ti tleof the forego ing
Ordinance No. 560 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once ~ithln
ten days after its passage, to-wit: On the 27th day of Ootober, 1926, in
the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a dally newspaper of general ciroulation,
printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of
said publication was made and filed in ~ office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the ,corporate
seal of the said City this 27th day of Ootober, 1926. .,.(
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