HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 26- 558, Providing for Licensing and Regulation of Keeping Dogs and for Prevention of Rabies, Requiring Vaccination and Repealing Ordinances 485, 432 and 412 44 AIIIIIId br Ot't"- ... .Plr , ... /,:p."". ; I8JeiIea " Ordiaaa fII. ~:::'. _.IlWlOZ'N'O'. 558. AlI'ORDI.MI8lr':PR~D'tJ;"?Off'lfBlf"LIC1IlmIE ,AlfD'DGlJE'A'fIBGTHB'''KDPlNG OF DOGS, AlID J'Olrc'J."BJ""UIBPJI8T'IOB'...AlIJ)<'PHllva"IOlf' 'O'J"cRABiIIS"'IN"'DOG'S"ii :A-wJ) RB- QtJ1RHflf""l"lm' 'VAOMlJA'fll1F"'OP'MIIJB""tAJUfJmP1fAIiIW'ORDIBWBS""1fCf" '0'5 NO .' .,' ,. , ,', .,',: ':,', _" ',.'". , ,,", " ,.~ .,: ., ' " .,,' ,. ','.;,.', "c..~" ,': ': ,', , ':,', I.' ,.>,,," ,',. . 432, Alm"1fO'." 412. u..J::t., ORDAIDll BT'~:'OOWDS:rOlf:g:r'1'lB~crrr'cOJ'B~: I .~ S...j;'l . .~'Pe'PltOR"'...'ot_."~.ban"'O~''O!''''ke~g'n,,,'''~f dog, '. "- : ' \ kenae.ls'f, OWIHRIJ","'keqtng...r'JUwnr1'H8""'&1IY'_8"Wrth1n'the',C"Orper&-' 11m- ..,.., .. 1ts'--ot,' the al'ty., of 1_~d1M:4'\r'1Jhal:'lc'_ffe-"'1J.id"1I.g.to 'be Te-giatered, num.- be red and.licemred...._mtally.~~'t:1'L..,C1ty. CleTk o:f"s aid"(fl't,. ,'and-lSball p&,y... for "s uch,llem.... tlte"_."of"~t3.0,() for each' male' d'og'''and'' '5';00 for each t~~. dog. ~ 8e.'..2. ADy'_'Pel'1Jeft",.tnm4ng.,.opd'"at'ing' 'oTke"eptl'lg.lI' dog ken- . , nel Gr'do'l.kenneLs w1:,thi,.,.:,:;.",.."W"'lJimtts .&~ ,th-.Cl"bT'.fBoz"eman, .h*l~:p.,"",,,'~'~u__&'1'iJr" eaeW;k'&nne1-,. o1""..tl0."OO,'.sa!1I'.;1''ic.ense tOM .' pr_til"....',i'rea.'~t,h..'Cl~ .men,'.t ...the 'Cltyof.B,"*_an. Se,c. 3... !liEf l1ceft8ft..ffln p'rovTdetl '-tor BbaII':O'e'4ue and payaM..... en"'N\nUaIr,Y"'.I'.~i';of';':e.d~,,.a.n44ellnq\l.n'on"."'l';.l. t, of ,/'. . eaehyear, '8R1l,';'al':r'll-oeftM8"....ll,'expl-r'e"".n . hvruary"lit', 'o'f' th$ ye ar. afterthe>il"'i8811l&Dce. -, " 8eo'.4. OrtpaYEnt' ,.to the' CU. ty'treaslIrer' of' tneamotplt of .- such .license,tax, and"tb.wpreeeft1rat'ianofth$C'lty T~urert'B'irecelpt I th&M~O'r ,to~,'th.'ei:ty' ftWft~.:11i'ab&ll' ft'thff .'d1rt1'...ot"We"" e1'6,.-'Cle:rk to issue'. 1 ifteM1t, tv.tlle'pe'rtm!f'applYing .for.,.t1.""'....', .IIftd' .mr....ball, at . . \. . t~'.xpet'l'8'" 'o'ttlt&'el'1'."pH.~4:e'aTld.'" furftf'eti."lFi4:1feeh:I'!'oelf8i&,.."metal- , lio' tag uponwh:ieh,,1Mra11' b8'...tam'pe'd:'.r,"en~ the" 1""g.:t:.t~r-'.ri1imb.r of the des and'" ttJe;'''',w,ap."wt!eft''''!''egi:lBt.red. The-Cl ty Clerk; sltaqlkeep.'a-"~8lIltabl'e"!:reeerd';'tCJ"be"d._'igna ted - .>>OS' LiC)ett&e,' hlt.tier.','1R' d-1:'cif'lie";.h'll:nwri;t'."'clat,e"'MItl"'l111JDber of sueh' l1eemre-'aM,"'t"'~;;'(tf!'t.."\;'pe'rn'1 t'O"wh'olrr.,,'ihu&d; 'and 'ltahall be . the' dll'tY'O,t. .the"eht.,. .of'Pf'J'1;:t.,., to'aDtt1Ial'ly'~on. ''tlIe'''''PJ"oneronB of ~,~",-- "";'.. -"0. " thit', Q~1_nc e. .. /'... c,.;.:-- .;' . "~' 58"""5., In ...&..aJly,;,.uch....tal'1'.1...,.~"f8'lG8t or stolen, ~ .. ....,.., ',..' ,"-' ... ., .... .' " ,'.. .- "" . tns owner or k8'eper,'.t.,t1te"'d8g.'upon''Prenn,ting ,~..,t,*',,:'C'i.tya1.e.rk the -. /'~;-- ~ l'1cenee'i.'sued ,.'.''8hal1t';'''''eI.Wttl'ed'''''. 'nee! :Y.e..annliler ':tag;":tO'J'the "-'. - unexpi-red,pon.ttm.'o-f ~_'\'11'."'~.,.,.r)' -1lPOft".,...t":wfl. ~~.i..f'..if iTe , , .0eftt:s"{2$~) t.. "tbe-'oCl ty.'Ti'eaIr....!"". amt,.~-elty.ft'*k",..8balI:.:Dl8ike the prO}lft"record't:h.~ ,'in 'h;1."'~8 ter. I 8'ect.,j ,,&. lff'ery'OW'IJ8'r'or-m:epe:r'of &'dog1d'th1Jf,ttltteity, where' the"dog, '18 net.,collf''inee,. hr'a,,,k8aDel'.....~r 'p'l.'eal'Rt 'ke1!lJ ~round the- 1lttOk'of--,"'dq: .......1M...., ork., ''Ir,r'IiRa. ...~\CJOi:bIr.,t,.,,*,ic !,&",tItiall be aeevriT'" t,..~..ed .,..the,'mftU'l:Le';,A(I."i.....:.:,..,.hilBe.:tJy"tlie"';''6'1.ty, Cle'~t~and to whIch" 8tiwl.;r'al:80beatiU8h-;a.'t"ar8- iJbowi:1Ig"'tftat',..t4'dog-.ha.. been : I 45 , ~ ~:h _ ... "t'lll':;' . .. '.. "'1"'" ~. ... . ..., . 'Y&'cclna'tett' . :tor "raitJ1.., i.f' 81lcrl'f'.dO'g,~.;..."_.,.. .....vaeelnated. . ,.. (! All dogs<'f0'1IJId: ;TIIlmi_"'n:"l~.w.f'ttfcflri':" eucb'callar"a1!d:''tag 'afte r ., . . the-"<fci^r'B"ti', ~c ';.f"A~l'".j}ri;;&a,"';",.ear--*ft_"'tJi;8"\' -''''&age'ancf'' 'ad8pti'o'ft"rrf. this , OrdiDf.l~'''ar'''''hre.,,;''Ciee-l~.-tcr..b'''.'a'' plitfi:tc".n1t1.;aDO"e- 'Snd'I.'.any' 'dog 'h!lbi tu- I ally..' r1IRlItng'at..'large'"'cnr'.DtD.. St'rtret''1f!'':<bIr6'''.'O'2!tY, at"'F.'e.ma.n: "'1s also he reby dec-la red' a 'publio DuifJ8tlC'e",''aRd'1 t.tildI'.~ W..'t.hEf auty' 'of"ttie "1:h1.'Eft" ';o"f'<PO"'l io e , anei anYPo'11c-eman, patro'lJlB!l'~'dGr&ny-'a81S1rialttof the mrf~ of Pollce act- ing underh'iS'. iRIt,t.l'8'C't'1'0ft8.;i' t..talfe-"u'p'&mi"1mpotll'Idal1 such <fogs; and when ,. so impoundea'.'Mssllebsrge,.,the' 'OWDwr"'O"l"'lteepert2.00 for the- r'elease of , sue-h.dog~ proTi4ed;' .tkat.'&:rt4fr'~;t-D.,;:~trati.on.'o'f";. t1re"ttt~f'our'{2'4lhour's, and said 8'1J!It"ftafFnot'. befiB"-pa-id"'ft'OT"' tead'R"etl"'for"'the:"'re'J.ce<<.1te",of'allcm'...dcrg, then it shalT De."r-dls,ei-e<t~'OB&~'~k,..::"(fttlWf"-'.of"'~"PfiI1ee";.or".l'ri:8 'assfs,tant "desig- · _oted>b~..i1i1at to' "1t'itll-eT-..e1:1"'.ueh" '1fo.-'''to'.ll<<ray;.tti'e';~8''i'''or~;.t.o kill the. same.; , Sec. 7. It. _all be unlawfUl t'or8XlY person to keep within the corp .raw-limit.. of 'the-' c,;tty .e1".lJGZ........7'c 111!11C'enIJed .ew:, and' "'any'unlI- ceused "dogruttRDg."at'.' larp; ..1., ~N_1'.tte.l.rritG'be'a:'Dtd;lralIC"e" "aad the aaaesnall be: lmpounthHt '.se"'lle-re-iabef..rt" 'P?oT1deci,;'and"l'Jopereron'shall ke e P 1.( i orauff'erta' 'be ke'pt,. nor'p*:ttI1t''Or 8u:rrert.o run'atlar.ge. In said City, - , afty d-og of a vicious or troubl--eBo"'-.Daftlre,;.hsltit" or 'disposition. I Seo. 8. 1"0' per-eOIl,. :wno1s tbeo...r'o'rkeeperof'. lema!'e dog, sha'll' permit, ner'8ur.fer't-he";.ame'to raDat- larsein 'a!l'y's-treet, alley or pUblic place' in 8aid~1tY'i'*t'le8ueh".,cte....;i8 1nheat; and' l't.'8ball'be the duty 'o'f.the. Dog "~'al' oruY''''pol''iceiln 'crf"satdCttyto'iDmle'diately kill " such fema:Le:'-dCJg when'fOll~' '<sct nunring at large . See.. g.. ETery'."peF1JO-lt...wtie'~,~." 'keiitJM"O'r'luPiTbWn..'sUY'<<Og and. .b&ll tail to pr.~cur."a..l1e..1t:f-or'811Ctr'.g'i"&1!t<bere.tnprov1:ded, or who vi ola tee any of "h.. other prtf'Y':t1Ji'omr'or, .th1'IIGrcl1ba'D.ce;up-onconvic tion tbereof', .'_11 Dfir pua:i_edbya f"itte""ef 'Dot'leIf8.c;,thm-P,l've'J>Ollars' '.5.00) D01" mor.,...tban'l'we",'lT-& Dol1a?8",(..~"r;;""';".'cO.ft''Ot prosecution. . ' Sec. 10. "'tf:"JiOm"std a:tta>>,;,fiWj';'1'_'8-.geof ~,tb:i8,orctt__e:wb.en- . ' , , e ver-,th&' City' Health ':Deya:r1:.trleRt;~~'tm'u1"ts~properotr:f:.er- ,..-hall de ell it De e .saary . .to ~...ti1e"pro.te.tlo1'1'o'f ..ti8r',llnl ~4f . pe.aae., .1Iea11th. "alJ-ct"aat'ety. fr om the apre-ad.fd.ttie:d1aeaeekneW'><'_ ..~'b'1'..~i ..1d.Departm.eut"07' tho C1 ty Healtb o-f'f'1c.r, 'a.att0'tf'1..~...;_ft'..tt;".hd1 designate: 'a1'1.ctensed 'Teterina.- I r1an orTe~.l"inal':t,8ft8' t'o ineou.la't.~.11 dop "1n's_1d C1 tywitbthellroper vaecine, anElthecost ot'noh'TtiCl::1mtt:bm."1drtctb _a:l.lnot exoeed:tj"50 for each dog, shallbe"pald' ..~;r the-..i.....:".'t'tJle.d<oga t the t1me-01' Tac'c1nat1on. , ',," Sec. '11. .'rbiIit...'P..t".,ubit;111g'av;e1!r .<1'01[' 0l''4088 "&8 .'setforth in I , Seetion 1 0 he~eef', th.~8'a.td. "'neNIBTt*'^"IIhai;:ltl'8tn1e.tGc the- owner .0 r01fners . or .keeper"o f.s.....c. ..~.:r'd.ei..!fiIJ,~.....tt'cat'e' '.1tawi:ng"tht! ..lD'OCul:stt1on the:reof and he.,....l:]; lAHtpa,'d1ip'11;ea1:..ef....'tieb'C'e'rt1f'l,o.te.ahd.fl'Ie the same .,;'. t~~;;".. .... ~~'> 46 _. '" ~ " .. ... ~ ..,1""..;. 1n tbe "officeo! "the..eltyTrf1li81lr&r, Uldthere"8hal'lal:sf), b~" at1iached to a collar on 8u'CD'd.og"a:metal11c tagabowlug such Taccinati'on 81'1dth>e date thereof. Any pol'i1:e-'Gf't'tc"er 'o.:rthet"8'si:d.' C'1tyshailna. ve-the"r1i'Cl1t to kill a!J'1"'dog"or. dogs at '1arge-~'and 'unmuzzled 1n'Baid 'City, n-ot wearing a I collar on which 'isdisplayed tbe" li'ceDse tag and also a vaccination tag, providing" th~}f.&tth"~rtmerrt"haareiqu1red ,"'&'.,.ac elna ti on. Sec. 12. It &ball be thedttty of the01m'efr's"'of dcrge. to ' comply wi th the'pnb11she'dnatic8S'of "the Heal1:h"Department of'the'Clty rela. ti ng to the vaoo'ina tiono'f dog'..' for.' rabf'ft'{1Uld",.to' the. tend'.s'uC'h . owners '8ha 11 bring ,their'dog.ir dogs to'IJ_h'p-laces.or placti!!'i and at B'uch :tfmei"artimes a.s may be designated 'by the He-althDepartment 'or 'the 'He'altlf Offic'er of' said City' for' vBec-1nati'o'ft"'agalhl1Jt 'raeies)" and' an'yowner'''.whe-raiis to etrlct'lyc:omplT...i t'h:~.ftq.irem,=ntr8'hallnl)t 'b e' elittt'led't'tf 'all cene e f or hi. dog', bu't a ue'hdo'g . slta11b& , ~ aBY 'peBC'e of'1"1ceroft1fe . City of Bozeman, killed and. d'i.po8~d of. sec. 13. Theowner'~ 'any'l:to'g ar 'dO'p'who-shall fa.il ~:o-coR1ply wi tb the'requlrement'8'of' "vhe;'HiJalthDepa~tlmit"inliavfng"h;i81l-og~or dogs .~, vacelna ted fo:rrab1e'I5.' ahall be'" deemed guilty of maint'ai'ldmsanuis anc e ,. and shall be punt1!'hedbya flne not to exceed '.Mir'e~eHutit:lred D021arB(-$SOO), or bYl5entenoe 1n.the' City orCount'y J'aflofnot toexceednine-ty (90ldays, I orbybotb.. ewth'fi!te''&nd' Imprl1Jonment. See-. 14. Ord1nanc.es'flo'.412, . lio .432 ,}fo. 4as'" of .'the' City of Bote_ft', and all ordinanceu..l'n c'onfiio trith this 0 rd,1iW.f1e'e'&Fe'herev re- pealed. Passed .. by.'t'D"-C:ityCOllm,ts's1 on 0 f"the' City ofBoZ'emBf1"f'and ap'proved , by the )laTor' th~' tll'i'8' l~m."nY of"':re'b.ruary'; 1926. . AT'!E8T: .-e;~#/~~~ . .. YOR 'h"H,' ,...~ .. J~.= . ST~'U'EB'l' AlIi! , ~ '88 e~ '\W"tfAL'LA'Ilf I ,Wal'ter:Da"ri.a,f.tterlt o'f"'the' (Jolllll'iBe:!:on in the C'l'tY'of" 15'CJZ'eman, lIoftt'&Da',dohere.eyeert'ff:r"tiIrt'therrumbeTaDd~1t"1;e. o'fthe,:rBrego i ng Or.linanceNo. 558'of"ttie:,e1ty.er Boze_n, Vontana'j w..;'pa1J1'1ehed ollOe w! thin ten'daya'stter"'-1:tlt'-p&s88ge', te-"it: On the 21.. Clay of J8bruary. 1926 ~ in .ube-lfoB....ft"Di.l17' elironicle , a d al1yn ewllp.~r '.,~' get! era!' 01 rou- la tioD .pri'ft'tecl"'."ln11511shed'1'nthecClty of.B'ozeman,.Xont&D&,and that I due proof of' nid plablleat'fcrnwae .made .and',f'fletll'nmy"ot"floe. ' , ..DT."lTD8S~aTe"'heftmntO.:8Ertmy'ha:mi 'ed.tlle .eorporate I' sertl fff'the,....id;,City"this. .. .' day'of"Ye1truary," 1926. ~ . ..,.....'.'. .".~~lbI , \ .. ;"':':!~4:.;