HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 26- 557, Appropriation Ordinance for 1926 for Support of City 42 ORDINANCE NO. 557. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR Tm; SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THH: CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1926. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C01~MISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZ-reMAN: Sec. 1. That the following sums of money be, and the same are I hereby, appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Municipal . ." Government of the City of Bozeman for the fiscal year of 1926, pursuant to the provisions of Section No. 5502 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, as amended by the Eighteenth Legislative Session, 1923, and Section No. 5503 of the Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, and in accordance with the Annual Budget and Recommendations submitted by the City Manager, to-wit: Department of Law. For Salaries $ 1,200.00 For Expense 10.00 Total Operating 1,210.00 For Capital Outlay , . . TOTAL $ 1,210.00 Department of Service. For Salaries 1,260.00 For Expense 12,586.02 Total Operating 13,846.02 For Capital Outlay 2,771.08 TOTAL 16,617.10 Department 'of We1far~. For Salaries 4,590.00 . Fo r Exp e ns e ' ? , 600 .15 'I. Total Operating 12,190.15 ' For Capital Outlay 2,135.30 ' TOTAL 14,325.45 Department of Safety. For Salaries 14,770.00 For Expense 2.345.00 Total Operating l?,115.00 For Capital Outlay TOTAL 17,115.00 Department of Finance. For Salaries 5,835.00 __ For Expense 3 ,440.00 Total Operating 9,275.00 ..For Capital Outlay 100.00 TOTAL 9,375.00 Surplus 11,502.45 70,145.00 Water Department. (Department of Service) For Salaries 5,290.00 For Expense 6,980.00 For Bond Interest 8,100.00 Total Operating 20,370.00 For Capital Outlay TOT AL 20,370.00 Surplus 25,230.00 45,600.00 Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall be published once as provided in Sect1..'on .,.5503, .ReVi.sed Codes O.f Montana, 1921, and ten days after such I." publIcation may be finally passed. '. SeC. 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its final passage and approval. .-' Prpvisional1y passed this 14th day of January, 1926. AT:!ST:' ~ ~ . ~~..-. . ?~./~-L. ,...."R~r. ''"e:bdltl OF .' OWISS ION. " ,..~tt';1J';:'_.,,',o.' , 4,3 ,~~. '.. tit I '<f\ .:.f\~~?i<'~; ~~1: I,' '..lIt''". ~.,. .' """,' .' ~....... ....<>~~ ~,~, ,)}'; i''', . lr.'l .!~ ...; ~"', ' ' " , . . .,n......,...' ,.w. Finally passed this 21st day of January, 1926. ATTR.ST: ~~~~~~d~ MAY R. I CLERK{b~~ON. n ,.. ,- '''"' .c"""~. STATE OF MONTANA ) . sa COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Connnission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify that a notice for pUblic hearing on the foregoing Ordinance No. 557 was pUbliShed once on the 17th day of January, 1926, and that a complete copy of said Ordinance No. 557, together with a tabulated comparison of the actual expenditures for the years 1923, 1924, and 1925, was published once on the 17th day of January, 1926, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publications was made and filed in my office. I IN WITNESS WHERF.OF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City of Bozeman this 27th day of January , A.D. 1926 . ~J.. tIJtrn ~ /Jr7 ~( CLERK OF THH: COMMISSION. ."'~'i""'.',,;, ".. ," ......-- "~:' - ... .. ..- .....,..:,... - n "'"' ... ) ~,....... --- .. - I / .'" f.'