HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 25- 556, Amends Section 6, Ordinance 524 ,,"'" ".' ~ 40 . ,ORDINANCE NO. 556. l18pealQdby Ordinance No. ~Cl- ....' .- AN ORDINANCE ADNDING SECTION 6 OF ORDINANCE NO. 524 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, J.iNTITJID): RAN OR DINANCE RELATING TO THE ORGANIZATION, REGULA- T ION AND CONDUCT OF THE SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY, OF BOZEMAN, AND TO THE QUALIFICATIONS, TERM OF OFFICE, POWERS, DUTIES AND COMPENSATION OF THE ,COMMISSIONERS AND "THE BOARDS AND THE SEVERAL OFFICERS AND'l!.UPLOY- EES OF SAID CITY, UNDER THE COWISSION-MANAGER'''?LAN OR FORM OF GOVERN- (, MENT, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 152 OF THE ACTS OF THE FIFI'ERNTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, AS AM!!:NmD: WHICH ORDINANCE IS DECLARED TO BE AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE USUAL, DAILY OPBRATION OF MUNICIPAL DEPARl'MENTS". BE IT ORDAIJ:I1"P.D BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF "BOZEMAN: Se c. 1. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 524 of the City of ) Bozeman, enti t1e d: "An Ordinance Relating:. to the Organizati on, Regula- tion and Conduct of the Several Departments of the City of Bozeman, and t'o. the Qualifications, Term of Office, Powers, Duties and Compensation of the Commissioners and the Boards and the Several Officers and Employ- ee~,Qf,. said City, Under the Commission-Manager Plan or Form of Govern- ...'., ment, in Conformity wi th the Provisions of Chapter 152 of the Acts 0 f ,~" ......- - t~Fiftee~h Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, as Amended: r'"'. Which,-Ordinanee is Declared to be an Emergency Ordinance, Providing for the Usual Daily Operati on of Municipal Departments", ''be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows, to-wit: Sec. 6. At ten o'clock a.m. on the first Monday after the first day of January following a regular municipal election, the Commis- I sion shall meet at the usual place for holding their meetings, at which time the newly elected Commissioner or Commissioners shall assume the duties of their office. Thereafter, the Commissioners shall meet at such times as may be prescribed by Ordinance or Resolution, and they shall meet regul~rly not less than once every two weeks; unless and until th' a different time and place is provided by Ordinance or Resolution, the regular meetings of ~he Commissioners shall be at the Commission Chambers ':I~ .it ..1 .. in the City Hall building in Bozeman, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Friday of '; ." each week. Absence from five consecutive regular meetings shall operate to vacate the seat of a member, unless such absence is authorized by the , Commission. I~ The Commissioner acting as ~or, any two members of the Com- mission, or the City Manager, may call special meetings of the Commission upon at least twelve hours written notice to each member of the Connnis- sion, served personally on each member or 1e ft at his usual place of resid ence. All meetings of the Commissi on enall be pub1,b and any ci ti- t zen shall have access to the Minutes and records thereof at all reason- able times. The Commission shall detennine its own rules and order of .,' business and shall keep a j~urnal of its proceedings. Sec. 2. That this Ordinance be in full force and effect from - and after its passage and approval. " . :-''';;-'IIl' \ .':-' ,~ '; 41 . :...... . :-~:~.. ,. . ~.. ,. .,'''' Passed, adopted and. approved this 31st day of December, A.D. 1925. .1 ATTEST: ~~~tfZ . - - ,Y . ~~ C OF THE CITY COMMISSION. STATE OF MONTANA ) SS COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of- the Commission in the City of Bozeman, Montana, do here by certify that" the- number and title of the for ego ing Ordinance No. 556 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its passage, to-wit: Orr the. 6th day of January, 1926, in the Bozeman Daily Chro'niole, a. daily newspaper of general circula- tion, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said pUblication was made and filed in my office. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 nave hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of the said City this .J/~ day of January, A.. D .1926,., .. ~ . CLERK OF THE OOMMISSION. " " . ~. . - .... . . , .') - I .~ ,'" , '. -, --,.. ~ - - ~::"i<. _r,._'.'. .-...... ,- /\. '~ ....~",. ..- : ,.' .:'~":':::', . .:~~