HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 25- 553, Relates to Destruction of Property in Public Parks and Grounds .,." .'" , . ,..,...... . . ,2'5 ,I ORDINANCE NO. 553. AN ORDINANcF, p.ELATI1irr;. TO THE D-w.STHTJCTION OF PROPERTY IN m~ UPON THE PUBLIC PARKS A:m GROUlTDS OF TBE CITY OF BOZF.MA...lIl AlID OTJillR PLACBS THEHEnr AND PRO- VIDIHG l~NALTIr,S FOR VIOLATION THERF,OF. BE IT ORDAl}]ED BY THE CITY COMM:ISSION OF TI-IF; CITY OF BOZEIiL.o\H: . Sec. l. That after the passage and approval of this Ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or association, to i n,j ur e~, cut, destroy, or do any act which will tend to injure or destroy any fence surrounding any public park wi thin the City of Bozeman. ..-'" - . - Sec. 2. That no person shall go thru or under, or cllmb .oveJ:. -,' any fence surrounding any pUblic park of the Ci ty of Bozeman, or'..en ter or ..r_.. leave any fenced park ex:ceptthru the 'gate-ways provided for such pl.i'rpoe-e. Sec. 3. That no person shall injure or'destroy any plot seeded to grass, flowers, foliage or other vegetation, or cut, mutilate, injure, damage, or destroy any growing grass, flowers, shrubs, foliage or trees in any public park of the City of B07.eman, nor shall any person destroy, dam- age, injure, deface or mutilate any tables, benches, stands, flag poles, house or building, or any other property that may be used in connection with, or wh ich may be contained in any public park of the Ci ty of '3ozeman. Sec. 4. The Park Commission of the City of Bozemu,n shall have the right to adopt reasonable regulati ons for the government of the public parks in the City of Bozeman and no person shall violate any of such regu- lations. Sec. :J. That no person shall climb over, go thru, or under any fence surrounding any fair grounds or roundup grounds in the City of , Bozeman, or enter said 'grounds by any other mea.ns than the e nt ranc e s pro- vided therefor, without the permission of the owners of said pr6perty. Sec. 6. That no person shall cut, mutilate, deface or destroy any f<:;t.ir ground fence or roundup ground fence in the City of Bozeman, or any build.ing, seats, bencbes, stands, apartment, or property therein con- tained of any kind or ch~racter. Sec. 7. That no person shall have the right to trespass upon any roundup grounds or fair grounds in said City without first obtaining lawful permission for such purpose. Sec. 8. That no person shall act in a loud, boisterous or rude manne r , or so conduct himself as to be offensive to t..'1ose using or being upon or ~dthin any of the public parks, or ground s of the City of Bozeman, or within the fair grounds or roundup grounds in said City. Sec. 9. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon a conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in a sum not less than Five Dollars ($5) nor more than Two, Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250) , or by a sentence of not Ie ss than ten days nor more than ninety days in the Ci ty or County .Tai 1 in the City of. Bozeman , and such , ~~ ';,"'1"", ,. 26 fine may provide that in case of 'non-payment that the offender shall serve HIe same at the r ate of one day for each 'I'VIO Dollars of said fine. Passed, adopted and appro~ed this 29th day of October, A.D. 1925. .... . G7~//t/~ ~~~~. \.~ . - .'~~ .,...... ' ATT}~ST : VIAYOIt. - , .......... - - -OJP-~ ftm~/ , CLERK OFTBE G01&HSSION. ," STATE OF MONTANA ) SS COUNTY OF GALLATIN ) I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission in the City of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing Ordinance :rJo. 553 of the Ci ty of Bozemu.n, Montana, was pub- lished once within ten days after its passage, to-wit: On . t h~ 1st day of NOV/2nt>er , 1925 , in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Mon- tana, and that due proof of said pUblication was made and filed in my ~ office. IN WITNESS WHER:F:O,F I have hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of the said City this 2d day of N1:lI1ember , A.D. 192fS. ~~.a/ CLERIC OF T!ffi COM~HSSION. . '^