HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 25- 552, Vacates and Discontinues Portion of East Babcock Street Lying Between Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue . \..'.,:~ " 2,a ORDIlfAlIDE lro. 552. AN ORDINANCE OF THE aITY OF BOZlbUN VACATING AND DISCONTINUING THAT PORTION OF EAST BABCOCK STREET LYING BEl'w.zmN B'UTTONWOOD A VEl'HlI!iAND CYPRESS A VENUE SOUTH IN SAID CITY. -I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COWISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Sec. 1. THAT WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman owns Block 21 of Northern Pacific Addition to said C!'ty lying south of and abutting on East Babcock Street between Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue. South, and also oWns the tract of land formerly known as the Aylesworth arid Lindley Trac't, which lies north of and abu~s on sa.id East BaQcock Street between said Buttonwood "Avenue' and Cypress Avenue South; AND WHEREAS, said tracts of land are now being improved, culti- vated, seeded to grass, and tre'es and shrubs being planted thereon for the ..-. creation of a pub11e Park to be known as Lindley Park; Am:> WHEREAS, said East Babcock Street lying between said Button- wood Avenue and Cypress Avenue South cuts thru and di vides said pro posed Park and the vacation and disoontinuanc, of said Street thru said ...Park is advlsab~e; AND WHEREAS" ,said portion. of said Street oan be vaoated -and dis- -, continued without, detriment to the public interest but on the other"barta I to the interest of the public; A.ND WHEREAS, on the 16th day of July, A.D. 1925. the City Oommis- ., " sion of the City of Bozeman, in pursuance'of8ections 5306 and 5494 of the , . Revised Codes of the State of Montana, 1921, passed Commission Resolution No. 49 deolaring it to be the intentional the City Commission of the Oi ty of Bozeman to pass an Ordinanoe vacating~ and discontinuing that portion of East Baboook street lying between Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue South and fixing the 30th day of July, ),925, at 1:30 o'clock p.m. at the regular meeting of the City gammi-ssi on of the C1 ty of Bozeman, in the City Hall Building in sa~d City !i's the time ~nd place formaring obJections fr'om any and all persons interested or affected by the proposed vaoation and discontinuanoe of said portion of Eaat Babcock Street, andaleo objeo- .,. tions, if any, to the pas'sage and adoption of an Ordinance by the said City Commission for such purpose; AND WHEREAS I due notioe was published as. provided by law of the intention of the said Oi ty of BozeDBn to vacate and discontinue said portion ~ I of East Babcock Street and of the time and place for hearing objections thereto; .AED WHEREAS, nO object1onsof'any kind or character were nade or filed by any person whonuroever at the time'andplaoe for the hearing of the same, to-wit: On the 30th day' of July ,1925, as in said Reso lution stated; 24 Sec. 2. That, that portion of Ea.st Babcock Street lying between ... Buttonwood Avenue and Cypress Avenue South in the City of Bozeman, Montana, be, and the same is hereby, discontinued and vacated. Sec. 3. That the City Commission of the City of Bozeman does hereby declare the discontinuance and vacation of said Street for the pub- I lic interest and find's that the same can. be done wi thout detriment to the . pUblic interest. Sec. 4. That this Ordinance be published by printing the Num- ber and Ti tIe thereof as provided by law. A\.~" Passed and approved this ~:I-~/ day of ~".A.D. 1925. ~~l/#~ lIay or . Attest: -(I J1HtI1 ~/Jri~J Cle)"kof\ theCo1'D1ll Bsi on. - ,MA'l'JI OF"llONT ANA ) ~ as .. ~~ County of Gallatin ) I .' I, Walter Davls", Clerk of the Commission 1n theei ty of Bozeman, Montana, do hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing - . Ordinance No. 551 of the 01 ty of Bozeman, Montana, was published once wi thin ten days after its passage, to-wit: On the 6th day of August, 1925, 1n the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily new8paper of general circu- lation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof bf said pUblication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHERKOF I have hereunto set my hand and the oorporate seal of the said City this 6th dB.yof August, A.D. 1925. l<rt~~mmisnsion . t ""'. '. ,. ,. -