HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 25- 548, Regulates Operation of Pool Halls, Card Rooms, Etc., and Repeals Ordinance 525 and also Section 11, Ordinance 505 -- 10 , d b O,.~~,.,....n~n No. s ~ 1 ,.W RenaalOa 'j&u~'I"'~lvu IpU -ORDINANCE NO. 548. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION AND CONDUCT OF POOL HALLS I BILLIARD HALLS, CARD ROOMS AND SOFT DRINK ESTABLISHMENTS AND OTHER PLACES OF BUSI- NESS WHERE POOL, BILLIARDS AND CARDS ARE PLAYED; PRESCRmING THE HOURS WITHIN WHICH THE SAME MAY BE OPEN, FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS; PROHIBITINGMINORS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS FROM VISITING OR FRE- QUEETING THE SAME; AND PROHIBITING THE PLAYING OF CERTAIN KINDS OF POOL; .1- PROVIDING FORA PENALTY FOR V IOLATI. ONS OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDIN- . 0... ..; ANCE AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 525 OF THE CITY OF B0ZEMAN. cU!-a-o <:::3oS 4...~Q..JZ.. Qj,~ J) , .., BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Sec. l. That all pool halls, billiard balls, card rooms or soft drink establishments, and other places of business where 'Pool, bil- liards, or cards are played, shall close each night of the year at 12 . \ o'clock, midnight, and shall be kept and remain closed until 7 o'clock, -the following morning, and all of each Sunday, provided that all such . pool halls, billiard halls, card rooms and soft drink -establishments, and , other places of business where pool, ,billiards and cards are played I may remain open on Sunday between the hours of 7 o'clock a.m. and 10 o'clock !. p. m., for the, sale of cigars, tobacco, candies, soft drinks, etc., pro- vided I however, that during said hours on. Sunday no pool, billiards or cards are played; \ Sec. 2. That no person, except ~ ~wner or employees of any pool hall, billiard hall, card room or soft drf~k establishment, or other place of business, where pool, billiards or cards are played I -shall be, . ..'.,. ....".. or remain, in such place of business between the houre of 12 o'clock, mid- night, and? 0 'clock a.m. of t,he followlng morning on week days, or on ' . . Sundays, except between the hours of 7 o'clock a.m. and 10 o'clock p.m. Seo. :5. That any person", or persons, except the owners, agents or employees of such owners, of any such pool hall, billiard hall, card rc5om~"S'bf:t. drink esta.blishment, orcclther place of buslne ss where pool, billiards: _or oards are played, who are found wi thi~ . s~ch pool hall, bil- liard hall, card room, soft drink establishment, or other pla.ce of busi- ness where pool, billiards, or cards are played, between the hours of 12 o'clock,midnight, and 7 o'clock a.m. ~f the following morning, and on Sundays, except between the hours 'of 7 o'clock a.m. and 10 o'clock p.m., shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall be pun- i$hed as herein provided; .' Sec. 4. That there shall be no window shades, blinds or; , . , screens or partitions, in any pool hall, billiard hall, card room, soft .,~ drink establishment, or other plaoe of business where. POOl.~ b.illiardS' Ol.\ I, : cards are played, at any time; that at all times the lnterlor of such :.. ~"\'''' . pool hall, billiard hall, card room or soft drink establishment, or any,:! . ;' other place of business where pool, billiards, or cards are played, sha~l: < . I be so constructed and maintained that an unobstructed view of such inter..:' '\ ior may be had from the street and the exterior of such place; .~C' \t"...~, ,.... l .-7. ."'''':. 11! ". Sec. 5 . That any owner, proprietor, manager or employee who per- mits, or any person who carries on or oonducts, or causes to be conducted or run as principal, agent or employee, any game of Pea Pool, Pay Pool, I Kelly Pool, or any game of chance, science or skill, played upon any pool table or upon any billiard table for money, checks, credits or any repre- sentative of value, shall be deemed to be guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall be punished as herein provided; Sec. 6. That any person who shall participate as a ~layer in . the games prohibited by Section 5 of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a vi alation of this Ordinance and shall be punished as herein' ~rovided; J \ . Sec. 7. That every owner, proprietor, manager or employee of a pool hall. billiard hall. card room or soft drink establiShme.~or other .. place of business. where pool. billiards or cards are Pls.Ye~:i! ~ permits a minor under the age of 18 years to play, resort or stop therelri" shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and sha'll be pun~shed as 'herein provided; . Sec. 8. That any person under the age of 18 years.~,w:p.o shall fre- ,'~;" I~. quent or loiter in any pool hall, billiard hall, card room,:lsoft drink /i1 , establisbment or other place of business, where pool or bilfiar,ds or cards I ' J! I are played, or who shall play or participate in any game o/r pool, billiards - """ .~ or cards in any such poor hall, billiard hall, card room or soft drink establishment, or other place of business where po.ol, billiards, or cards '\ ~ are pla:y~d shall be deemed guil ty of a vI alation of this Ordinance'-and upon ! conviction shall be punished as herein/provided; - .. - Sec. 9. That the license of any owner or proprietor df any pool hall, billiard hall, card room or sO,'ft drink establ ishment or any place of business where pool, billiards or c!ards are played, Who shall violate the I , provisions of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction for the sec'ond offense, in addition to the puniShment herein provided, be revoked and no license shall be issued to the same owner or. proprietor for the same place of business for a period of six months thereafter; Sec. 10. That any owner, or proprietor, or the servant, agent or representative of any owner or proprietor of any pool hal,l, billiard hall, card room or soft drink establishment, or a~ other place of business where , . pool, billiards or cards are pl~ed, or any minor under the age of 18 years, , , "I " or any other person: who ~hall violate the prOVisions of ~his Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 and not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail' or County Jail for not less than 5 days and not more than 90 days, or by both fine and imprisonment, provided that in case the fine of such person is not paid, such person shall be {~pri8oned in the County or Ci ty Jail until suoh fine is satisfied in proportioJl, to one day's t.'. .. , .... :.:, \. , .. ',. " ;,:' -, ;',. {'i";.~. . -:' .-:.,. 12 ~ imprisonment for"every $2.00 of such fine; Sec. lI. That Ordinance No. 525, entitled, "An Ordinance Regu- lating the Operation and Conduct of Pool Halls, Billiard Halls, Card Rooms and Soft Drink Establishments and other Places of Business where Pool, Billiards and Cards are played; Prescribing the Hours Wi th in wh ich the I Same may be Open for the Transaction of Business; Prohibi ting Minors und- er the age of Eighteen Years from Visiting or Fr~quenting the Same; and Prohibiting the Playing of Certain Kinds of Pool; Providing for a Penalty for Violations of the Provisions of this Ordinance and Repealing Ordinance No. 505 of the City'o! Bozeman", and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the Bame are hereby repealed; Sec. 12. That this Ordinance shall take effect and,be i~ full force from and after 30 days from and after its passage, approval ~d pub- lication as required by Ordinance. I Passed by the Conmisa ion of the Ci ty of Bozeman 'ats ..:.~lar sess ion thereof, held on this. 1--l. d day of March, 1925. \ . J ,Approved this 1-b d day 0 f Mar oh, 192 5 . Attest: ~)~#t I ~~~ -, Mayor. Clerkaf the Commission. ~. . , ~ , ~ '" State of,j[ontana ) SS County of Gallatin ) * I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, I hereby certify that the number and title oL?the foregoing Ordinance No. 548 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its passage, to-wit: On the 26th day of April, 1925, in the Bozeman Daily Chroniole, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and pub- lished in the City of Bozeman, Vontana, and that due proof of said public- a~ion was made and filed in m~ office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and the c'rporate .. seal of the said city this 28th day of April, A.D. 1925. , ~)}J~~A-I . C erkof the Cormnission. ~ (~. .- , ',. \ . , r ,. , . t 'A ....",;:k;-:..,,\,