HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 24- 543, Amends Ordinance 72 . ._r,,' ~ 3 ORDINANCE NO. 543. AN ORDHTANCF. AMENDING ORDHTANCE NO" 72 OF THE CITY OF BOZE1JTAN, MONTANA, ClVUIGING THE NAME OF T}~ PUBLIC PARK IN PARK ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, FROM "CITY PARK" TO "COOPER PARK". . :BE IT ORDAINFD BY THE COIDHSSION OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAN: I . Section 1. THAT WHEREAS, Wa,l ter Cooper and Mariam D. Cooper, his wife, and Nelson Story and Ellen Story, his wife, deeded to the City of Bozeman on the 27th day of May, 1890, that certain tract of land lying be- tween East Koch Street and East Story Street and between Sixth Avenue South and Eighth Avenue South in the City of Bozeman for public Park pur- poses as set forth and described in Ordinance No. 72 of the City of Boze- man, Montana; AlTD VnmREAS, said Public Park was a gift to said City, AND WlmREAS, Walter Cooper, one of the grantors in said deed, born on the 4th day of July, 1841, at the Town of Sterling, Cayuga County, State of New York, has been a resident of the City of Bozeman since the fall of 1869, and was one of the incorporators of the City of Bozeman in 1883, and a member of the first City Council of this City and has continued to live and reside and make ~he City of Bozeman his home until his death in said City on the 28th day of April, 1924. I AlTD \~RE.~, during said residence, he was prominently connected . - .- - - - . . . with all of the activities of said City; that in 1889, he was elected to the 0 Constitutional Convention of the State of Mpntana, and in 1892 was elected President of the State Pioneer's Society, serving two years, and has been President of the Gallatin County Pioneer Society thr'i,:e terms; has been .',lj;, President of the Gallatin Valley Club; was one of the organizers of the Yellowstone Expedi tioD of 1874, and was ,a member of t,h~~, Legislature from o. v' Gallatin,QQ~nt:[..~i.n 1895, and took ana.c"~ive part in thE!l'<l~~ssage of an act ~ ~~ .~,. ? ,:;: '"'"~;, ",' ,. .. """':,'i:jt~,:~::,~~~,:,::",::,,:,,{ therein making it possible for the erection and equipment of a large portion ^ ~. . of the buildings now occupied by the Montana State College at Bozeman, and in 1892 was a member of the first Executive Board of-that Institution, serving six years in that capacity. AND WHEREAS, in 191,0, he was chosen President of the Bozeman ... Chamber of Commerce, and in l889 organized the Bozeman Water Works Company, ':~ch +Vas la~~rpurchased by thi~' Ci ty. ., .i;. A1,TJJ V/}IEREAS, during his career he was ever active in the support . .1 of every interest and industry which 'tended toward the upbuilding of the community. . - -",. .,..- - . .,..- ,.I ....."'.,...~ '..r-,r..,..~~__...... . . ,.' AND WBEREAS, the inhabi tants of the Ci ty of'..<13crzeman will, in all , ., ,r time to come, receive the comforts, blessings and en~Dyment of said Park - dedicated to said City, - - -" ~ ".~ AND WHEREAS, it is only becoming apd proper tnat the City of , ~ ,~ -", ',".', ",.",:,.',. 4 Bozeman should recognize the :value, of said gift and in a measure commem- orate the life and service rendered by Walter Cooper. THEREFORE, the Mayor and the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, upon behalf of the entire City and with power in them vested, do hereby deem it advisable to change the name of said Park from "Ci ty I Park" to "Cooper Park". Section 2., That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 72 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows, to-wit: "Section 4, That said tract of ground shall be known and is hereby design& ted as "Coo:per Park". Section 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Bozeman be, and he is hereby, ordered to publish this Ordinance according to law and to deliver a Certified Copy thereof under the Seal of said City to Mariam D. Cooper, the widow of said Walter Cooper. Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day of June, A.D. 1924. Attest: ~~/8~~L Mayor. ~~ 'I Clerk of te ommission. State of MOl'ltana ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, Walter Davis, Cllsr1b. tJ,f the' Commis's1on5bf ,the;~ Cit<Y''Qf Bozeml.!lJ.. do hereby certify -that the numb~r:La~dC\t1t'l1ev,o'f lfhe f.G:t-egtinge, O':tdl:nan~e, llo;~e,'543 ,i:Cf:.', tb:eueitud ofoBneeinanG'.;Jlon:tatt'ac; was;;pniDlisfted';.once:cwith'in'-: ten ~$(: aft~'w)]idloiJe cpa8Bag:ec~ oto:oowilt~: ODe the;'.' 6:th;=::.day:j bf: JUnm:,;:L ;l@24', drt the'; Btli.-ema.n Da.tt.ly~'ahd-o}lic[e.Tua.C'Q.all~ltnewBpaper of general circulation, print- ed and pub'II'SlfeaSilfl"thenei,tud o-rhBo'iema.n9rM&atQna:~ t:a.nti'(.-' thatt..q:iuea.Jlr~DfJ'O~dL , add. puf)l;lcation was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunt,o ,s.e~InY.~and..,~nd~he .c.orpo.r.a.,,!!e .;:Lt-'[ ~.~l.:,~~I' seal of the said City this tenth day of June, A.D. 1924. €t.h~A Jdu/rf#/ I C erk of the Commission .',....~""\-:"'_.........."..." ~,7,..~ .- j - - ~ r .... - - ,."~;.. ',....; . ',,: <.. ~: ., '...; \ ,. .'';''.''.