HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 24- 542, Vacates Portions of Garfield Street and Grant Street Lying Between East Line of Seventh Avenue South and West Line of Sixth Avenue South in Capitol Hill Addition ."- ., :,~?:,,_.:..~~:iIlItI'. ,..<'~ ..,1' I~ . ..j,';jf.....:,<'-:.;-""'~t' ORDINANCE NO . 542. AN ORDINANCE DISCONTINUING AND VACATING THOSE PORTIONS OF GARFIELD STREET AND GRA.l\fT STREET LYING' BETWEElT THE EAST LINE OF S"EVBNTH A VENUE SO UTH AND THE WEST LINE OF SIXTH AVENUE SOUTH IN CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF B OZEM..A.N, MONT.. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CO:MMISSION OF T~ CITY OF BOZENLAN: Section 1. The Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts of the University of Montana filed its petition with the City Commis- sion of the City of Bozeman on thel8th day of October, 1923, to vacate and discontinue those portions of Garfield Street and Grant Street lying be- tween the East line of Seventh Avenue Sbuth and the West line of Sixth Avenue South, alleging therein that said Montana State College of Agricul- ture and Mechanic Arts. of the University of Montana was the owner of all of the Blocks of land bordering upon said portion of Streets requested to be ve,cated. On .sa,id,.l,(?t;h .da,y .Qf October, 1923, by Commission Resolution .:t ..:t No. 29, the City Commission declared its intention to grant said petitiion-.- 3 and named Thursday the 25th day of October, 1924, at 4:30 o'clock P.M. at the meeting place of s8..id City Commission in the City Hall of the City of Bozeman, as the time and place when and where protests or objections to the granting of said petition would be heard. On the 20th day of October, 1923, notice of said hearing on said petitTon was duly publi&bed in th.e Bozeman Daily Chronicle as provided bylaw. No objections or oroteet~ _ >. " " ~ '.'>,;..,. . . having been presented to the vacating of said portions of said./'Bfiee1rs, it , ' .- . , appears that the same can be done without detriment to the pupl:iQ...~:;:.t'ir.~.t.~"... ~-- Section 2 That all that portion of Garfield Street~~:~~,een ;' ,~.., " ~?5.',~>.., - the east line of Seventh Avenue South and the West line of Sixth.~.....aveU1fe" South in Capi tol Hill Addi tion to the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, be;.-"and.~Alhl; same is hereby, disQontinued and vacated. < Section 3. That all that portion of Grant Street lying between the East line of Seventh Avenue South a~d the West line of Six~h Avenue South in Capitol Hill Addition to Bozeman, Montana, be. and the same is hereby discontinued and vaoated. Section 4. That the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, ordered to publish this Ordinanoe as provided by law a~d that this Ordinance shall take effect th~rty days from and after its passage and pUblication. Passed, ado9ted and approved this 5th day of June, A.D. 1924. .I 1~~ct4' x'~E.. Attest: ,;./ Mayor. ~~/ ~ Clerk of the Commission. -'-"'~ .,1" "'. , > ~ . ,. ...~,.::. ." :z 6 '- g. ~ t.-<<A .,' ." . ',...- -... Ci ty Att'orney. , .-.' ~... _. _. .. - '..,j/" ~;,::/,) w"",' ,I. .,_, ~ - :;:;', ':,~"';;'I :~" . .,,,,'.~,,,,,.,,.. 2 state of Montana ) ss . County of Gallatin ) I, W'al ter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Boze- man, Montana, hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing , .. Ordinance, No. 542 of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, VI as published once within ten days after its passage, to-wit: On the 8th day of June, 1924, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication wa.s made and filed in my office. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and the corporate seal of said city this ,,4 day of June, A.D. 1924. ~~~~/ Clerk of the Commission. . .,' I - .. / .. . - , - / .~. - -.. . , :~,,:.~':r~":.:::-,~ - ""'-.';';'~ .... L"""t!, c.,..,_ \, ~, -.. - '. ') . .- ._---~ .. '~,~ .. . .'" ~ I '1lI:Ci' \ r,n". .'. ~,' ('l -<'If'. oJ,J_ .,-..... ~ ,:Z'.. '. . i:j