HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 24- 539, Fixing and Levying Annual Road Poll Tax on All Males Between 21 and 45 and Repealing Ordinance 454 480 .~,.... ,.- ~-'" .~., ... . . m""~_m,.~_.,"_,.~~,.,~" _'H"~" ',".'" ., ... .,_~ ...' " .,,_~.:..,._~" __ . _.. ,,"_,.n.~ ".".~ .n. .___.~~.. ~,.~m_... ~~.. _'.__~__."',. ....u_...". .~~"..~ft,_~.', "'. '"" "~""'"~ "'~'______"'''_~'! , "~.~ ~',. ,~'''~'-''",~,,, "'...-',..,. .. ~ - -"~ ~'_. ~--'-'" - . -.~""'--'". . .,", ,...._~~-_."...,,,-_.,._""-,.,',. . ....- .. '_""',,"',,",' ._'".~",. ....' ,.. . .'-,"" . ,.. - -~~_..~,....~~ ,.~_.,'-, .". -....... ....,.,. . ,,,...,"~-".,'~._-. .~~_.._. ,".".. ~'..' ,..., '~","" - ~.,'-+ -,-.-........... - ORDINANCE NO. 539. I AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND LEVYING AN ANNUAL ROAD POLL TAX UPON ALL ABLE-BODIED MALE INHABITANTS OF THE CITY 'OF B'OZEMAN BETWEEN THE AGES OF TWENTY-ONE YEARS AND FORTY -FIVE YEARS, BOTH INCLUSIVE, PROVIDING FOR TEE COLLECTION OF SUCH TAX AND REPEAT.JING ORDINANCE NO. 454 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE COMMISS ION OF TEE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. Every able-bodied man be:tween the ages, of twenty- five (25) years and forty-five (45) years, both inclusive, not exempt by I law or by any Ordinance of the City of Bozeman, residing within the City of Bozeman, must pay an annual Road Poll Tax in the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00), and such tax is hereby levied and imposed. Section 2. The Clerk of the City Commission must make a list of' all. persons liable for the payment of the annual road poll tax in the City of Bozeman, and present the same to the City Commission for inspec- tion and correction at'a regular or special meeting to be held not later than the third Monday in May. On or before the first regular meeting of the Commission in" ".010- ;.. I 'I " .Tune, the Commission must direct a copy of such list, as corrected, ceft- ~.. ... ., ..... ',,--~ . '. : '.~, ..':""', ified by the Clerk of the Commission, to be delivered to the Dib:rctor"'~f-...'__' "",.,~;~.,.. - - ..... , '"'., "'.., ": Finance, and the Director of Finance must forthwith collect such:-. t"'axe!l'-":':""'-~' " .. ,,'" ,.. ~ " ,-""'. ",. from the persons named in the list, .and from such other persons l:fa.'ble ~. ... for the sam"e, as he may add thereto; provided that any person who is assessed for a real property tax in the City may pay such annual road poll tax at the time he pays his general tax, and in such case the annual ~ road poll ,tax shall be added upon the assessment list to other taxes of persons liable therefor paying taxes upon real property, by the County I. Clerk upon a list of the names of persons liable for the same being cert- ified to by the Clerk of the City Commission. Section 3. Every person having in his or its employment any person or persons liable for the special road tax of Two Dollars mention- ed in this Ordinance, 'must on or before the first Monday in April of each year, and monthly thereafter until the first day of October, furnish to the Director of Finance a complete list of all the persons so employed, and if any such employer shall neglect or refuse to furnish such list, he shall forfeit to the City of Bozeman the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) , I to be recovered by an aotion brot in the name of the City of Bozeman, in the Police Court of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and the further sum of 481 ..,~ ,. ".". ,'-,-".,..,,~" '.", ~,,~ ~,--,', ~,.. .,,_ ~ w..~" ".".'."."M" ~ --""..~"."~~,-~- . -,.,_..~ - .,.. .-.- -.. ,.._,--.".,, ...,.,.--...-.-...... .,~.~........ - - ~'" ... -,~-~, --,.". .'." ..... ""'''.'^.,~''. ...- - ,- ,~,. ~'._.H . .~-" ... _....._'...._'."..m.. _"_"'..~.~.~'m_ .. ."'''','''. ..................... n__ ~'.,..-,'_,~,.,". "'_.'."~'~, ~" .,~~-~~ ,-- -~,.,. " - -' ~ ,'"-,.....~." . . ..-. .-.'"'.' I Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each refusal or neglect to furnish such list after any demand shall have been made by the Director of Finance therefor. Section 4. If any person required to pay the special road tax men- tioned in this Ordinance does not pay the same and has no real property sub- ject to taxa~ion and the person owing the same is in the employment of any other person, co-partner-ship or corporation, the Director of Finance must deliver to the employer a written notice, stating the amount of tax due for suoh employee, and from the time of receiving the said noti,ce, the employer I is liable to pay said tax and the tax so paid may be d'educted by such employ- er from the amount then due or to become due to such employee. Any employer failing to pay said tax of his employee, as in this section hereinabove provided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 5. Any person refusing to pay this said tax, as herein provided, shall on conviction be fined Five Dollars ($5.00); and in case of' his failure to pay the same, he shall be committed to the City Jail unless such sum be paid, and shall serve one (1) day therein for each. Two Dollars . ($2.00) of said fine. Section 6. For the purposes of this Ordinanoe, every person is deemed to be able-bodied who is capable of performing or does perform ordina- .. ry manual labor. .. ",- ,- --,,'" ".-........ ,. " Section 7. Ordinance No. 454, and all Ordinances and pa~o"t--""~-/ '. ft" . - Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. '" - -i_._.. .........", ~ -c-'" ,- " Section 8. This Ordinance shall' be in force and take ef:'(e<lt_ ."from . '-'~.' --' - . and after thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. r...~l'W.,l"f,':".,..,."c' . <I Adopted and approved this 20th day of March, 1924. .~" ~AAA-'AA/ ;/!5~t:L- fl ~ - llayor. ~ " A'l.''rEST : ... '''''":''.''. -'c...- ~ - .., /,".JF . . '_ /0, '.~ 'U~~ ';- ~~.,"~~~ "- " .,' - "..... j :./?r-T .4 / _ ,,'~erk of,", the City Commission. "-" "",, .........' ~- -' " .... '.... I ."'.,,:" ii _,I . 482 ~~.~.",.,.,,-''',. ..,.... ""'_'"""..,'_,_~'''_''''r' '_"~'~_'_'_','~ ~.' ,.~,~'..._,.... ~.'~~_,~___~._~.~.__,~,.,.,~."...~' ,'."'_"~ ".'.'._. ._ .'_.".' 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STATE OF MONTANA ) I ss County of Gallatin ) ""- I, Walter Davis, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, HEREBt CERT IFY That the number and title of the foregoing Ordinance Number 539 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its passage, towit: On the 22d day of March, 1924, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana; and that due proof of said publication I was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihave hereunto affixed my hand and the -'" --- corporate seal of said City, thi's 31st day of March, A.D. 1924. ... ", __,-,. 6 < " -/ ''"-" _ c~ ;~_' "~~,..._ :: ~ ~~~/ i! - ',' ',..,.,.At ~-:;":- , -- Clerk of the Commission ... -- " , . _..,,--~ ~' ~- I ., ,:l:"'\'!~"'.:''''-'..' .- ~ 'Ii " ,. , , , .--...... ~ ~ .u' - . -'~~' ~ .... ~' ~,'" " ~"- ':'- ~ ,_-~..,:;.or""~._~:- .;'" ' . - , . ~ - . . . , ~._-'....~.::~~~~-: -'- /' , " ,', " ,~ ........ 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