HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 24- 538, Fixing Annual Salaries of Officers of City -,.".. .. .. -,-- ,---_. ,------.--.- . ._.. ,."._...,.,.~"_ ., ."""'~'.'.~,~'''''"''''.... M" .."m'.". _".. M~'~"."_ ",...~..'.,,' ,,,",-'_.,,~,..,'-',. ....,.~,.."..,~ ~ ...,_.._"-,,~_.,.,, ,. -,.,~",...,~_."- ~.~ .- -~,.,~~..-.- .,', .""'~,.,. . .. ,_.., . "'"___~.r '" "'~,~,~ --.- ,.....~ - _.,,-,_...~ ~. ~- . .,. .. ... n. ,_~ - ~~,.. ~ _', , '_"'.' ~",,~,. ',_r',_~_~.,"'_,.",. .~_.,. ,.,.__,....,_ . ._~'_'~"",_.,_"' ...,., .,. ".,~..,.,. ."'-"..",,~-~"'-' ,. -~"..'....,'^'" ~.. .. -_.'.'._".~",._-",,,,.,,,~,.,,-".,,~,,--,,,,,,,,,,,~,....."..,.~,.."... "'..'".,~""~',,,,,_. .','" ORDINANCE NO. 5.38. I .! "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE ANNUAL SALARIES OF OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF BOZEJUN ...ONTABA', PURSUANT TO SECTIOB 5507 OF THE ,REVISED CODES OF J40NTANJ.." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COWISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Repealed by Ordinnn:a No. Stn r I SECTION 1. The" aDDl18.1." salar~, of, tbe Cit;wManager l,s,fixed at the sum, of Three Thous8DcLDollara ($3.000.00). SECTIOJ2. The, annual." aa1arJl, of tbe Dlre,ator of F.inanae e.n4 C i tJl C1Br~ is,., f1~8d". at thesDm__ of T"entJ'~one Hundre d. Dollars (.2,.100.00). SECTIOIL5. The,a:m;mal.,l;lalar;v of tl1eD1rector" QfLawisf1.ud. at th~ aum ofT.ell'e . Hudrea 'Dollar:e t.1.2oo.00). SICTIOU 4,- The .,annual salarz. of. the PollQ$ Judge ls, flnd"at '1;he eumn of Seven Hundred.~ Twent~ DOllareCt'l20.00). I SECTIOI5. All Qr,dlnanoee", and.. parte.. of Ordinances, in aonfl:l,.ot herew:lthare here,b;.v, repealtd. SEOTION 6. ThiEL Ordinance. shall tak,e, effect.. and be,..ln,f.oroe, from and after l1;.s"passage." approvaL and publlaa,tlon. ,- , '.-, ;Eassedand approved this, 31s.t dSJl'.Qf Janu&rl.A. ~. 1924. ~:::- ....~;....... ..... - - . ,"' . .-,. ~ --"", ~ .'~- ," . /~/ I~;;- ....; -- I - ,~ ..... , - ~-" '~ ~ . ! ~ It a.. ~'" or . ........' ,.,. ...- -' AriTE~T : -- a~L;?;#,~~y Clerk of", tbe CltJ' Commission. I r " ,_'",,'~.~'~-"--. _..-,..... ..- .,...... ,.~...""'.,.,,...,.. '"..' ., "~ .- .~-_.,--_. ...'~..~..~",~".. ...~~~_...__... -- -. ~ -- -- ....~. .-."."'--."..-- ..ft"'.."_''''_' -, .- ,. .. ..,-- . . . .._.... ._ '...' ._.~ ...__.~_n...____'.'~"'_ ~--.~.". .. ':!'\'" .". . ... .~._. ....~.., -,~, ~ ~~n..'~" __._ .....,.,..~. ~--" -.. --..- .... ~ ..,. ". .....,.",~..~..",,~~ I ;1 " STATE OF MONTANA J " . ea. ,,' COUNTY OF G~LATiNi . I I., Walter Davie., C~erk:'Qf)tbe-- OdmmisaiQ1l, of the. Cit;v:, of B,Qz,emen, HEREBY CIItTIIY, - - That" the,., number" and..titl.e,... of.._$he,_far.egol:QC.., OrdlnQo e No... 538 of tbe CitJ' of Ro,ze.m&J1.,Kon:t...na.".I,.published.."ona8 wit!11n ten" da;ve,.after" itsc, passage.., to~w1t.:., .Oll.. t~e,-. 2Il4.~..Qf!ebruar~.19,~4, l,ILtbe" BozemeJ'LDa11~,. Chronia.l.. ,a.. dall~~,D*..pape,r... of. general" alraula- tlo.n, printed,,_ and,. pllbll.shed...1n. the.,Cl:tJ."of..B,QI.eman. .Ilontana;. and.,tbat dU8. pr.oof of said,., publica tiOD., wU..,mada.. and... fl1ed..,ind" 017.. otflo e. I . . " IN WITlESS WHEDOJI,,, I.. baYs,... herelUlU ," afflxad_ q. hand_, end -.. jI# ;ji -" ,^ ':~:,..Qo"tPora,te. 8ea~..,of. said Cit,... thlB...6th,_claJ'",otFebrllari. A..D. ,1924. r 'I'" : ." . ~ . "" .: '-....." ,/" -:.~.~--_.,~.~...- .. ..... ~- \ ... .... ..... .~ ~... ~h/P-4~~/" Clerk,..ot,~,t.bec.ODUD.1aaioD. , . I ;: ,. , i'J , ,".