HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 23- 536, Vacating Alley Running North and South in Block 13, Capitol Hill Addition -"" ,.,.,.~~.- _'~ ...,,' .0_"'" ~~'..~ - ,.." , . .. .. .. .-.~~,.,_...,.- -.,.. ~_.,..,',._". ... _..,..""_.~,,... '.'n',.. .' ._~,',,' "".",~ .. ~,,~.'" ~- .'n_.. ,an'M,' ,. "., ",_"'. - ' -- ~._, - ...._~.. e. , ... ~ ~~,~_. .~-~,- .. .'..',_,~ _.~,~~_'''.~''M ~._,. ...'-".~ I ORDINANCE NO. 536. AN ORDINAI1CE VACATING THE ALLEY RUNNING NORTH AnD SOUTH IN BLOCK THIRTEEN, CAPITOL HILL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAn, MONTANA. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE OITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1. That, 'pursuant to the petition of E. F. Cox and Katherine A. Cox, and after due and legal notice as required by law, as appears of record, 'the alley running north and south in Block Thirteen (13), Capitol Hill Addition to the City of . Bozeman, Gallati~ County, Montana, be, and the same is hereby, vacated and discontinued. '. Passed by the Cit~ Commission of the City of Bozeman, I Montana, and approved by the Mayor thereof, this 24th day of May, 1923. - -, ~ - ~~- () : I..l,~~- , , \jJTJ ._"~. ~ ~ "" ..,'. -.- -'" - .. .... , w Ac ing ayor .............,- ~... -..' -, - ----~ -, - - , -, ~ - ",Atta-st,: ,r .... .~. .". "',a' _. 'Or," ~ ... " ij(' ': ",(L.:,,~.~ .. .r ,-:" ~:J. "'-- '"-,...... - - ommission. I I 474 ~w.._~~_, . ..., ",_.~.."."~,,.,," _n'." " ......,,"~" .."~__'_~'m,'~',~"..".,."',,. "~, , '"".....,._,~,,,',u . ....~.'....~'.... -.....-',.-... -- ~ -,.. -'~"."'-"'''''.'' "-'~~.,.,-"""""~'~."~'''-'' .~,~.,. ,- -,.... --.. -_..~~._. "'''",''. - ". ~ ow.. . .h ,,'~ _u ~ ...._. _ .on .... . _... _~ _.."'.~,,"_.~_~~.,.",_.~.. ,,~~_...;...~_ ._~ ,... ."~..",,.~....;"'.., ~^'~",'~'"'_'..:..._ . ...>........... .....-.. ".'"'. ..-" "~ ^'." '.. ""'~,',~,._._.~.. ,,"~ '.'__.'.m~"_.','" . ,_,~,," "",_.,." ,-"....,."~".".,".~'.~.,',...,',,.- I 'I I . t . STATE OF MONT~qA, ) . ss . County of Gallatin ) I , J. S. Taylor, Acting Clerk of the I Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, hereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing Ordinance No. 536, of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once wi thin' ten days" after its passage, to-wi t: On the 26th day of May, 1923 , in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily news- . paper of general circulation, 'printed and published in the , .' Cl ~y of Bozema.n, Montana, and that d,ue proof of said publica- tion was made and filed in my office. f I IN WITNESS TnEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed the corporate seal of said City, this ;,'.' ,'"'' ":,~,~~.:.,"", "~'"., ( .,.......' - ... 29th day of Ma~, 1923. ..;- , n_~._ '- "- _ :,';*1. ..... Acti~~~mmiSS10n .. --" '"", -.", ~' "", '"_.... , '> - ,..,. " '.... ~-,.,- / ..- / ,- , ~ -- " - - " ~- ~ ".' .... - , \' ~r ._,'". ., . "-'\. -' ... - I I