HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 23- 534, Appropriations for 1923 455 .__.~_'_, .__,"'_.,~,_..,w,~'" ".". .,~_,_,,~~_~ ,'m _._ ~,_.._'-'" ,-~ ~,,-, ,.- ...-...., ,'.",.,- ... __.~,",.~~,.'.,"_., .0. - --" ~._....~. ."--,..,~._~,....,.. _m _ "_~ .~..~,"""_~_ . om.. .. ._~" _ ~.W', ,'_','n._'_" ._ ._~,".,~J . .... .~~.- "- - .....- ___ ~ _.__.~m'. ". "__.. _.'''. __.. "_,_,,,,~U'.'''~''_.' _...... .~" _,'.~.~.".~"-" -. ..- -..-.. . -~ I ",;., ORDINANCE NO. 534. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING MONIES FOR. THE SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1923. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That the following Bums of money be, and the I same are hereby, appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Muni~ipal Government of the City of Bozeman for the Fisoal Year of 1923, pursuant to the provieions at Seotion No. 5503, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921, and in accordanoe with the Annual Budget_and Re- oommendations submitted by the City Manager, to-wit: Department of Law. - --' For Salaries . 1,200.00 For Expenses 150.00 $1,350.00 Department of Servioe. For Salaries 1,215.00 ,I For Expenses l3.340.0Q 14,555.00 Department of Welfare. For Salaries 4,800.00 For Expenses 6.436.90 11,236.90 Department of Safety. For Salaries 14,195.00 For Expenses 1.866~00 16,061.00 Department of.Finanoe. For Salaries 5,220.00 . For Expenses 4,222.50 For Election Expenses 1.000.00 10,442.50 I For Capital Outlay and Contingenoies 13.954.60 67,600.00 Water Department. For Salaries 5,640.00 - - For Expense ' 7,296.00 For Bond Interest :tl.760.00 24,685.00 For Capital Outlay and Contingenoies 18,315.00 43.000.00 110,600.00 I ""-'. .._.n .. ... ^,..,~, .'..'~.._''''''~.''_ .m"_"_' ',. ... .,". . 'no ...~. . .~. ... """."..."... ,.. '. ...., '..'''''..0_.. _... .,.~V"~..~_ .._~." '.,,~.-.""'~""_. -~"... ,.,~._".,. . ,...."....,~ ,~._".. ., _ .. _. .,"_' "'.....n.. . . ~, -. " . ~-,-~~ "_. .. - "" ~ - --'''" ..."'" .'" '~",-'~'."......~ ....... . . '.~ .~"",,,~,.,.., .,' ..,. ~". " ~ -'.-." .. .... .,.... " '~,' -~'''',.,. I . Section 2. This Ordinanoe shall be published once as provided in Seotion 5503, Revised Codes of Montana, 1921" and ten days after such publication may be finally passed. Seotion 3. This Ordinance aha11 be in full force and effeot f~ and after its final paseage an~ approval. Provisionally passed , \ .1 ... - The foregoing Ordinance having been published as I required by law, on the 28th day of April, 1923, in the Bozeman . Daily Chronicle., Bozeman., Montana, as shown by the a.ffidavi t of publication thereof, on file herein, and the same having'been received the further consideration of the City Commission, the Otl1 day of ') . said Ordinance is finally passed and .. ky. 1923.1 . .. . I ,. ommission. - I ,i I . .....__.._____..u 4517 ..,~~--------' ".'..."".-. .~'. ...'. .'_..,-,.,-,,,,_.,,,.,.,,"._._.._~~- -~-,_..~,",-'" ..," ." ,,,,..,,~."".", _....,~- - "n. .. ... ,,""..,.. . _m _ . .. ..,~,,,. ._,.~ _ . _ ._ .. ~~ ."-.-.,,",. "_m,~,~-----: ...... ~"_'_M,'':'''_'" ~.~... ...............:- ~~ .. ..._ ,,~,_ '. ~,.., ,~.~_ .__. ,~' ~. ^,~._~~,.~,,,,,,,,,,,,,'_",~,.'" . .......'.."......_ _ I . STATE OF MONTANA., ) : 8S County of Gallatin, ) , I, J. S. Taylor, Aoting Clerk of the Commission of I the City of Bozeman, hereb~ oertify that the number and title of the foregoing Ordinanoe No. 534, of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its provisional passage, to-wit: On the 28th day of April, 1923, in the Bozeman Daill Chroni.ole, a daily newspaper- of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my ,-. na;;' ~d affixed th.e corporate seal of said City, this .530 Ii:: ....' day" of -' -.o..f~ , 1923. , - ' Aot~k~~~SSion. .~ ~ ~\\ "\' ~,.\, ~ ,\\' I , I