HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 23- 533, Laserfiche: 'Ordinance 0533' 453 --- ,-" ,.,~.", ..__ ,',n." _,',n_ __".". .. ....--""._._~. ..~,,_.""".,--'''- . "." ,."--,-,_.,.^~,,,,, - "'.-- ,.-- ". __ .~_._^'_.._ __~."_m ....,........ .,.'".u_r__ ... ...-.....'....."'.-. " - ,~ -" _. .", n~.~,'~~ " ~_ ..~_..,"'.v' _ __. .... "..^'."".V .,.~... -. ,"'.., .'~,J .-.,.~,~", -.-.,.-....- --.."^",.,,.,...-.. ~...",.,_............. ~__.__.,_.,",._, "","". n .~."_.",, .~"..,.,-,-~'- I . ORDINANCE NO. 533. AN ORDIN~JCE PRESCRIBING THE HOURS DURING WHICH Any "- RESTAURANT OR CAFE BUSINESS WITHIN THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN, CONDUCTED OR OPERATED ABOVE OR, BELOW THE STREET FLOOR OF ANY BUILDING, SHALL NOT REMAIN OPEN FOR BUSINESS. BE IT ORDAINED B~ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1. No restaurant, cafe, noodle parlor, or any place where food or other refreshment is sold to ,the public generally or busi- I ness of such character conducted, which 'is Idcated or operated in any part of any building within the City of Bozeman other than that located on the street floor of such building, so that the same may be readily and conveniently inspected and observed, by the 'Police, shall be open for business, nor shall the public be permitted therein, nor shall business be carried on therein, between the hours of one o'clock, A.M. and six o'clock, A. M. of any day. Sec tion 2. Any person violating the provisions of this Ordinance, be. it owner, tenant, agent or employee, shall, upon conviction thereof in the Police Court of the City of Bozeman, be fined in any sum I not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars nor more than Twenty-five ($25~OO) Doll arB f or each offense, and each day upon which such business is carried on or conducted .in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. Section 3. In addition to the penalties provided in Section \ 2 hereof, violation of this Ordinance and conviction thereof shall oe sufficient ground for the suspension or revocation 'of the ci ty license under which such business is operated or conducted. Adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman and approved I by the Mayor thereof thi s 19th day of April , 1923. /." ., ", ..- -" . ~ Mayor. A tte'st:.. I . --- . '''.' '.' ., -'-.-..,-,-.. ~,"'~," .'~".,... ..., ""'~'~~','M~ U.._,_.....,'~."."'"'_.",.,,,. '''-''_''''.'~~''''''._''''''''.'-".'-'''''',''',''''''','' -.' .._" "_,~_~~.__ft~~'" ..,...",.. . . .,.....,..,...,.. ".'...,.. ".',...,...,",. '_'~...n__ "" ..". ...,___ '.~".~,,"~_.'. ..." . . ~ ~""~~..._.,~ .. ~'_...._.". ~. .~"'- ..- .-..'^- 'M~'..',_ ... Y"_',,."'.' . .'~N'"... .._" .".,,,~. ."""'" '~'. -,,-.......... -,., '. ,....,,~'""~'-"~~, .". .. ,.~,.., .,......,......- -., -,_....... .."~...~ i,. I i". \,"' ... STATE OF MOHT.AlJA, ) . ss . County of Gallatin ) I, J. S. Taylor, Acting.Clerk of the Com- mission of the City of Bozeman, ~ereby certify that the number and title of the foregoing Ordinance No. 533, of I the Ci ty of Bo zeman, Montana '. was publ ished once wi thin ten days after its final passage, to-wit: On the :J. / 4- day of April, 1923, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a - daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub- lished in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and.th~t due proff of said publication was made and filed i_n my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto r si~ed my name and affixed the corporate seal of said Oity I thfs ?-3~ day of April, 1923. ". - I , - - , . ...;'" ... .. ~ ..._,_. . .",..~~.....- -"....... \ . .',"'t,,'.",: .~. '. I