HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 532, Prohibits Smoking in Opera Houses, Theaters, Moving Picture Houses, Play Houses, Etc., and Repealing Ordinance 431 -. ..--.. . ,_..~~.. -:.~~"-~~,~"". '.'... -,..."-..,..,.,,. "'"~..".,._.,.,.""..._"~ ..,. - . ,""..,,,,...., . .."_"" w,,~._~___.."'''''' ..".., . "". '"~'.'U"_,._ _'~..~'_'.,,' ,. .m ",."".- . . '~_.,.,.~. .._~~ .,... - -_.",._,- .~ ~", --- - ..~-. --... --,"',.'-..'". ".. -., .",..... ...~~~,,,..._,.~.. .~~".,_...., -~~,~~".,.~...".~... -" ., . ". .__....-~ .."- ",.".". . .." ......."...'..., . ..~..'"..~' 'h .- ~_.. ... . .,,,~,-_... ..-~,_. I ORDINANCE NO. 538. AN IDlERGENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING SMOKING IN OPERA HOUSES, THEATRES, MOVING PICTURE HOUSES, PLAY HOUSES, AUDITORIUMS, DANCE HALLS,- AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 431 OF THE CITY OF BOZEN.AN . Whereas it is Within the Knowledge of the Department of Public Safety of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that smoking I is done in publio meeting p180~S within said City, particularly in dance halls, and that suoh smoking is dangerous to the pub- lio safety; and that the present Ordinanoe No. 431 of the City of Bozeman 1s,not sufficiently specific to prohibit suoh smoking and ,promote the public safety, and an emergency exists thereby. now, th~refore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSIOll OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: "\ That except in a smoking room regularly Section 1. ':~e-E;igna.ted and approyed by the Chief of the Fire Department of I ^ - - th~._~i-ty _of Bozeman, smoking in any part of any .opera house, . , the&'tre..- moving picture house, play house, audi tori urn, or dano. halli while any performance, entertainment, lecture, show, play, exhibiti9n, or danoe, is in progress, is hereby prohibited. Section 2. The Chief of Police or any ~011ceman, the Chief of the Fire Department or any fireman under his direction, and each or any of them, is and are, hereby directed, empowered and required promptly to stop any performanoe; exhibition, enter- tainment, concert, play, lecture, show or danoe, when, in the I . judgment of them , or any of them, such action is necessary for the pub11c safety or for the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinanoe, and forthwith to arrest, or to ejeot from the building ~ or both, each and every person violating the provisions of this Ordinance; and every person convicted in the polloecourt of the , City of Bozeman of a violation of tris Ordinance shall be fined in any Bum not less than one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars. I i i i ~ ,-. , . '" c", ,""". _ ... ..c. : .;"""".C"'-.;'."'-"""'.""''''.'.-.''...; .. . ~~._~-- - 451 ." '"~''' - ". . ~', .,-."~.,,._""_.- .,~ ~.._...,,-,.,~.....,...,~ .....,..,..""..... ....-....-. ".,...~~~. "..~...~. ... -, ,..... . . _.. ~~,~._, "..,~.,. .- ,.~ .._.-.......~..- .~'..~~,.~..'.,., - __ .un _,....~._ .~., "'''-.'' --..........~ , - - "-~..~ ~~'" ,.",.,-- - - "...""'..."..,..-..".. ,-,~-,... -~~,~, "'~-- .~.,. " --'-~' '''-'~''', ~ ",.-. .. '."'-" .. , .. ,,,.,--"'~ " I -. Section 3. Ordinance No. 431 of the City of Bozeman, entitled, "An Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in Opera Houses, Theatres, Play Houses, and Moving Picture,Houses in the City of Bozeman, and Repealing Ordinance No. 391," and all Ordinances and parte of Ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict here- with, are hereby repealed, but this shall not be construed to revive said Ordinance No. 391 or any part thereof. I Section 4. That by reason of the facts set forth in + the preamble hereti it is necessary that this Ordinanoe go into immediate foroe and effect, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall b~ in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval. Adopted by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, and app~oved by the Mayor of said City, this 2Gth day of October, 1922. I Attest: &th~ I I " .". ...._,_.. "."'.W" _"~' '''''' ,,".' ~ .,,_~_"_.~~_._,_""..~,~.~... ... . "._~~ ~_.'.~". ....,."-,..,._-~".,,,..-,._..' .... ." .., ,""",_""~_,,ft".,~~.,,.""..~~",.~.~...,_ ",~ _ , ,~_ ',w___._~~_""__..~_.~,',",'"_..".,,,._,.,,.,,.,,~.,, ""'~-"'~._-""- ~,~, . ~_.~ M 7 ,. "H ~"" . '", '-, "."~~~ .. ._~".'~.~..., -",.- ,~.._-~."----,,..,_.. - ,~"_. .. "."_." ... ,_,_.. _."'.._."...._.__...., "," "'" "",,,ft..," ~~_"',...~,"~.~_",~",."~...~..."".,..,'.._._~~"~~~.,,',,__._,,, . ~."'",.'.-'^'.,'-''''' ,. ,.,~".~"..".,.. ". --<,... ,,~~ . .~ -".~ < Ii j I STATE OF MONTANA. ) . ss . County of Gallatin ) I. Dean ~. Hauseman, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that I the number and title of the foregoing Ordinance No. 532 of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its final passage, to-wit: on the 28th day of. October, 1922, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily news- paner of general circulation, printed and publtshed in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due prodf of said pub- lioation was made and filed .in my offioe. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto . set my hand and affixed the seal of smd City, this 29th I da~7 of October, 1922. ~~ . er: of the ornmission. ~ I I . " . I