HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 531, Condemnation of Six Feet on Each Side of North Seventh Avenue from Beall Street to Oak Street 447 .~.. ~"",,_,' ,~"'~ .......~"~r '". ._"". .._, ,.'J, ..... ,._'''_~ .'. .~" '."~ , .,._....,... ~,.._~._.ft._,',......_...n .,~.,..~ ..,. -,~",.. .'-' ".'"",'''_.''~,-' -~. " ~._~~---.. . ,_"~ ,.._.,.. nm _ _..._ "~_.,._' ,,_ .".~..,.~..,.,".~~~'n..~'.... ,..._,. - ~"n"~" ".' . .~' .,,'_~ ~._, ".~ -. 00.. ".M"~',"~~"'~""'''_'''' ."'. ~ .- ~~"..~ ....~ -- . .. .,',,~,'..,,-"- ......, ....-~ I ORDINANCE NO. 531.- All .oRDINANCE PROVIDING ]lOR THE ACQUISITION BY THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, THROUGH CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINQS, OF SIX ]~ET OB EACH SIDE OF NORTH SEVENTH AVENUE FROM BEALL STREET TO OAK STREET, IN SAID CITY OF BOZE- MAN, AND IliSTRUCTIBG THE CITY A TTORBEY TO IBSTITUTE THE NECESSARY COBDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAB: section 1. That for the purpose of improving North seventh I Avenue between Beall street and Oak stre.~, in said City of Bozeman, Montana, it is hereby declared to be necessary for the publio uee of the citizens of Bozeman and others, ~o aoquire six feet of additional ground em each side of said Borth SeTEQ1th Avenue between Beall street . . and Oak street in said City of Bozeman, and that the land to be SG ac- quired is described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the east line of North seventh Avenue in said City of Bozeman, Montaua,where said line is in- , terseeted by the north line of pe~eh street; thence north along the east line of said North Sev81lth Avenue to the south line of oak Street; thence east along the south line of Oak street six feet; thence south parallel., wi th the said east line of North Seventh Avenue to the north line of Peaoh street; thence west six feet along the said north line of Peach street, to the point of b.eginning. Containing .36 of an acre. . Alap beginning at a point in the west line of North Seventh Ayenue in said City of Bozeman, xontana, where said line is in- tersected by the north line ef the southeas~ quarter of section One, Township Two south, Range Five East, Gallatin county, Montana, said line being the northern city limit~ of said City of Bozeman; thence west along said city limits line 6 feet; thence south parallel with said west line of North Seventh Avenue to the south line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the aforesaid Section One; thence east G feet to the west line of North Seventh Avenue; thence north along the west line of North Seventh Avenue to the point of beginning. containing .18 of an acre.' - Also beginning at a point in the east line of North~eventh Avenue, in said City of Bozeman, Montana, said point baing l~ feet north of the intersection of Baid line with the north Im.>-of Beall Street; thence north along said east line of North.sev~th Avenue to the south line of peach'Street; thence east al&p.g thO'Sfri'd south line of Peaoh street 6 feet; thence south parallel with t:ae-:-. east line of said Horth Seventh Avenue and 5 feet distant.. there-:fru:m to a point 140 feet north of the north line of Beall stree...;.,,, thelW8 west 6 feet to the point of beginnill8. containing .15 of an a"ore-'.."" -- Also beginning at 8 point in the west line of North seventh Avenue in said City of Bozeman, Montana, said point being at the w interseotion of said line with the north line of the southwest quar- ter of the southeast quarter ofSeotion One, Township Two south, Range Five East, Gallatin county, :Montana; thence west 6 feet; thence south parallel with the west line of said Borth Seventh Avenue 100 feet; thence east 6 feet to a point in the west line of North seventh Avenue; thence north along the west line of said North Seventh Avenue 100 feet to the point of beginning. Containing .013 of an acre. I ., -4 -~----_.- . ,- .=. ,,,.. - .', ' " '".,....;,-,.'."",..,.".,;,".. ,~I.. . . ..n __ \ - - , '. .. ... n.","" -... ,_. . _"',. .. n. "~'-'"'-'-".',' "~'.'n.~,?_."~___.'M~_"'~"'_"'~~""',,,_ . .. __"""'_~,^,~' .. . ~ _,,, "'.,",,,~"_,,.._.".__ "".", _.",... ....,..", '" ,..... _ .~.".....__~,.,,~,'~., '.,.,,".~ ~._ ~'__ _ ~~'M~ _, ._ . ~",".._"~ ~. ~ . ~. . -""W"'~'~""'_~'.','m___,_.,._,~, "''''--.''-'-'._'-"~~-~~ --,- , .,.,,,....,~_...,._...,,. ....,~, .".mm""~..m'"".~__.""...,.",,,,_, U" "'-"-"".,-,, '~_',.'''',__". ... ._~_ ~."" 'I I " Also beginning at a point.in the west line of North Seventh Avenue' in said Oi ty ot Bozeman, Montana, said point being lOa feet south of the intersection Of said west line with the north line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section One, Township f'wo South, Range Five Baet, Gallatin County, Montana; thence west 6 feet; thence south parallel with ssid west line of 8aid North Seventh Avenue to the north line of Peach street; thence east slong said north line of. Peach street to the west line of North Seventh Avenue; thence north along the west line of North Seventh Avenue to the point of beginning. Containing .17 of an acre. Also beginning at a point in the west line of North Seventh Avenue'in said City of Bozeman, Montana, where .said line is inter- sected by the south line of Peach street; thence west slong the south line of Peach Street 6 feet; thence south parallel with the' I west line of said Borth Seventh Avenue to the north line of Beall street as platte! in the Springbrook Addition to the City ot ' Bozeman, Montana, as said plat appears of record and on file in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder of Gallatin County, Montana; thence east along the north line of Beall street 6 feet to the west line of North seventh Avenue; thenc~ north along the west line et North Seventh Avenue to the point of beginning. Containing .17 of an acre. Section 2. That the City-Attorney of said City of Bozeman, Montana, be, and he is hereby ins;n-uoted to oommence in the proper Court, on behalf of said 01 tyof Bozeman, condemnation proceedings to aoquire the land as described in section 1 of this Ordinance for the :purposes therein stated. Seotion 3. This. Ordinance shall be in full ~orce and effeot from and after thirty days after its adoption and approval. Passed and approved by ,'the Oi ty Commissi on of the C1 ty of Bozeman, this 15th day of J'U.ne, 1922. , - - ". Attes\J ~ ._~~ . --' t! ," Cie~_o' . eOinmiSSion., . _".>""",~"I,;'Ij<'l , . 10" . .. -. I I ~ "', 1II11'111ii1'1' i' II . ._.",'--"'~'"'''' ,-~' ... ~. ~--- - ~-"~-~ ~~~--~.~ .." ."-'",',,,~"'_' -' -,"~ -- - .-- ---~"~,, "'." . ~."",~.~,__~'"," ,. ..... .._. ""~,,~~,,,.,. .... .."... . ~'.~n __~,_'.'..."."""" ' " " ' ,...........'., ,._."_.. ,. ,~...~~.,__,'~."""J,' _... w.' n"~ _ ._ ~._~,,_.',M"_ "._- - - 1 ) , STATE OF MONTANA, ) : ss County of Gallatin ) I 1"C. A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, h~reby oertify that the number and title of the foregoing Ordinanoe No. 531 of the City of Bozeman Mon~ana, was published on~e wi,hin ten days after its final passage, to-wit: on the 17th day of June, 1922, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general oirculation, . printed and published in the City of Boz~man, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my offioe. IN WITNESS WHEREOF t I have hereunto~t,'my ._1 hand and affixed the seal of said aity, this 19th day _of JU11f.! t - 1922. ~ - --' ," t'tI~ . Clerk ee ommiss1on. I ' - i i . I