HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 530, Vacating Alley Running North and South in North Half of Block 15, Capitol Hill Addition ....._.._...",~'. .'00,"' ..~--:-,"""n~_~,'.~~.....- ::PI" '.... :~ . , ".~, - '-'~-'7"~"" '~!..i, <i; , ~.,,~... .. ,,'"'.,,_,..'_d,',~ _.._ . _"'~''','n '-'~,-' .._~ . .- ._YU _ - - ~"n_'_" .., .......~_..~,~~~ ",. _.~ . .""",.~. ._...__"._." ..,,~...,U ~ ... ~~~ - .~.~.~ -....,',..~-......~.....,'-"".. --,..-..-..,,," ,~.._....,..... .. ""." _. .... .'M~.~....~..' .. '~"," --" .~ ~,~.,~ ,~ . I ORtDllUNCE NO. 530. :~ AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY RUNNING NORTH A:riD SOUTE IN THE BORTH HALF OF BLOCK 15, CAPITOL HILL ADDIrION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTkNA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MOliTANA: - Section 1. That, pursuant to the petition of Mrs. Arohie Reynolds at aI, and after due and legal notice, as required by law, as appears of reoord, the alley running north and south in the north I i half of BlOCk Fifteen ;(15), Capitol Hill Addition to theCi ty of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montane, be, end the same is hereby, vao'.ted and discontinued. Passed by the City Commission of the C . . - .0." Montana, and approved by the Mayor there f, 0:( June. J 9.2-2. -- :' ...... - ~ - < '- / / . :. ~ .........:lllll,. , - ..._-.,,~ if#"to -=- ':"' '... 1\ - ;;.~".'I Attest:.., .,., ~ I , STATE OF MONTANA, } : ss County of Gallatin } \ . I, C. A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, hereby oertify that the number and title of the foregoing Ie Ordinance No. 530 of the City of Bozema~, Montane, waB publiShed once within ten days after its final passage, to-wit: on the 9th day of June, 1922, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, 8 daily newspaper of general ciroulation, printed and published in the Oity of Bozeman, j Montana, and that due proof of said publication'.wB8 made and file.d in -".~ ,..... '....... .... \., ".' my Office. ,.. "~ - . .~ ......;,. '. , '-. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my- hand and a tf.ixed.;- ~ ,. "..- , . the seal of said Oity, this lOth day of J~e, 1922. .... ...../ .:-. - ~ (, ,-,", - .........,-'..~'-! I I'~",~ ~ """" '~+~ ",'\ "'~" r " ~ '.... '- - - .' , .. cler~~~~iBBion. " " "'!rlr,~,' , '. .... , ",~.