HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 529, Amends Sections 1, 7 and 2 of Article I and Sections 1, 8, 9 and 16 of Article 4 of Ordinance 494
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PREAMBLE: Whereas the occupation license Ordinance of the City I
of Bozeman, being Ordinance No. 494 of said City, is incomplete and
inequitable in its operation, whereby certain occupations and pursuits,
in need of police regulation and control ,and of health inspection es-
cape such regulation, control and inspection, and other occupations and
pursuits pay en unreasonable and excessive license under said Ordinanoe,
it is therefore necessary for the proper police regulation and oontrol,
end for the health inspection of such pursuits and occupations under
the health and food Ordinances of said City and of the laws of the state
of Montana, that said Ordinance No. 494 be immediately amended, and,,-81l I
emergency is hereby declared to exist for suoh immediate amendment, '-- . '\
, .
for the reasons hereinbefore in this preamble stated; therefore~: > ^, .--..
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Seotion 1. That Section 1 of Article 1 of Ordinance NO. 494
be, and the same is hereby, amended to resd as follows:
Section I. That, for the purpose of defraying the cost and
expense of the Police and Health inspection, regulation and control of
certain industries, pursuits, professions, oocupations, vocations and
businesses within the City of Bozeman~ state of Montana, and enfarcing I
the provisions of the Ordinances of the said City relating to the
Police s:nd Health inspeotion, regulation and control thereof, B'sch and
all of the industries, pursuits, professions, occupations, vocations
and businesses in"1the said (}'ity, hereinafter described and enumerated,
shall pay a license 8S herein provided.
Section 2. That Section 2 of Article 1 of Ordinance No. 494,
be, and the.". same is hereby, amended to read as follows:
Section 2. That no person, firm, association or corporation
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shall conduot, oper'ate, transact, engage in or carryon, any of the
industries, pursuits, protessions, oocupations, vocations or businesses
within the City of Bozeman hereinafter desoribed and enumerated, with-
out first obtaining a license theretor from- the said City, as herein
];m'ovided, and for such license ,shall pey a8 follows, to-wit:
I Auto Taxis for Hire -- 1st TaKi, $25.00 per year.
Each additional one, 12.00 per year.
Auto Busses for Hire 1st Bus, $25.00 per year.
Each addi tionel one, 15.00 per year.
Auto Truck for Hire -- 1st Large Truok, $25.00 per year.
Each additional one, 15.00 per year.
Auto Truck, Small,
See Schedule B.
Bakery -- $25.00 per year.
let Truck Ligense no charge.
Eaoh additionsl one, $5.00.
Butcher Shop or
Meat Market -- $25.00 per y~ar.
I 1st truck License no charge.
Each additional one, $5~OO.
Boot Black Stands (on
stree, or sidewalk) -- $29.00 per yea:r.
(See Schedule D also)
Brokers -- Who, whether aeting as principal or agent, buys,
or sells, or otherwise deals in stocks or bonds,
or buys or sells for future delivery, grain, pro-
visions, or pr9duce of any sort, when said grain,
provisions or produce are not actually delivered,
or who buys arsells, or otherwise deals in futures,
or options on stocks, bonds, grain, provisions or
produoe of any sort, or who receives, transmits,
or ,places orde~s or commissions to buy or sell any
bonds, stooks, grain, provisions or produce of any
sort or who acts as the agent of any commission
I house, broker, or firm, trading in buying or sell-
ing, plaoing or in any wise dealing in any bonds,
stooks, grain, produce or provisions, options, or
futures of any kind, or pretends so to do, whether
or not such commission house operates or pretends .
to operate in Qr on any market or board of trade
ot any sort, $25.00 per year.
Cigarettes -- Selling cigarettes, cfg.erette papers, or me terial,
except tobacco, used' in making cigarettes, $25.00
per year.
Commission Merohants
or Wholesale Grocers -- H.8ndling fre~h fruits, vegetables, eggs, meats
and other perishable products, grain, hay and pro-
duoe at wholesale at 8 fixed place of business,
y $25.00 per year.
I Confectionery
(Mfg. or Jabber) -... $25.00 per year.
(See Schedule D)
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Creameries -- $25.00 per year. I
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Canneries -- $25.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Garages -- ,Building or place used in whole or in part for
the storage, for hire, or repair of automobiles,
motor cycles, electric cars, and other motur
vehicles, ~25.00 per year.
1st service truck license no charge.
ESch additional one, $5.00.
Grain Elevators -... $25.00 per year.
Groceries -- $25.00 per year. I
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Laundry,. steam -- $25.00 per year.
let truck or wagon license no charge.
Each additional truck. ~5.00.,
. Each additional wagon, . 5.00.
Merchant Miller -- t25.00 per year.
let truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Lunch Stand or Wagon -- $25.00 per year, license tag included.
Pl1.UDbing ;..- Either as master or employing plumber, including
installation of heating plants and gas service,
$25.00 per year. I
1st truck license no charge.
. Each additional one, $5.00.
Pop Corn or Peanut Stands- Popcorn and peanut stands on streets or alleys,
$25.00 per year.
Restaurants, Cafea, -- Restaurants, cafes and eating houses, $25.00 per
Etc. year; provided that this license shall not be re-
quired from private eating houses.
Seed Companies -- $25.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Bach additional one, $5.00.
Slaughter Houses -- fithin three miles of city limits,
25.00 per year.
.AuctioDeers $20.00 per year.
Banks -- $20.00 per year.
Bowling .Alley -- Each alley, $20.00 per year.
.El ectric Pianos -- For publiC use, $20.00 per year.
Employment Agency -- $20.00 per year~
Fuel and Ice -- $20.00 per year.
1st truck or team license no charge.
Each addi tionel truck i5.OO. ,
Eaoh sdditionax team 3.00.
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Rides, Pelts, Etc. -- Buying or sellini hides, pelts, or other
similar :produots, 20.00 per year.
1st truok lioense no charge.
Each additional one, $12.00.
Hardware Stores -- $20.00 per year.
1st truok license no charge.
E*ch' additional one, $5.00.
Implement Dealers -- $20.00 per year.
1st truck or team license no charge.
Each additional truck ~5.00.
Eaoh additional Teem 3.00.
Lumber and Fuel -- Lumber, Coal, Wood and Material Dealers
I $20.00 per year.
1st truck'or team license no charge.
Bach additional truck '5.00.
Each additional team 3.00.
Manufacture of Patent
Medicines, Etc. -- Manufacture of patent medicine, drugs, toilet
articles, etc., $20.00 per year.
Medicine, Drugs,
Nostrums, Etc. -- Advertising, selling or giving away medicine,
drugs, nostrums, etc., $20.00 per year. License
ani regulations are provided for in Ordinance
No. 364.
Push 'Carts -- Selling upon the streets of the oity from 8
pushcart, wagon, or other vehicle, ice cream,
" soda pop, chewing gum, fruits, etc., $20.00 per
I year.' per cart, wagon or vehicle.
Second Hand stores -- .20.00 per year.
1st truck-license no oharge.
E~oh additional one, $12.00.
Small Trucks -- 1st truok '20.00.
Esch additional one 12.00.
Dairies -- Eaoh p18C~ within or within three miles of the
city limits, selling milk in said city, $12.00
per year.
1st delivery'vehiole license no charge.
Each addit~onal vehicle, $3.00.
Provided, that this license shall apply only to
I such person, firm or corporation owning more than
one cow.
Persons awning only one cow and selling milk
therefrom, no license, but subject to inspection.
Demonstrations and
Exhibitions -- Demonstrations or exhibitions of any utensil,
article, implement, goods, wares or merchandise
for the purpose of advertising the same upon the
iUbliC streets or upon any vacant grounds,
12.00 per year.
Drays, 1 and 2 horse -- Dray, used for hire with fixed place of busi-
ness on street or ~n building, $12.00 per year,
I Architects -- tIO.OO per year.
Art Stores -- $10.00 per year.
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Abstractors -- $10.00 per year.
Battery Service -- Bettery service not in connection with e garage,
$10.00 per year.
let truck license no charge.
Eaoh additional one, $5.00.
Beauty or Mlnicure $10.00 per year.
Parlors --
Blacksmith Shops -- $10.00 pe:r year.
Boot BIsck (Inside) -- Boot Black not run in connection with other
(See Schedule-j elso) business, tIO.OO per year.
Business College (Private)- $10.00 per year.
Clothing stores -- tlO.OO per year. I
1st' truck license no oharge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Cigar Manufacture -- $10.00 per year.
Confectionery -- $10.00 per year.
Contractors or Builders -- $10.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Cleaning & Pressing -- tIO.OO perY~8r.
lst truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Drug stores -- $IO.OO per year.
Dry Goods stores -- tIC.OO per year. I
Delicatessen Shops -- $10.00 per year.
Electrio Shops or
Wiring -- Electrio wiring, $10.00 per year, end shall be
subject to re~ulation, inspection and control,
as provided in Ordinance No. 441.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additiontrl one, $5.00.
Furniture stores -- $IO.CO per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Eech ed,di tional one, $5.00.
Greenhouse -- $10.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Eaoh additionsl one, $5.00. I
Harness Shops -- $10.00 p"er year.
. Hay end Grein and
Feed Stores (Retail) -- $10.00 per year.
lst truck Or team license nO charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Installation Heating
Plant or Tin Shop - - t10.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Ice (Only) -- Putting up" manufacturing and dealing in ice,
$10.00 per year.
1st truck or team license no charge.
Each additional truok, 15.00.
Eaoh additional team 3.00.
Jewelers -- $10.00 per year. I
Livery & Feed Stables $10.00 per year.
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I Laundry, Hand -- $10.00 per year.
Provided that this license shall not apply
to women engaged in the laundry business where
not more than two women are 80 employed.
Lunoh Counter or -- Lunch counter or boarding house, public,
Boarding House $10.00 per year; provided that this ahall not
apply to private boarding houses.
Music stores -- $10.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Messenger Office -- $10.00 pEtr year.
Millinery stores -- tIO.OO per year.
I Monument Dealers -- $10.00 per year.
Manufacturing Plants -- tl0.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Printing (Job) Estab- $10.00 per year.
lishments --
Paint Shop or Contracting 'IO.aO per year.
Painters --
1st truok license no charge.
, Eaoh additional one, $5.00.
Photographers -- $10.00 per year.
(See Schedule G also) .
Public Scales, other than tlO.OO per year.
I County Scales ' --
Repair Shop -- $10.00 per year.
Sewing Machine Dealers -- $10.00 per year.
lst truok license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Stationery, Books, Etc., t10.00 per year.
including Confectionery --
Shoe Dealers (where not
otherwise provided for) -- tl0.00 per year.
Sign Hanging -- '10.00 per year.
Stallions, Jacks end Bulls- $10.00 per year.
I Slot Vending Machines -- $10.00 per year.
Tailor Shops, or Cleaning tlO.OO per year.
Establishments --
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional on~, $5.00.
Tannery -- $10.00 per year.
Undertakers -- $10.00 per year.
1st auto, hearse or dead wagon license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Vulcanizers -- $10.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
, Each additional one, $5.00.
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Warehouse -- $10.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
wet~r or Sewer Installing -- $10.00 per" year. .
Ohiropractors -- Each firm or individual practitioner,
$6.00 per.. year.
Civil Engineers Or Firms -- _Each frim or individual practitioner,
. $6.00 per year.
Dentists -- Each firm or individual practitioner, I
t6.00 pe,r year.
Dressmakers -- Each firm or individual practitioner,
$6.00 per year.
Junk Dealers -- Buying qr selling, or dealing in junk, rags,
old rope, paper, bagging, old iron, iron bars,
copper, brass, tin, empty 'bottles, rubber, or
any other ,artiole or thing that is ordinarily
bought or dealt in by persons commonly called
"Junk D8alers",$6;00 per year inadvanoe.
And shall be s'ubject to regulation, ins:pec';'
tion and control as provided for in ordinance
No. 445.
1st truck or wagon license no charge.
Each additional one, $10.00.
Osteopaths -- Eaoh firm or individual practitioner, I
$6..00 p~r year.
Oculists o~ Opticians
and Optometriste -- Each firm or individual practitioner,
$6.00 per ~ear.
Physicians -- Each firm or individual practitioner,
$6.00 p~r year.
. Real Estate Agents,' Insuy-
ance ~gente or Loan Agents -- Each firm or individual practitioner,
$6.00 per year.
Teamsters 1 or 2 horse -- $6.00 per year, each~ including license tag.
E8chte~m over one, 3.50.
Veterinarians -- Eachfi~ or individual practitioner, I
$6.00 per year.
Barber Shops -- $2.50 per chair, per year, for each chair
installed, and
.$2.00 per tub per year for each tub installed.
Bill Posting -- Billposting,distributing, or painting any
advertisement of any kind or nature whatsoever,
$50.00 per year; provided, however, that nothing
herein co~tairied shell include members or em-
ployees of resident businesses firms, churches,
oharitable organizations, candidates for
political offices, distributing advertising
matter concerning themselves or their business;
and provided further, that no medicine or samp- I
lea harmful end injurious to children, eating
Or handling the same, shall be publicly dis-
tributed by any person.
Bill board. painted or signs on any building
or structure used as bill board t cent per
square foot of surface used per 6 months.
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Billiard & Pool Tables
for Public Use -- $14.00 per year per table.
Bottling Works -- Manufacturer or bottler of P)P, soda water,
or other light and soft drinks, put up in
bottles, $40.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
Each additional one, t5.00.
Bankrupt or Fire Sale -- Engaging in, conducting or carrying On or
adveri1sing a bankrupt or fire sale of goods,
wares or merohandise, $100.00 per year.
Cold storage for Hire -- $100.00 per year.
Ist.truck license no charge.
Eaoh a~dition81 one, $5.00.
I Circuses, Menageries and
other Shows. -- Circuses, menageries, dog and pony shows,
wild animal shows, or circuses"including side
shows, transported on more than 50 cars,
$125.00 per day.
. Same, transported on more than 25 cars and
les8 than 50 cars, $75.00 per day.
Same. transported ,on less than 25 cars,
, $25.00 per dray.
Provided that no circue, menagerie, dog and
pony show, wild animal show or circus shall
operate in any location other than that desig-
nated in the license, and shall be subject to
inspeotion, regulation and control as provided
in Seotion 2 of Article 3 of this Ordinanoe.
Carnival, street Fair,
I ~ent Show, or So-called -- Carnival, street fair or tent show, including
Roundups side shows, other than circuses, menageries,
dog and pony shows, wild animal shows and cir-
cuses, and so-called Roundups, $25.00 per day.
Chau'tauquas, $15.00 per day. .
Single tent show, not otherwise herein pro-
. vided ~or, $5.00 per day.
. Provided, that no carnival, street fair or
. tent show shall operate in any location other
than that designated in the license, and shall
be subject to regulation, inspection and con-
trol as provided in Section 2 of Article 3 of
this Ordinance.
~noe Halls, Public -- $100.00 per year.
~oll and Cane Racks -- .5~00 per day.
:De teeti ve Agency -- $40.00 per year.
I j
Electrio Light or Power
Company -- $20~.OO per year.
1st truok lioense no charge.
Each additional one, $5.00.
Express Company -- Everype,rson, oompany, corporati on or assooia-
tion who, in the city of Bozeman, engages as._
common carrier for tra.nsmi tting or conveying
packages, or express matter from one place to
.nother, for hire or profit, must for business
done exolusively within the City of Bozeman, and
not including any business done to or from
points without the state, and not including any
, business done for the government of the United
states, its offioers or agents, pay a license
of $50.00 per year.
I 1st truok license no oharge.
Eaoh additional one, tIO.OO.
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Filling stations -- All places or stations within the city,other
than garages, located within the walls of a
store room or building, or otherwise, constructed
and maintained in aocordanoe with the Building
Ordinanoes and regulations of the City, in or at
. whioh is c8~ried on, or conducted, the business
- of supplying automobiles, motor cycle s, or other
. motor vehicles with gasoline, oils or other
liquids required in the operation of automobiles,
motor cycles or motor vehicles, $60.00 per year.
1st truok license no charge.
Eaoh additional one, $10.00.
Fortune Telling, Etc. -- Fortune teller, astrologer, clairvoyant, pal-
mist, phrenologist, itinerant medical prs9tition-
er, hypnotist, $10.00 per day. "';'~'i:"
Gas company -- $100.00 per year. I
1st truck license no ,charge.
Each additional one, $10.00.
Hotels and Rooming Houses -- Any hotel, lodging or rooming house, wi~h
more than five rooms,$I.OO per room per year.
House Mover -- License and regulation are provided for in
Ordinanoe No. 480.
Medicine peddler -- Advertising, selling or giving away, medicine,
drugB~ nostrums, etc., $25.00 per day; "license
and regulations are provided for in Ordinance
No. 364.
Merry-Go-Round -- Merry-go-round $5.00 per day; provided that no
merry-go-round shall Dperate in any location
other tham that designated in the license.
Oleomargarine, Etc. -- Manufacturing or selling oleomargarine or I
butterine or imitations of oheese or butter, one
cent per pound.
Packing House, Wholesale -- t40.00 per year.
1st truck lioense no charge.
Each additional one, $IO.Oa.
pawnbrOkers -- tlOo.aO per year.
Penny Arcade -- Exhibitions with phonographs, kinetoscopes,
vitescopes or other stmilar instruments, by
whats,oever name called, $IOO.OO per year.
Photographers without fixed
place of business (See -- $40.00 per year.
Schedule D also)
Promoters, Selling S~ock -- Promoting or selling or offering for Bale stock I
of corporations, either foreign or domestic"
$50.'00 per year.
RailroadS -... Every person, company, corporation or 8ssocia-
tion engaged in, conducting or carrying on the
business of a steam or electrio railway in the
City of Bozeman must, for business done exclus-
ively within the city of Bozeman and not
inoluding any business done to or from points -
without the state, and not including,eny business
done for the government of the United states, its
officers Or agents, procure a lioense from the
City and pay therefor the sum of $50.00 per year.
. I
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-I street Railway -- $100.00 per ya~r.
So,ft Drink place -- soft drink place or parlor selling, offering, or
keeping for 8ele, any near beer, malt beverages,
ginger ale, grape juice, soda water, root bee~,
milk, oream; but~ermilk, or similar beverages,
commonly known as soft drinks, either by the glass
Or bo~tl., including bar, card tables, lunch
counters, cigar stands, etc., and cigarettes,
commonly known and desi'gnated as soft drink place
Or parlor, $80.00 per year.
Other establishments operating soda fountains,
selling confeotionery, fruit, cigars, including
restaurant, csfe or lunch counter and cigarettes,
$50..00 per year.
Any selling of soft drinks, not hereinbefore
I provided for, $25.00 per year.
Selling soft drinks, at retail, in case or bottle
not hereinbefore provided for; $10.00 pe~ year.
Selling soft drinks at wholesale, in oase or
boitle, not hereinbefore provided far, $20.00
per year. .
Shooting Gallery -- .40.00 per year.
Skating Rink, Roller' $60.00 per year. .
or loe --
.Telephone Company -- $60.00 per year.
1st truck license no charge.
., Each ,dditional one, $10.00.
Theatres -- Moving Pioture show house, $25.00 per yeer.
Theatre (theatre to be defined as, plaoe having a
I stage and equipment for putting on vaudeville,
concerts or roed shows) and moving picture house,
oombined, $126.00 per year. '
Minstrels. or legerdeDl8in, , when not in theatres
paying regular license, $5.00 per jay.
Opera or concert singer or concert entertainment,
not in regular theatre, .3.00 per day.
But no license must be collected from any amateur
exhibition or concert for sohool or charitable or
relig1euB. purposes.
Telegraph Company -- Eaoh telegraph oompany shall pay a license ot
$20.00 per year for each instrument in use; provided
ths't no license shall be required for any instrument
used exclusively for the transmission of messages
and caamunioations to and from points without the
stat6 of Montana.
I Vendor or Peddler -- If such itinerant vendor" travels on foot and sells,
offers or exhibits for sale only such goods, wares
or merchandise as he carries upon ~is person, the
sum of .50.00 per year. . "
If such itinerant vendor travels, or carries, and
sells or offers or exhibits for sale any goods,
wares or merchandise by any other mode than walking
and oarrying such gOOdS~ wares or merchandise upon
his person, the sum of 400.00 per year.
.And shall be subjeot to regulation and control as
provided in Article 3 of' this Ordinance.
Wrestling Matoh -- $10.00 per day.
- -
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Repealadby Ordinanc8No. ~!
,. I
. ,
That, whenever there is any doubt or question about the ~18ssi-
fication of the business or license to be paid by ~ny pe+son, firm or
corporation, under the pr6Visions of this Ordinance, then and in that
event, the Oi ty Treasurer shall refer the 1III!I tter of said olassifies tioD.
and license to the City Manager. This and the construction and applica-
tion of Secti on 4 of Art\icle 4 shall be in the diseretiOD of the City
Manager, subject to review by the City commiseion, if requested by party I
paying license.
Section 3. That Sections I, 8, 9 and 16 of Article 4, of eeid
Ordinance Nn. 494, be, and the same ~re hereby, amended to read as
Secti on 1. The City Clerk shall prepare and have printed blank
licenses in triplicate for the signature of the Direotor of Finance.
The licenses issued under and by virtue of this Ordinance shall be nUM-
bered consecutively and shall set forth the industry, pursuit, profs.lion,
occupation, vocation or business for Whioh such license is issued, the I
name of the person, firm or oorporation to whom granted, the amount end
the amount paid, the immediate place or location where the business is to
be carried on end the dates upon which the license commences and expires;
provided, that all licenses issued hereunder, unless otherwise provided,
shall expire on Deoember 3lst of eaoh year.
Section 8. All licenses shall be payable yearly in advance on
, or before January 31st of eech year, and expire on December 3lst of each
year, except as otherwise herein provided.
Section 9. No lieense shell be granted for a longer period than
one year, nor for 8 lees period then one year, except as otherwise herein I
provided. All lioenses'shall expire on the 31st day of December of the
\,~. . year in whieh they are issued and if said license is purohased after July
1st of the year in which it is issued, only one-half of theyesrly license
shall be charged therefor: and provided, that all vehicles or teams
licensed under the provisions of this ordinance shall conspicuously dis-
play upon such vehiole or harness 8 license plate or tag, to be furnishe4
by the City, and the cost of which shall be includei in the lioense paid.
Seotion 16. All money paid to or collected by the City of
Bozeman, under the provisions of this Ordinance shell be credited to .
fund to be known as the Protection of Life and property Fund, from whioh
shall be paid the salaries of those charged with the enforcement of the
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I' Rep,aled by OrdinaDc8 :No. ..;;;:-~~
Police and Health regulations of said Oity of Bozeman to the extent that
the money from suoh fund is available for the~ purpose; and should there
be any deficit therein, money ahall be transferred from the General Fund
of said City to make up the' defioienoy for the fiscal yeer in which said
defi~it may ocour.
For the reasons Bet out in the pre8~)le hereto, this Ordinance
1s hereby deolared to be an emergency ordinance and shall be in full
I force and effect frmn an~ after ~tsadoptlon and approvel.
Adopted by the UJ1animOUB vo". 'of the Ci"ty Commission of the
City of Bozeman and approved by the .Mayor thereof, this lath day of May,
- ~
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County of Gallatin' )
I, C'. .A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman,
hereby certify that the, number and ti"le of the foregoing Ordinance No.
I 529 of the City of Bomeman, Montana-, was published onoe within ten days
after its final passage, to-wit: on the 20th day of May 1922t in the Bozeman
DRily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general oirculation, printed end pub-
lished in the City of Bozeman, Montana', and that due proof of said
publication wes made and filed in my office. ,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he~eunto signed my name and affixed
I; - -the seal 0 f said Oi ty this 20th day of Mey, 1922.
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