HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 527, Amends Sections 18 and 53 of Ordinance 508 and Repealing Ordinances 490, 486, 445, 382, 394 and 426 .. ~_ '_ "_'.._,M...'.. _,.,., ~~~.."._..'_.' -~~,~" ....- _..~,..~,.... ...._-'''.''',.."~,,..''- ,_..,,,...,...~~..~-,-'~.,' ..,',.. . ...."..,. . ..--- ..._,- . ",,--- . . ~ '.., ,,'M~ ....~ .- -- .. . .--- - ~'.. .'_. " "' ..',"',"-- --. ..'_. ~ ~....,-"~""' '''~''''- ".,,--...,-..-.-. ,_.~,---. ,'.....,-.-...-,-.. ,,~..- . - .."~ "'. ',,'W' .... .. ,_..... -,..,.,..".. ""'~.".,...~.~-...,.., ...... ....~,.. . .~""~ I ORDINANCE NO. 527. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS EIGHTEEN AND FIFTY-THREE ' OF ORDINANCE NO. 508, OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ,MONTANA, . ENTITLED, "AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REGULATING TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC ON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, PROVIDING FOR THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES THEREON, PRESCRIBING I PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS 'OR- DINANcE, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES NOS. 490, 486, 445, 382, 394, AND 426 OF THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF . BOZEMAN, MONTANA: nop3alad by Drdinnn:a NO~.~.:'--1 t 10; Seotion I. That Seotions 18 and 53 of Ordinanoe No. 508 of the ,City of Bozeman, Montana, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE TRAVEL AND TRAFFIO ON THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, PROVIDING FOR THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES THEREON, PRESORIBING PENALTY FOR THE VIOLA- '1'1011 OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE, ,AND REPEALING I ORDINANCES NOS. 490, 486, 445, 382, 394 AND 426 OF THE SAID ". ."','. ~. '... - - . CITY OF BOZEMAN" be, and the same are hereby, amended SO$s" . --~ , .~ .U'_' . '--u,_ :'. ........IL ... to reed as follows: ~., .' ~ ,.III. .. " . ' Perking of motor vehicles on the~ : .. - -' -- " :....- Seotion 18. . . ,-~~ "'.::.~.,-~ streets of the City of Bozeman~ Montana, shall be permitted- -- under such reasonable rules and regulations, approved by the .. -- City 00_188io11, as the ,City Manager shall presoribe, and pro- mulgate by publication in a daily newspaper published in the Ci ty of l3ozeman,' Montana, for two'consecutive issues thereof., I Seotion 53. The City Manager' is hereby empowered to direot, control, restrict and regulate, all traffic in, upon, or through, the streets and avenueS of the City of Bozeman, Montana, end this seotion is intended to, in addition - I ...... ..~, . .'-".. m' "'" '"',._~._'.",,_,, '_.,., ~... .~.._. . ....' -,--~ . '._'U' ,',. '_'~"r',,~,.. ...", __..~,~,_~~_.",_....'~."..,,'~'" ."_,.,' _n.."_... .,_ _,.".._, _,J' ~ ,,~ - _.""...., ."., ,... n .~. .. . ~_...... ---. ..,.,~--","""".~, ,- ....... ~ n.n. __,_.. ,_. ~-_.,,'-- ...- ,,_.~~~ ~~.. ~ .~--~_......- Repealed by Ordinance No. J? ~ v I . to the general power of the City Manager, to give said City Manager the power and authority to-regulate and contral tract- ion engines, all and every species of hauling or ~rayage, within the City of Bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of pro- - tecting and conserving the paved streets of the said City of Bozeman, Montana, The 01 ty Manager shall make rules and I regulations for the enforoement of this section of this ordin- , . aDoe and promulgate such rules and regulations in the manner -provided in Seotion 10. 18, 8S amended, of this Ordinanoe. . - " Ad~p~e-d. and approved by the Oi ty Commiea1on of the Ci ty of Bozeman, Montana, this 6~ ..day of April. 1922. - . ~ , -- , -.---- ~. . :- "",,'- - .----......, .' -' - : I ..........~-- - - -} ~\est: , ~ - - - - - -'~, -. - ~.,. -:- .... ", '-',.~",~w_, . Introduced and read for the first time, MaTch 30th, 1922. Final passage fix~d for April 6th, 1922. . I I I, ___.._.__ '''.m~..__.,'','' . ..".... ""J'''.''''._'"'',''~_,'',"''''''_'"'''"'''",,,,. '...""-'.""~ .','y,..."....,.. ..-,., "",',.. ..,.,.. --,..,..,.. .---._.,',~.,-...,.- ~-""-' _~ _... _ ..'m~. ~ ~~".~'~,,~.,., , '.~"..~~~"".."',,'_.. --- - ~". ._..~. _."-',- ,".._'.".." ,.. '~~.", ,,~,.. ~ ,_...."." -- .~,.",. . ,. '~. .',....~' "..,........ " . ....,..~.,. , I . ,.-" " " STA TE OF MONTANA, ) " : as CoUnty of Gsllatin, ) I, C. A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission I of the City of Bozeman, hereby certify that the number and tital of the foregoing Ordinance No. 52~, of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its final passage', to-wit: on the 8thdey of April, 1922, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office: _"-- - -~ .'," .' , '"" ~ , ~, -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sig~HHl .-,'" '. my:,l'lame' and a ffixed the Corporate Seal of said City this lOth- " ~'::--' I day'-()f A_pril, 1922. .. - '':"c-' , ~t1.~ Clar ,', of e ommission. I I .If ~ :; '.