HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 523, Providing for Police Control of Liquor Traffic; Repeals Ordinance 493 .-..... .------. ........-. ".~ ,-.., ....~_.~._. "^ . m.....'~......~.w ~r~ ,._"... .,_.. ... .~~....'. ",...",..,.. ~.. .- .. ..."- -, .~. - . ..-+. ....~- .... .". "." ","-'~'~'- -. ...- - ." ."'.." '~".-.'~' "'~r_.. .n .,_..~._". _.. ...,,~,_,_n'_'"'"_r _. ......~ _...__._., -...",.~,...- -~.,..__. ^' ~"",,,,".".' ,,'_..__..n.~ -- I O~DINANCE NO. 526. , An ORDIlJAlJCE 1!-'OR THE POLICE COlFr'ROL AND SUPPRESSION OF THE LIQUOR I TR1\]lFIC ',7ITHIlJ ~'HE CITY OF BOZl;;MAN, MONTANA, PURSU.ANT TO THEsr~LTUTES , OF THE UNITED STAr:'ES 'AND OF THE STATE OF MONTANA, DECLAIUNG SUCH TRAF1PIC TO BE A lJUIS.t">NCE, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ':'Fm "IT!OLLTIOIJ OF CiI:) =z.. THIS ORDINAIW.8, AND REPEALING ORDINAllCE NO. 493 OF 'PRE CITY OF BOZBM.AH. c:r "'-C I c:::) BE IT ORDA IilED :BY THE COMMISSiN OF THlCITY OF BOZEMAN: S: . . ftepoaled by l1JinaDc8 o. ..j ~~ I Se'ction l. Except as expressly authorized by the-laws of the United states and of the state of Montana, every person" association :z Cia - or corporation who, within the City of Bozeman, Montana, possesses, ~ . (l!) sells, exchanges, gives, barters, transports or manufactures any in- tS'\ toxicating liquor or compound which is, or may be, used as a beyerage, shall be deemed guilty of maintaining a nui.sance, and upon oonviction thereof in the police court of said Oi ty of Bozeman shall-be punished -- -'.-' ~ I as herein provided,. " Section 2. For the purposes of this Ordinance the WQ:r;d~-- I \ n intoxica ting liquor" shall be construed to include alcDhol..t_..:~TandY, whiskey, rum, gin, beer, ale, porter and wine, and in addition thereto any spirituous, vinous, malt or fermented liquor, iiquids and com- pounds, \',hcther medica ted, pr oprietary, pa tented or' not, and by wha tever name called, containing one-half of one per centum or more of alcohol by volume, which is or are fit for use for beverage purposes. Section 3. Where authorized by any law of the United states I or of the state of Montana, any police officer of the City of Bozeman shall apply to a judge or justioe of the peace having jurisdiction for such purpose, for a search warrant, and if upon. search under such warrant intoxicating liquors as herein defined shall be found, the pro- secution upon charges shall thereafter be before the pOlice magistrate of the City of Bozema~, as shall all other prosecutions under the provisions of this ordinance. Section 4. Every person, association, firm or corporation convioted in the police court of the C1 tyof Bozeman o.f a viola tion of I this Ordinance shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Three Hundred ~ . . .- .~ .. - . """,,,~,,~,,.. ,..,-~".~.."..~~."".. .. . .~.. .."u. ....r~'_"'..,_' ..",..._~~,~,._" ,'", '..'MH. .-.......--......-"'..,,-"," .m,,,,,,',',','." .., "n'~''''.'" ,..- ",no ....~'. .,"~, ." -,- .~~ ... .'''M ~. ~~ '" .... ..~_... _". ,_ . .'_ ..,_. .~_,,,,,,.._~. '_.'.d' ,._,'.n. ~ - -. "-~",~ . .".~' '~."-'...~"_. ..,'..~' '" _.~~,' ~~_. ..... ,..,,~.._... ",,"-..,"",,,,.. "~"',_.- .......-, ..--,,~ '.. ~,."""..~~.~".~~,. ".r "'d~".~,~''^.,^','.,'',~~.:.,.,,,,_ Repealoo ..ttJ Ordinance No. ~~ I Dollars, or by imprisonment in the county or City Jsil for not more than ninety days, Or by both such :fine and imprisonment; provided, that if the fine is not-paid-the person convicted shall be impris- oned in the City or County Jail until suoh fine be satisfied at ~he. rate of one dayls imprisonment for every two dollars of such fine. I Ordinance No. 493 of the City o{ Bozeman, and Section 5. 0 all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith , are hereby repealed, but this shall not be construed to reviyeany I Ordinance or part of Ordinance repealed by Ordinance No. 493 of the City of Bozeman, hereby repealed. Section 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from. and after thirty days after its adoption and approva~. Adopted and approved this 16th day of March, 1922. '" ..,- . - " .... '" I - , 1\ t~to st : ~.~~~ Cler afe oIr@ission. , I . ~ . . , - . . I it r;.l - .. ~"----' .-.--. 329 -. ._.,~"" ...~ . """".'-.- --" "'-...- ., . _ . u_.~._ .. __ n__...... ".~ ','_ -.-,. - .... ~"..~,~., ""-",' -~- - ',,'."-',' '-'''-'- .m.. '-.',~,", ,..,,,. ,.'...~...r ',_'''~''M.~ _ ."... _.n., ".,,_"'"_ ~ ~ ... ~ -., ,- , " _ .. . _..._..". "'~ ~'."''''r,_ ... ~,_..~ _ ~~ ~ .---- ,,-,.~, ,""~'" -~ ,. ~......~-,.....,. _.._,-, .-- ._- I . , ~ STA TE OF MONTANA, ) : ss County of Gallatin ) . I I, C. A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman. hereby certify that the nwnber and title of the foregoing Ordinance No. 52,6, of the City of Bozeman, Montana, was published once within ten days after its final passage, to-wit:. on the 18th day of March, 1922, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general cir- culation, printed and published in the City of, Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. I IN WITNESS ~EREOF, I have hereunto signed ,- my name and affixed the Corporate Seal of said City this 18th _. . day of March, 1922. ---. ,- "' . ~ ""'..,;' .- ~ .- ./.. e;((.~ ... -~..... ,". -," ....... ~ ._.~ _....'u_. Clerk 0 .e Commission. - .-' .......... -, - . . ... I . . I " . .r' 'r: