HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-16-15 Tuckerman Cemetery Advisory Board              July  16,  2015     To:      City    Commission     From:      Russ  Tuckerman     Re:  Cemetery  Advisory  Board       CC:  Cemetery  Advisory  Board    City  Cemetery  Staff     I  have  served  as  Chairman  of  the  Cemetery  Advisory  Board  for  6  years  now  and  been  on  the  Board  for  12   years  total.    In  that  time,  I  have  had  the  opportunity  to  work  with  the  past  3  Parks  Directors,  James   Goehrung,  Ron  Dingman  and  now,  Mitch  Overton  and  various  city  staff  and  managers  and  Commissions.     I  contacted  Mayor  Kraus  in  March  and  he  suggested  a  joint  meeting  of  Cemetery  Advisory  and   Commission  for  June.    Unfortunately,  the  date  was  changed  to  July  and  I  am  unable  to  attend.     The  role  of  the  Cemetery  Advisory  Board  has  been  to  advise  Staff  and,  through  Staff,  the  Commission,  of   policies  and  procedures  that  affect  the  current  and  long  term  operations  of  Sunset  Hills  Cemetery.    Over   time  it  seems  that  the  roles  have  reversed  and  Staff  simply  makes  decisions  and  enacts  policy  and   informs  the  Advisory  Board  after  the  fact.    This  has  made  the  last  3.5  years  difficult.    As  a  consequence   we  regularly  lose  members  who  see  little  value  to  their  time  in  serving  the  Cemetery.     Several  specific  examples  of  this;    the  user  agreement  to  allow  cyclo-­‐cross  within  future  Cemetery  lands,   which  was  executed  and  signed  with  no  consultation  with  the  Advisory  Board.    Next,  the  renewal  of  the   farmer's  agreement  on  the  currently  unused  (as  cemetery  land)  hayfield  -­‐  it  had  long  been  in  the   purview  of  the  Advisory  Board  to  discuss  and  recommend  the  terms  of  this  agreement.    Most  recently,   the  Director  has  advised  the  Cemetery  Superintendent  not  to  attend  Cemetery  Advisory  meetings;  as   the  primary  day  to  day  operator  of  the  lands  and  activity  the  Board  oversees,  this  seems  to  leave  a  gap   in  knowledge  and  awareness  for  the  Board  to  rely  on  the  Superintendent's  expertise;  again,  this  was  a   unilateral  decision  with  no  consultation.     Approximately  one  year  ago,  the  Commission  sent  a  survey  request  to  all  28  City  Advisory  Boards,  to   gather  input  on  their  best  ideas  of  how  to  serve  the  City.    5  of  our  7  then  current  members  responded  to   this  survey.    The  results  overwhelmingly  indicated  a  need  for  an  updated  complete  Master  Plan  for   Cemetery  Lands,  as  the  last  plan  is  now  12  years  old  and  virtually  completed  (thank  you  Commissioner   Taylor  for  your  original  drafting  of  that  document).    The  first  step  in  this  process  was  a  clear  mapping  of   the  Cemetery  Lands,  which  we  now  have  before  you.     My  objective  in  this  meeting  is  to  clarify  the  interface  of  the  Staff  Role  and  the  Advisory  Board  role.    I   have  spoken  with  City  Manager  Kukulski  about  rewriting  the  outdated  ordnance  that  guides  the   Advisory  Board.    While  the  rewritten  ordnance  never  fully  reached  your  table,  we  have  a  newly  minted   map  (version  5)  clearly  delineating  the  lands,  current  and  future,  of  Sunset  Hills  Cemetery.    We  hope  the   Commission  will  approve  this  map  tonight  and  it  will  help  guide  our  efforts  to  develop  a  long  term   strategic  plan  for  all  Cemetery  lands  -­‐  active  and  future.    You  will  note  this  includes  a  large  open  space   and  recreation  component  that  will  not  be  active  cemetery  lands  for  a  long  time.    Hence,  the   importance  of  plans  and  policies  for  how  this  land  will  be  used  currently  and  including  a  public  Board  in   that  process  seems  critical  to  ensure  that  there  is  support  for  both  the  near  and  long  term  uses.     Given  the  marginalization  of  the  apparent  role  of  the  Cemetery  Advisory  Board  in  recent  years  (per  the   examples  noted)  we  feel  a  strong  need  for  guidance  from  the  Commission  to  help  focus  Staff  and  the   Board  on  a  mutually  agreeable  set  of  operating  parameters  in  drafting  our  new  Master  Plan.        Finances  as  well  as  strategic  plans  are  all  an  integral  part  of  this  process.    We  have  successfully  reduced   the  operating  loss  from  the  general  fund  as  directed  by  City  Manager  Kukulski  eight  years  ago.     However,  it  is  very  challenging  to  maintain  an  understanding  of  the  Cemetery  Finances  when  the  annual   report  arrives  with  no  staff  to  explain  or  review  it.    When  Cemetery  Board  asks  for  help  from  legal  or   finance  in  order  to  make  policy  or  strategic  plans,  we  are  told  that  City  Staff  does  not  have  the  time  to   respond  to  such  requests.    Additionally,  the  Advisory  Boards  needs  to  be  included  in  the  Capital   Improvement  Program  (CIP)  funding  process  to  advise  staff  as  to  our  current  and  longer  term  capital   planning  items.    For  the  last  two  cycles  we  have  simply  been  informed  after  the  fact  of  what  capital   items  were  put  in  the  budget.    As  an  example,  our  second  columbarium  is  already  half  full  in  just  two   years  time;  the  CIP  request  for  a  third  columbarium  could  and  should  have  been  in  the  most  recent   funding  cycle  but  this  did  not  happen  as  we  were  not  included  in  the  process.     In  sum,  the  Advisory  Board  needs  a  clear  and  useful  role.    We  feel  strongly  that  we  can  provide  guidance   and  planning  direction  for  developing  a  successful  and  publicly  supported  Master  Plan.    We  can  only  do   this,  however,  if  Staff  views  our  role  as  integral  to  the  process  and  is  agreed  on  a  set  of  systems  that  are   useful  to  both  parties.     On  a  final  note,  as  a  founding  member  of  The  Friends  of  Sunset  Hills  Veterans  Memorial,  I  would  like  to   congratulate  the  Veterans  Group  for  their  recognition  in  completing  the  fundraising  for  the  All  Veterans   Memorial.