HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- FINAL Scope Cemetery and Lindley Irrigation Project RFP July 102015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS SUNSET HILLS CEMETERY AND LINDLEY PARK IRRIGATION PROJECT PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT INTRODUCTION The City of Bozeman (“COB”) is seeking proposals from consultants qualified to provide professional engineering services for the preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report to evaluate various alternatives that facilitate the use of historically decreed surface water rights in the Story Ditch at Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park. The goal of the PER is to cease irrigation of these City properties with treated water and utilize available non- potable water supplies and to optimize overall infrastructure operations. As currently operated, the Sunset Hills Cemetery is primarily irrigated with treated municipal water supplies. More specifically, of the forty-seven (47) acres under irrigation, approximately thirty-seven (37) acres is irrigated with treated water. The remaining ten (10) acres is irrigated with groundwater supplied by the Lindley Park Well. The Lindley Park Well also irrigates Lindley Park, adjacent to Sunset Hills Cemetery comprising approximately fourteen (14) acres. There are approximately fifty-two (52) acres reserved for future expansion of the cemetery. The COB has a decreed surface water right for the Story Ditch that diverts from Sourdough Creek (Bozeman Creek)(water right number 41H 99632 00) in the NWSWSE of Section 7 T2S R6E, Gallatin County that is decreed for eight (8) cfs to flood irrigate eighty-six (86) acres in the E2 of Section 7 T2S R6E, also referred to as Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park, with a priority date of September 30, 1865.1 The period of use for the Story Ditch is from April 1-November 1. The water right is also decreed for incidental uses of flood control and recreation. This water right is subordinate to other water rights and has stipulated limitations pertaining to changes to the right. The COB also has a permitted groundwater right (water right number 41H 79578 00) in the NWNESE of Section 7 T2S R6E for 0.38 cfs and 37.56 AF to sprinkler irrigate 25 acres at two locations in the N2SE of Section 7 T2S R6E and in the S2SENE of Section 7 T2S R6E, at Lindley Park and Sunset Hills Cemetery with a priority date of November 4, 1991. The period of use for the groundwater right is from April 15-November 1. Each summer, the COB spends approximately $15,000.00 for seasonal labor and an average of $23,421.00 for treated water to irrigate the 37 acres that is currently developed, totaling $38,421.00 per year. Two to six inch water mains distribute water throughout the cemetery for irrigation. Handlines are used to connect the water mains with 2” quick connect couplers at most locations. A few zones are irrigated using hoses and sprinklers or by underground sprinklers. Rainbird impact heads with a 3/16” nozzle are used on the handlines. Fifty heads are run at one time. 1 Note the DNRC map that accompanies the Statement of Claim for the Story Ditch. 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP Water is diverted each year from Sourdough Creek into the Story Ditch in the NWSWSE Section 7 T2S R6E, and is accomplished with the insertion of wooden boards combined with a tarp and sandbags that raises the water level of Sourdough Creek to allow water to flow into the ditch. The current diversion mechanism’s location and structure is inefficient and dangerous for COB staff to install and remove during high flows and when ice is present. This often results in delays in getting water into the ditch and early shut downs in relation to the decreed period of use, and interruptions in diversions into the ditch. Total diverted flows are unknown. Stream gages above the point of diversion and in the ditch were installed on June 24, 2015 and will be monitored every two weeks by Gallatin Local Water Quality District staff pursuant to an MOU between COB and GLWQD. Once the water level in the creek is raised as a result of the insertion of the boards, tarp and sandbags as described above, water pools in the channel of Sourdough Creek and flows to the southeast into a concrete opening. It then flows east, northeast under the Galligator Trail and South Church Avenue and runs northeast adjacent to the Lindley Park Trail. Its terminus is located north of I-90 and returns flows to Rocky Creek, a tributary of the East Gallatin River. Ditch maintenance has been sporadic and deadfall, debris and sediment in the ditch and phreatophytes along the ditch banks impede flows. There are varying elevation gains from the ditch to the decreed places of use. PRELIMINARY SCOPE OF WORK The preliminary scope of work involved for this project is outlined below. Additional tasks and work elements may be added during contract negotiations. It is also possible that tasks or elements could be deleted through negotiation. In the proposal, the consultant may recommend addition/deletion of tasks or modification of tasks in describing their understanding and approach for the project. Proposals must clearly identify any elements of the proposed scope of work that would not be provided by the prime consultant. Any sub-consultants which comprise the overall consultant team must be identified along with a description of past working history between the firms. The COB desires to complete the proposed work in a diligent manner. Proposals must clearly indicate the consultant’s anticipated schedule given their staffing and current and projected work load commitments. Task 1 – Design Alternatives Develop and evaluate various design alternatives that utilize the Story Ditch surface water right to irrigate Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park. Alternatives must include various infrastructure options and operational configurations for water diversion, conveyance, pumping, distribution and application of irrigation water. Alternatives must also accommodate the decreed incidental uses of flood control and recreation that Story Ditch provides. Alternatives considered will be compared to a ‘no action’ alternative in order to evaluate the relative benefits and costs of the alternatives. Evaluate alternatives for the use of the permitted groundwater right in conjunction with the Story Ditch right and its effect on water pumping and irrigation system design, distribution and application. In addition, evaluate the potential for a change in the place of use of the groundwater right from Lindley Park to Haggerty Softball Fields. 1a) Water Diversion – Evaluate various options for water diversion infrastructure improvements and identify a preferred point of diversion location. Determine the diverted flowrate and volume needed to supply existing irrigation water demands for the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park irrigation system as well as 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP future irrigation demands for the fully developed cemetery property. The diversion must be capable of routing flood flows during high water events. 1b) Water Conveyance – Evaluate the suitability of the existing Story Ditch to convey water from the point of diversion to a proposed pump station and identify any improvements necessary to increase conveyance efficiency. Conveyance improvements must account for recreation and flood control. 1c) Water Pumping and Irrigation Distribution/Application – Identify a preferred water pump station location and evaluate alternatives for pump station design including controls and power. Evaluate the need for irrigation water storage and identify a suitable location, volume, and storage configuration if determined necessary. Determine to what extent components of the existing irrigation system distribution infrastructure system can be utilized and provide recommendations for new irrigation system distribution piping capable of serving zoned irrigation system water demands. Task 2 – Cost/Benefit Analysis Provide cost/benefit analyses for capitalization and life cycle O&M for each alternative developed. Task 3 – Water Right Analysis Identify any potential legal issues surrounding water rights and places of use for each alternative developed. Task 4 – Preliminary Engineering Report Prepare a preliminary engineering report documenting design alternatives considered, benefits/costs for each, and potential legal issues. Recommend a preferred alternative. Task 5 – Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant Provide technical support for a WaterSMART grant application, between the time of FOA and application deadline TBD in January 2016. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS One electronic searchable PDF file must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on August 11, 2015 to the City Clerk at agenda@bozeman.net. Proposals shall be presented in a neat and orderly fashion. Proposals shall not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length and shall be combined into 1 single PDF. Separate links and attachments will not be reviewed. Please note that the USPS will not deliver mail to this location. Late proposals will not be considered. Proposals shall, at a minimum, include the following items: • A narrative describing the consultant’s particular understanding and approach for this project. Specific challenges should be identified along with unique solutions proposed to complete project tasks and achieve project goals. 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP • A proposed work plan indicating tasks to be accomplished, work schedule, consultant personnel and sub-consultants expected to perform each major task element, prior work history of consultant and sub- consultants, and the involvement (and timing of that involvement) anticipated of COB staff. • Qualifications of key individuals assigned to the project, their availability during the relevant time periods, and their recent experience on similar projects. • References for whom key individuals of the consultant and sub-consultants have performed similar work within the last five years, and two examples of work produced under similar contracts (examples produced on projects utilizing the key personnel identified for this proposal are preferred). • A completed and signed Non-Discrimination Affirmation Form (see Attachment A). CONSULTANT SELECTION A consultant selection committee consisting of key COB staff will choose, in its opinion, the most qualified consultant to provide services required for the project. Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria and the requirements of MCA 18-8-201 et seq. • The consultant’s project approach and understanding as it relates to this project; • Qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project; • Capability to meet project time and budget requirements; • Location of the consultant in relation to project; • Present and project workloads ; • Related experience on similar projects; • Recent and current work for the COB. A determination of finalists to be interviewed will be made by the selection committee based on an evaluation of written proposals received. Award will be made following contract negotiations to the most qualified consultant at a price which the COB determines to be fair and reasonable taking into account the estimated value of services to be rendered, as well as the scope, complexity and professional nature thereof. If the COB is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the consultant initially selected at a price the COB determines to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that consultant will be formally terminated and the COB will select another consultant in accordance with MCA 18-8-204 and continue until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated. 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND CONDITIONS COB CONTACT: Questions or requests for additional information regarding this project or RFP requirements may be directed to: Lain Leoniak JD, CLIA City of Bozeman – Water Conservation Division PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 -1230 406-582-2280 lleoniak@bozeman.net NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Discrimination in the performance of any contract awarded under this request for proposal on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is prohibited. This prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the awarded entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. Every entity submitting under this request for proposal must sign and return the attached affirmation statement with their bound response to this request for proposal. 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP SUGGESTED RESOURCES: • Map attached to this Request • 2013 Integrated Water Resources Plan (available at www.bozemanwater.com) • Water Right Documents: o 41H 99632-00 o 41H 79578 00 o Stipulations in Case File 41H-171 as they relate to 41H 99632 00 • GLWQD MOU June 2015 (available upon request) • Supplemental Cemetery and Lindley Park Maps (available upon request) • Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant Funding Opportunity- FY 16 FOA to be posted October 2015. Overview available at: http://www.usbr.gov/WaterSMART/ 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP ATTACHMENT A: NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM [name of entity proposing] hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in the performance of work performed for the City of Bozeman, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract, if awarded, will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the [name of entity proposing] employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in the performance of the agreement with the City of Bozeman. Signature of Proposer: Person authorized to sign on behalf of the proposer Story DitchBozeman CreekMathew Bird Creek 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery andLindley Park Irrigation Project ± 0 250 500Feet Legend Well Head Gate StreamsSSuunnsseettHHiillllssCCeemmeetteerr yyLLiinnddlleeyyPPaarr kk This map is created by the City of Bozeman GIS Department and is intended for planning purposes only. 7/10/2015 Section 7 T2S R6E