HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 22- 524, Departments of City, Terms of Office, Powers, Duties, Compensation, Etc., and Sections 6 Amended by Ordinance 619, Section 23 Amended in Part by Ordinance 560, 571; Section 24 Amended by 604, Section 32 Amended by Ordinance 617.
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Section 1. The OOmmission of the Oit7 of Bozeman shall Gonsisl.
of three Commissioners, who shall be elected fr.om the ci t)" at large, in
the manner provided br law.
1'he)" shall be residente of the City of
Bozeman and have the qualifications of electors, and Olm real estate sit...
uate4 in said oity ~o the assessed valuation of not less than one thousand
Seotion 2. Of the Commissioners eleoted at the speoia+
election held in said ci ty on Ootober 4th, 1921, the term of o:ff'ie4t J~It"":'''':'''~>C';'''"
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the two Commissioner who received the highest' number of votes at a~id ,
election Shall oontinue to Januery 1st, 1924, and until their S~d....~:~; .,~.
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shall be elected end shall qualify, and the other of said Comm1@:HJteH-,-, "
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ah811continue in his office of Commissioner until hfs sucoessor "sheJ..l &e~ .~ -
elected, at the ,regular eleotion for the choioe of Commissioners to be
held on the fir8t Tuesda7 aftex- the first Monday in November, 1923, and
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shall, qualify.
Every person eleoted Commissioner shell within ten days thtrfl-
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after file with the Clerk of the Commission, his oath of office end 6811
execute and give l!Iuffioient bond to the City of Bozeman in suchsltlD 8S
the Judge of, the Distriot Court of Gsllatin County shall 'ea1gnat., oon-
ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his offioe. Which
bDnd shall be filed with the County Clerk and Reoorder of Gallatin
Seotion 3. ~e Mayor shall, be 'that-.' member of the Commission.
~: ~
who, a t the speoiel electi on at whioh the first Cor.mnissioners wereelec'tedr
received the highest number of'votes, and shall oOJlt1nue 8S such until
the expiration of his' term of Offl~e,_, and until his suocessor shall be
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elected end qualifies.fher.aftol', the MaYf)~ shall be eleoted in the
manner provided by the laws of Montane in foroe at the time he shall
be 81. oted.
In the event there i8a vaoanoy in the office of Mayor
.tor any cause, other than by-the expiration of his term of offioe, the
remaining members of the Commission ahall choos. his sucoessor for the
unexpired term from their own number.
The Mayor shall be the presiding ~ffloer, exoept that in his
8bs.nc~a president pro-tempere ma1' be chosen. Thell8yor shall
.exercise the powers and perform al14uties imposed upon him by the
Ordinances of the olt1' and the law8 ef the stat., exoept that h. shall
h,aTeno power to ,T.to any measure., H'~811 be recognt.ea. a8 ~.
efiici:al head of the city for the purpos.e of serving oi viI preoess..,
and .for .,th. purposes of mill tary Ie.. ,and for all oeremonial purposes.
Section 4. rwo Commissfonera shall oonstituib. a quorum, and
the affirmative vote ef two Commieaiours shall 'b. sufficient to adopt.
ot' re.1eotany mot.ion, resolution or ordiDsnce,.or pass any measure,
unless a greater number 1s pz'ovided :t'o:r ~y law.
Upon every .ot., the
ayes ,..4 nayes shall be oalleq. and re.corded, and ever1 motion, resolut-
~' ;~':
ion or ordinance. shall be red,uced to writing and read before the vote
is t8ken thereon.
Section 5. . The salary of the CoIllDl1s8ioners shall be a8
follows : Five dol+ers per meeting. for ea.ob meeting attended for the
Commissioners other than the M*yor, and the salary of the Oommissioner
~~ting 8S Mayor shall be Seven and 50/100 Dollars for each meeting
lI,ttended; provided, that not more then' on.' t.e shall be paid for. anyone
, d8", or tor more than one day in 0118 week. .
Se ati on 6. At ten 0 I 01 oak ,A. M., on the first Monday s fter
. .
first dey of January following 8 regular munioipal eleotion, the
t',:usual plaoe ~Qr_.gld1ng thelrmeetings I
the newlyeleet'd qo~..10D.r8 shall assume the duties of
tA,i yh:l.Oh time
:,~ ,~, , : i " ' ,1I4.. 'I" : . _, ',I
I...... .............. t.h.se.~.r...."yo.bf.fiperee.BcriThQeerd'b8:ter, the Commie.1Qners shall meet at such times
_, tJ Of4;lnanoe or Resolution, and they ~hal1._:8t
r.gularly not less than one.a.....elt; 1Ul4tft and until a different time'
and placet is provided by ordtnsnee orrelolution, the regular'meetings of
Ii, ,
the Commissioners shall be al_:.,'O.......16nChamber. in the City Hell..,
.'._'''''.''_"~'''''''''''''''':'M'm:'''' ~
Building at 4 o'olook P. M. on Thursday of esoh week.
A beanoe frota
five consecutive regular meetings shall operate to vacate the seat ofa
member, unless suoh absence is authorized by the Commission.
The Commissioner acting as Mayor, any two members of the Commls8-
ion, or the City Maneger, may oall
special meetings of the Commission
upon.at least twelve hours written notice to esch member of the Commission,
served personally on eaoh member or'left at his usual place 0'1: residence.
The Commission shall determine its own rules and order of busineSs and
shall cause to be kept a journal' of its proceedings.
Section 7. Each proposed ordinance or resolution shall be in-
troduced in writing and shall not contain more than one subject, which
shall be clearly stated in its title, but genersl appropriation ordinanCes
may contain the verious subjects and eccounts for which moni~8 :are, to be
The en8cti~g clause of all ordinance~ passed by the
Co~ission shall be "Be it Ordained by the Commission of the City of Boze-
msn" .
Bo ordinances, unless it be declared an emergency, shell be
passed upon the day on which it shall be introduced, unless so ordered by
an affirmative vote of all of the members of the Oommission. All ord.inances
and resolutions shall be in effecti'rom Bnd after thirty' (30) days:f'1-om the
date of their passage by the Commission, except as otherwise provided by
The Commission may, by en affirmative vote of all the members, pass
set forth and defined in a preamble thereto.
Every Ordinance or resolut-
ion passed by the Commission shall be authenticated by the signatures of
the ~yor, or two Commissioners, and the Clerk of the Commission, and
recorded in a book kept for that purpose.
The number and title of eve:ty
ordinance or resolution shall be published once within ten days atter its
final passage, in a daily newspaper of general oirculation in the cit7.
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Section 8. The Commission shall constitute the governing
body w1th power to create, establish. abolish end organize offices and
fix the salary and compensation Of all o~ficer8 and employees, except
as hereinafter provided; make and,enforoe local sanitary and polioe and
other regulations; pass such ordinances as may be expedient for main-
taining and promoting peace, good government and welfare of the munici-
pality and for the performance of all the functions thereof, and to
carry out and put into effect all 'the powers by ordinances, resolutions
or orders that now 8re or hereafter may be granted to municipalities by
the' constitution or laws of the state of Mo~tana, including the power to
pas,. ordinances, adopt regulations, and appoint 8 ohief adminis,ratiTe
of'f'10er to be known as the riC1'iy M.ansger" and exercise all the powers.
conferreA on it by Chapter 152 of the Aots of th~ Fifteenth LegislatiTe
Assembly of the stete of Montana, 88 amendea.,; and shall have all the powers
conferred by law upon cit7 councils in 80 far as the same is not inoon818-
tent with said Ohapter 152.
Section 9. The Commieslon shall choese a Clerk and such other
offioers and employees of its own body as are ne.es6ary. The Clerk shall
ie known as the Clerk of the Commission and shall keep the journal of the
p1"'.cee4inge of the Commission, and 811 files and records" incl~ding the
record of all ordinanc~s end resolution and perfor~ such other duties 8S
may be required of him by ordinance or resolution or order of the
Commission, and he shell be the custodian of the corporate seal of the
Section 10. The C,ommission shall appoint a Cl ty Manager, who
shell be the administrative head of' the Citr government and be responsible
for the efficient administration of all its departments. He shall hdld
his office at the will of the Commission.
The powers end duties of the 01 ty Jl'8nager shall be:
(a) To see that the laws and ordinenoes are enforced;
(b) To appoint and re.ave all dlreotors of departments and
all subordinate offioers and employse. in the dep8rt~ent8;
( c) To exercise cODtrol over all the depar:tments and Office.
created or Whioh may be creat... b7 law orb1 the Oo_i..lon;
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(d) TO ~ttend all meetings of the Commission with the right
to take part in the discussions;
(e) 'To recommend to the Commission for adoption, such measures
a8 he may deem necesearY' or expedient;
(f) To keep the Commission tully advised ss to the financial
oondition aDd need. of the cit;y;
(g) To perform sueh other duties as may be presoribed b;y lsw
or be req:uired of hill by ordinanoe or resolution of the Commission.,
Section 11. The City Manager shall receive such salary,aa
roey be fixed by the annual salary ordinance~ or otherwise fixe4' by the
Be~ore entering upon the duties of his office, 'he .h.ll
take and subscribe to the oath of off1'oe and he, shall give an official
bond in the aum of Two Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the fa1th:tul per-:-
forma nee of the duties ,of his office, with sufficient surety to be
approved by the Commission and said oath and bond shall .be filed with the
Clerk thereof.
Section 12. The Commission shall appoint a Police Judge, who
shall have the power and authority conferred by law on. Police Judges,
and the power and authority to conduot a Police Court, in '800or48]10.
with the provisions of law' and the ordinenoes of the city. He ahall hold
his office at the will of the Commission and until his suocessor'shall be
appointe4and quslit,y.
Before entering upon the duties of his office
he shall take and subscribe to the oath' of office and shall give an
official bond in the Bum of One Thousand Dollars, with suffioient surety
to be approved. b7 the Commission, and said oath and bond shell be filet
with the Clerk thereof.
He ,shell reeei ve such salary as may be fixed by
the annuat salary ordinance, or otherwise fix(!d by the Commission.
Section 13. ~e following administrative departments of the
City of Bozeman are hereby established:
1. Be,partment .of law;
2. . Department o~ Public' Servicct,
3. Department of PUblic Welfare;
4. Dep~~tment of Publio Safety;
5.. Depfjrt1D.n~, of Fll!.snoe.
},~, ~
!~ .
Section 14. The head of the Department of Law shall be
'en Attorney-e,t-Lew, who has 'been admitted to practice in the state
of Montana, end shall be known as the C1 ty .A-ttorney. He shall be
the legal a4Tisor of and attorney and cOUDsel for the City of Bozeman
and for all the officers and d'P8r~nts there.f in matters relating
t.o their offi~1al duties. He shall pro.eou... and defend all suita
for and in behalf'of theoity and, shall prepare all contraots, bonds
and other instruments in writing in which the city 1s oonoerned, end
ahall endor.e on eaoh his approval of form and oorrectness thereof.
He shell ,perform such other duties t.d haTe the authority conferred
'upon City Attorneys by law. Re shall be appointed by the City uensger
and ~hBIl serTe until removed by him, or until his sucoessor is appoint-
ed and qualifies. Before entering upon 'thedutie. of his offi.e he
shall take and subsoribed to the oath of offioe and give 'an official
bond, if the COJIIDi8sion shall requ1zte, in e sum ,to be fixed byi t , with
sufficient surety to be a)_roved b;ythe C~i8.ion, end said oath and
bond shall.be filed with the Olerk thereOf. He shall receive suoh
salary as may be fixed by annual salary ordinanoe, or otherwise fixed by
the Commission.
Section 15. fhe person hald1ng the offioe of .CityManegez:,.
shall, unle~8 otherwise o*aewa;Ib1' the COIIUI1sBion, be the head 01' the
Department of Public SerTi.e and the Dire.tor thereof, and shall dis-
charge all of the duties pre.oribeiby law for that ~ffieer, and as
Buoh shell manage and haTe charge of the oon8truction, improve...t, re-
pel1" and maintenance of streets, sid8111l1k8, a11818 , lanes, bridges,
vleduets and other publiC highwa,., end. of all ..wers and sewerage dis-
posal plants, drains, di tohe. ,. oulTerts, canels, streams and water
oom-ses. He shall manage and have oherge of the water w0rk system
'owned by the City, and ell buildlD8a RIlecl by the city, and improvements
thereon, end shall; have cherg. ,of the enf'orcem8nt of all obligations o~
privately owned or operatecl: publiollttl1tt.. enforce.ble by the city.
He shall have charge. and superT1si9Jl of the meklngand pre.arT811on o'f
all surveys, maps, plans, drawings and estimates for publio work, end
oharge of the clsenitig, spriDkl1ag and lighting of .,,~..tB and publio
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plaoes, and of the collection and disposal of waste, and charge and
supervision of the preservation of oontracts, papers ,plans, to'ele and
applianoes belonging to the city and pertaining to the Department o~
PUblio S,ervice. He shall, have oharge of the Public Employment Offioe;.
Section 16. The Manager as such, or as Director of Pu.blio
Se~vic., shell have authority to compel~ the making of sewer conneotions
wh.never, in view of a contemplated street improvement which has been
ordered by the Commission, or as a sanitary regulation, e sewer
connection should in his judgment be oonstructed. He shall cau.e'
written notice requiring suoh construction to be given to the owner of
each lot or parcel of land for which such connection is to be made.~
Such notioe shall be served by the('}lanager or 80me person designated
'by him in the JDSnner provided for the service of summons in civil
actions. lion-residents of the city, or persons who cannot belound,
may be ser.ed by one publioation of suchnotioe in's daily newspaper of'
general oirculat1onin the city. It shall state the time ,within which
such connections shall be constructed, and if they be not constructed
within,the time specified they may be constructed by the city and the
cost thereof, together with a penalty of 1i ve per cent, aasevliteclagains't
the lots and lands forwhioh '8uchconnections are made. S81d SlItIless-
menta shall be certified and collected as other assessments for street
Seotion 1'. In the Department of Public Service there may
be en Engineer and there shall be such officers and employees as the
City Manager may determine, all of whom shall work under the direc:t1QJ1
and supervision of the Ci tyManeger or Direotor of Public' Service. '
Before entering upon the duties of hie office the Engineer shall take
and subscribe to the oath of offioe and shell give an official bond in
the sum of at least One !housand Dollars, with sufficient sur~ty to be
approved by the Commission, and said oath and bond shall be filed with
the Clerk thereof, and all other officers and employees in the de-
partment of Public Service shall give e bond to the 41ty 1"f required. by
the 01ty Manager in en amount to be fixed by him. The Engineer and all
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of the o.1'fioers end employees in the hpartmentof Public Servicte ahall
_,_^ receive such salary or compensation as may be fixed by the Oi ty Manager
an4 ahall hold offioe or be employed at the will of the City Manager.
Section 18. The person hplding the office of City Manager
shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission) be. the head of the
Department of Public Welfare and 'the Direotor thereof, and shell dis-
charge all of the duties pre.,cribe4 b11a. for that officer, and as
such shall manage all charita~le, correotional and reformatory insti-
tutions and agenoies belonging to the cit:y aM the USe of all
reC)reational facilities of the o1t7, including ldbraries, park. and p1a7
g1'~unds .
He shall hevecharge of the inspeetioD an,d supervision of
p~blic aJDUsements and entertainments,.
He shall enforce all laws,
or41nances end regulations relative to the px'e.ervat1on and promotion
of publiC health, the prevention aDd re'str1ction of disease, the preven-
tion, abatement and suppression of nui.anoes, and the sanitary inspeotion
and supervision of the production, transportation, storage and sale of
tood stuffs.
He shall oause a complete and aocurate system of vital
statletios to be kept.
In time of epidemio 81' threatened epidemic, he
meT ente'roe such quarantine regulat"oas 8S are appropriate to the
Section 19. Th~re shall be a Health Officer of the oity, who
""'Uncle1." the direction and contrel of the Oi ty Manager or Direotor of pub-
110 Welfare shall enforoe all ,ordinaDoes and laws relating to hea1:th
and shall perform all duties and have all powers provided by law 'relative
to the publio health and applicable t. or to be exercised in municipali-
ties by Health O:f~icer$.
He shall 1)j appointea b7 the City Manager and
shall serve until removed by-him, or until his successor isappo1nte'd
and qualifies.
Before entering up'on the duties of his ,office, the Oi ty
H..lth Officer shall take end subsoribe to the oath of office and shall
g1,.e'11n official bODdif the Commis8ion shall require, in a sum 'to be
\ '
fixed\by it, with suffioient surety to.be,approved by the OODlDission, and
8aid oath and bond ~hall be ftle4 wlth the Clerk thereof.
He shall
receive such salary or compensation.. may be fixed by the city l(anager.
Bozeman shall be under the Department of pUblic Weltare.
Said Board
shall be composed of the Cit.y M:8Deger and four other' persons, to be
~~ '
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appointed by the Mayor with the adTioe and consent of the Commission,
ana shall serve without pay.
~he term of 'office of the members of
,the Board other than the City Manager shall be 8S follows:
first appointed after the passage of,this ordinance shall hold their
office, two for the term of one '8ar aDd two for the term of - two
yeers, less the time Which may,elap.. bet...enthe time of such
appointments and the first dey of January, 1922, and until their-
successors are appointed and qualify, and two shall be appointed
a~ually thereafter at the beginning of eaoh oalendar year, for the
term of two years and until their successors are appointed ancl qualify.
Before ,entering upon the duties of their office, Board Members shall
take and s,ubsoribe to ,the oath ofoft1oe B'nd file the same with the
Clerk of the Commission.
'Section 22. On the first Wednesday in January of' each year,
said Board shell meet and organize by electing from their number, 8
President and Vice-President, who shall hold their respeotive office.
for the term of ODe year; 6Ub~eot to the provision, that, the m.embers of
the park Board who shall be first appointed Bfter the passage of this
ordinanoe. shall meet and organize on ~e first wedne sday after they
are appointed, and the President and 'ioe-president shall hold their
offices until the first Wedne sda;y in~'1J8nusr1, 1923, and until their
successors are elected.
The Clerk of the Commission, shall be ex-officio Clerk of the
Board of Park Commissioners and shall a~tend all meetings of the Board
end keep correot m~nutes of 811 proceedings of said Board in a book to
bepr ovided for that purpose, to be 081le4 the "Record of Board of park
Commissione'rs of the City of Bozemaa", and he shall perform such other
duties ss such Clerk of s8i4 Boerd 8s"are prescribed by law.
Regular monthly me.tings 01' the Bcard shall be held on the
fit'et.Tuesday in eaoh month.
Seotion 23. fhe C1ty Manager, under the direction and super-
f~ vision of the Board of P8rk Commissioners, shall have the management
:l~:,ii1dcontrol of all the parkings, boulevards, public parks and public
.~ ~ . plsy grounds of the 01 ty. sDd of eUtrees elld othe.. 1l1SJ1ts upon the
,~ ~ streets, avenues, boulevards and'publio pIsces wi thin the 01"7,.8XLd the
" '"'e9
" C:''1
'7';' ngRt todesign8te the charaoter all4 quall'y 01' all trees and plants in
---=--.- ,.
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suoh parks, streets, avenues, boulevardsanc1 publio plaoes.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall determine the charaoter
and amount Qf improvements and work. to be made' and done upon parkiDBe,
bou~evards, publio perks and publio play grounds of the city, and the
City Menager shall employ such workmen and laborers BS he shall deter-
mine sheil be necessary, and shall direct and supervise the work of
making such improvements 8:a.d doing said work.
The Board of Park Commissioners shall have power to make 811
rules and regulations necessarjT or oonvenient to protect and prom~t.
the growth of trees and plants .in the parkings, public ,parks, streets,
avenues, alleys, boulevards Bnd public places under the care and, control
of said Bosrd and the power to make all necessary rules' atld regulation.
end do all things ne.cesssry in order to .carry out th<! powers and perform
the duties co'Dterred upon and required of it by the laws of the stat.
of Montan~' relating to the Board of pa,rk COminissl0ners, and of ordin-
anceB of the c,i ty rela ting to pal-kings, parks, bcmlevardt, trees eIl4
S8id Board shall make a report to the City Commission at the
close of each c$lendar year covering the business transacted by it during
sa id year.
All olaims against th. city for expenses authorized by s8id
Board shall be presented to said Board in writing duly itemiledandveri-
fied by oath, and such claims as maybe approved by said Board shall be
presented to the City Commission, and upon the same being approved by
the City Manager, allowed and paid out of the Park Fund.
The oemetery Board of the City of Bozeman shall be
Department of Public Welfare.
Said Board shall be composed of
five persons, residen ts of the City of Bo zeman, to be appoint.ed by the
MIIyor with. the advice and consent of the Commission and shall serve
without pey. ~e term of office of the members of said Board shall --
as follows:' Members first appointed after the passage of this ord1nanoe
shell hold their office, two tor the term of one year; two for the ,t~rtn
of two years and one for the term of three years; less the time which
may elapse between the time of such appointments and the first day 01
January, 1922, and: until their successors are' appointed and qualify, snd
on the expirat.ion of the term of any-member, their successor shall be
appointed for the term, of three years, aud until their successor ahal:l"
be appointed and qualifies.
:Before entering upon the duties of their
office the. members of s81d Board shall take and subscribe to the oath of
,. ~)~" , - ,'.
office and file the same with the Clerk of the Commission.
The cemetery Board shall, have the powers and be charged with
all the duties relating to the Bozeman Cemetery given to and imposed
upon it by the ordinances of the" oi ty, inc lu4ing the ordin~:nces oreating
said Board.
The members of the Cemetery Bosri shall perfeot their owp
organization and select such officerafar' said Board as they may deem
advisable and emplOY such assistants, laborers and employees as it may
deem advisable.
It shall cause to be kept correct mdnutes of all the
prooeedings of ssid Board in a book to.be provided for th8t purpose,
and shall cause to be kept 8 sU1teblepermanent record of all ,lots sold
in the Bozeman Cemetery.
Said Board shall make a' repor1;:to the City
Commission at the 010S8 o~ each calendar yeer covering the busines8
transaoted by it during said yesr.
Section 25. ~he Oi t1 J(sD8ge:r, as heed of the department of
Public welfare; shall have power to, employ such assistants, la.borers and
emplo1ees as may be, necessary in that, dtlpsrtment in order to oarry out
aDd do the work of s8id department, in all oaseS where no ,provision has
otherwise been made therefor.
Section 26. The matter ofr,'providing for public band con-
certe in the city and of the expenditures of the Band Concert Fund shall
be under the department of Public Welfare, and under the direct charge
and,supervision of the City M8nager.
Section 27. The person holding the' office of City Manager
shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, b~ the head of the
Department of Public Safety .and the Director thereof, and shall be the
executive ~ead of the division of, polioe and fire.
He shall also be -
the chief administrative authorit.y in all matters effecting the in-
spection and regulation of, th$ ereotion, maintenanoe, repair and
.ocoup~ncy of buildings, including the inspection of plumbing and elect-
:ri~l. wiring in buildings, and shsllhave charge of the enforcement off
all ordinances of the oi ty regulet1D1 said mat.ters and shell see that
the 1a1ll8 of the Stst.e in respeot thereto are en:forced wi thin the city.
~' .i
He shall ala 0 be oharged with the enforcement of a 11 laws and ordin-
ances relating to weights and measures.
Section 28. The Police force of said city shall be oomposed
of 8 Chief of Police and such other officers, patrolmen Bnd otner
employees as the City Manager may determine.
The Chief of Police
shall have control of stationing end tt;ransferring the police force,
under such rules and reguletions es the City MBneger may prescribe.
Before entering upon the duties of his office the Chief of Police
shall take and subscribe to the oath of office end shall give an
official bond in the sum, of one Thousand Dollars, with suffioient
surety to be approve'd by the Comn1ssion, and said oath end bond shall
be filed with the Clerk the~eof.
And all other officers, patrolmen
and employees constituting the pOlice fO~Qe shall take and subsoribe
to the, oath O:f office which shall be duly filed and shall giveiondto
the city if required by the Oi ty Manager and in en amount to be fixed
by him.
The Chief of Police and a'll of the officers, pe trolmen end,
employees, constituting the police force, shall receive, such salary or
compensation as may be fixed by the City Manager.
The Chief of Polioe
patrolmen and 'ell officers constituting the police force shall hold
their office at the will of the City Manager.
Section 29. ,The fire force of the city shell be composed of
a Fire Chief and such other officers, firemen'and employees as the City
Manager may determine.
The Fire Chief shall have control of the,
stationing and transfer of all firemen and other employees andof'fiO."'iI!
consti t'!lting the fire force, under such rule s and regula tions as the
City Manager may prescribe.
Before entering upon the duties of his
office the Fire Chief Shall take and subscribe to the oa th 'Of office
and Bhal1give an official bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars, '
with suffioient suretT to be approved by the Commission, which shall be
filed with the Clerk thereof.
.All other officers, pa id firemen and
employees constituting the fire force shall take and subscribe to the
oath of office, which shall be duly filed and shall give bond to the
city if required by the City Manager in an amount to be fixed byh1m.
The Fire Chief and ,all of the officers, firemen and employees consit-
. tuting the fire force shall receive suoh salary or compensation as maT
be fixed by the City Manager.
The Fire Chief, firemen end employees
constituting the fire force shall, hold their offioe at the will of the
City Manager.
Secti on 30., The City Manager shall have the power and
authority to employ such assistants 8S he may require in order to
effectually enforce the proTl_ioDS of the building, wiring and plumb-
ing ordinanoes of 8sid city.
Suoh assistants 8S he may employ for'
such purposes shall reoeive such oom~.Ds.'ion as the Clty Manager may
determine and shall be employed for suoh length of t iDle a:a.d on Buch a
basis 8S he Shall determine nee.ssary or advisable.
section 31. The provisions of all of the laws of the state
of Montana and of the ordinanoes of the City of Bo~eman relating to
polioe end fire depertments Shell be in force and shall govern the
police and fire departments of the' city, in,so fares they are not in-
coulstent with Chapter 152 of the Acts' of the Fifteenth LegiBla tive
Assembly of ,the state of Montana and the.provi~ions of this ordinanoe.
Section 32. The Dlrectoy of Public Finance'shall be the head
of the department of Finance end shall work under the' supervision and'
control of the City Manager in ell metters; except that as custodian
of all the public monies which may COIqfI into his hands, he shall be
governed by the laws of the state of Montane, relating to City Treasur-
3: ere end funds of municipalities end shall be 'responsible under his bond
. I~..', 'I'
~ .,~
(.1,.') .
, ., ,"".3,.
for the ssfe keeping of 811 public monies end the dep,osi tof the s8me
as required by 18w.
The Director of ~1nence shall be the custodienof
ell public money of the 01 t,y end all other public money coming int.o his
~e shall ,keep end preserve SUch. money in the plece or 'places
determined by ordill6nce or b;y'the l?,1,avisions of eny law applicable
theret,o. Except as otherwise pro114ecl b1 law, he shall collect, rec-
eive and disburse all other publiC money coming into his hands, in
pursuance of suoh regulation~ 88 may be prescribed by the authorities
having lawful control of such f\Ulda"
.....' ,....;.-_.........
. ....'...
The Director of Finance shall keep and have the supervision of all
accounts of the city and shall be the collector of all monies paid'to
the city; he shall mail notices of all special assessments for public
impro~ements to property owners and perform all duties in connecti~
with special assessments for improvements prescribed by law for City
Treasurers and shall have oharge 0 f the qollection of such assessments
as are psyeble directly to the oity end the prepara:t-ion of thelist8 '
and the certification thereof of all unpaid assessments to the County
Treasurer for collection by him. He shall issue all licenses and
collect all fees therefor; he Shall be,. ~he ,collect,Dr of water rents and
all other monies owing to the city on account of the city water works
The Director of Finance shell be responsible for theesfe
keeping of all funds on acoount of the city water works system, and the
bOnd to "be ~iven by the Director of Finanoe as here inafterprovided,
shall COTer his duties wi th reape at too funds dari ved from or on account
of said, water warrks system, as well, as all other funds which may, C0ll18
int 0 his hands'.
The Director of Finance shall have all the authority and
shall be charged,with all of the duties presoribed by Chapter l52.of
the Acts of the Fiftef;'lnth Legislative Assembly of the state of Montana,
Ind of ell ,of the 18.8 of the state of Montana and ordinances of the
city relating to the powers and duties of City Treasurers of munioipali-
ties in so fer as they do not conflict with said Chapter 152; exoept
that he shall not have charge of the purchasing of supplies for or ~
selling property belonging t<:J the city.
The Direetor of Finance shall be appointed by the City lIanager
and Shall Berve until removed by him and until his8uccessor is
appointed and qualifies.
Bef,ore entering u.pon the duties of hie
office, the Direotor of Finsnoe shall take and subscribe to the oath of
office and give, an official bond in the sum of at least Forty Thousani
Dollars, and such an eddi tioJ;l81, amount as the Commission may re quire,
with sufflcient surety to be approved by the Commission, and said oath
and bond shall be filed Wi th the Clerk thereof.
He shall r.O~ive such
salary as may be fixed by the annual sE!lary ordinance" or otherw1s,'"
fixed, by the Commission.
-.:."'"-- '"-'''"'''".''''.
-'".~.,,~,,~.~,~-~.._. ,
Section 33. Under the Department of Finenc&, the duties of
the City Manager shall include the purohase, storage and distribution
of supplies needed by the yarious departments, and he shall have oharge
under the 8up~rvision of the City Comm1asion, of selling all real and
::Pereonal property of the city not 11..led or suitable for public 11se or
that may have been condemnedaB usalesa by him. He shall have oharge
of suoh store rooms and store houses as the 01ty may possess, in whioh
shall be stored all supplies and materials purchased .by the oity and
not delivered to the various departments. He shall inspect all
supplies delivered to determine. quality and '-quanti ty in oonformi 11 wi th
Section 34. . The fisoal year of the 01 ty shall begin on the
1st day of January. On or before the 1st d8Y of November of each year,
the Oi ty :Manager shell submit to the CC)IIQ.1ssion 'an estirDf1l'te of ,the ex-
pendi turtlS end revenueS of the o1ty d~partments for the ensuing year.'
Thereafter, and up,on re.oe.ip'i of suoh estima~_e .the Commission
shell pre'pare and pass an appropriation ordinance.
Upon request of the City ~.neger, the Commission may transfer
any part of an unenoumbered belancft of an 8ppr~pri8tion to a purpose or
obJect for which the appropriation for the current year has' pr-oTed in-
sufficient, or may authorize s trs.nsfer to. b,e made between items
appropriated to the same office or department.
. At the close of 8ilohf1scal year, the unenoumbered balance of
".-,ch,appropriationshall revert to the respeotive funds from, whioh it
't;:: ':..:.:..:'7";~:'.
._ apP1'opr1ated and shall, be BubJeC:'t to future appropriation.
Section 35. The members of the CollDission, the City Menager
and the Direotor of .Finance ahall constitute the Sinking Fund Trustees.
The Mayor shall be the president and the Director of Finance shall be
~;,..! ,,"
,"the Secretary of the Trustees of the Sillking Fund.' The Trustees of
the Sinking Fund shall manage and oontrol.:"he S1Bldng Fund in. the manner
provided by the i.aw8 of the State of Montane ..by ordinance.
~ Seetion 36. , In addition" thedut1es of the Clerk of
.,Commission, as set forth in S..'tion <<3 Of this, ordinance, and in addit-
10ll- to the duties presoribed by stat.ute, the Olerk of the c~e.lon shall,',
-" "\ \
devote all ofbis time not required in the discharge of his duties as
qlerk of Commission as aforesaid, assisting the Director of Finanoe,
or performing such other duties as the Manager ~y direct, and when eo
assisting the Direotor of Finance, he shall work under the direotiOll
andeupervision of said Director.
Before entering upon the d1i1;188 of
his office, the Clerk of the Commission shall take and subsoribetc)'
ihe oath of office and give an official bend in the Sum of at Ifll'ea:t;
Three Thousand Dollars', and such additional amount as the Commisei..\
may order, with sufficient sur.ety to be approved by the Commission and
which said bond shellG~r the duties of the Clerk of Commission both
as Olerk and as assistant to the Direotor of Finance, whioh oath and
bond aha 11 be file d wi thi'''the Direot or of Finanoe.
The Clerk of /
Commission shall reos,iva suoh salarY' as may be fixed by the CODlUlis'SioD,
and provided by the,/annual as"lery ordinanoe'.
seo.t ion ...t7. All ordinanoe,s en,d sections or parts of ()rd'ln-
anoes in so far as they are in' oonfliot with or inconsistent with ~he
provisions 'of this ordinanc"e, or with the proviSions of Chapter 152'Q~
the Acts of the Fifteenth Legisle tive Assembly of 'the State of Mdnt5n"
relating to the Commission-Manager Plan or Form of government are hereby
rep'ealed; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to repeal or
in any way effect any ordinance of the Oity of Bozeman relat.ing t()the
administration of the affl!i:rs of the city, exoept insofar as the same
may not be applicable under said Commission-Managerplal1or form of
~overmnent, and with the provisions of this ar dinance which ere iatended',
'''-:'' , ',:::. ':"i'-":
to cerry ~81d form of government into effect.
Section 38. That for the purpose. of providing' for theusuel
daily operation of municipal departments of the city, it is immediately
necessary that this ordinance be passed: that by reason thereof, an
emergency is hereby declared to exist; that this ordinanoe is hereby de.
olsred to be an emergenoy ordinance and shall take effect and .be in force
aner effect upon i tapesssge, approval and after 1 ts number and title
shall be published in one'iseue of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle.
Passed by the Oi ty Commission of the City of Bozeman at a reg-
uler session by the unanimous vote of 811 the members of the COJDD1iss$on
this 2nd day of February, 1922.
Approved this 2nd d8~ of
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County of Gallatin
I, C. A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission of the
City of Bozeman, hereby cert1f1 that. the number end title of the
foregoing Ordinance Bo. 524, 0 f the Oit7 of Bozeman, Montana, ....
,pub~iBhed once wi thin ten days after its final passf,lge , to-wit: 'Ou
th__ 3rd day of February, 1922, in the Bozeman Daily Chroniele, Il
daily newspaper of general oirculation, printed and "published in the
City of Bozeman, Montana, and that due proof of said publication was
made and filed in my office.
IN WITNBSS WHEBEOlP, I have hereunto signed my
~.~e and affixed the Corporate Seal of said ci t7 this 3rd day of
February, 1922.
, 4, .'
, ~:,~~;~~~. ,.
-..... Att'est.
--...~ . ".
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