HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 21- 523, Establishes Free Public Employment Office and Creating Office of Employment Agent I ORDINANCE NO. 523. .AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A FREE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT OFFICE AND CREATING THE OFFICE OF :bMPLOYMEHT AGENT, IN THE CITY OF BOZE- MAN, MONTANA. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Seotion 1. There is'hereby establlshea a free public employment office in the City of Bozeman. . Section 2. The office of Employment Agent 1s hereby crea ted. I Section 3. The Mayor shall nominate and with the oonsent of the city Commission appoint a suitable person to hold the office of Employment Agent of the City of Bozeman. Section 4. It shell be the duty of the Employment Agent to take charge of the free publiC employment office of the City of Bozeman and receive all applications from any person or persons desiring employment, keeping a record of such, applications, so made, which record Shell disclose the' gender of the applicant seeking employment t the character of work 'desired and the applicant ~ s present address. He shall also receive and keep a record of all I applications from any person or persons desiring to employ any person, whioh record shall disolose the present address of suoh I applicant t together with the nature of the work to be .performed"" _ r--. I IEaoh application for employmen~ shall be conseoutively z(um~ered and I .. I l~oh application for employees shell be consecutively num't)er.edand information in the possossion of the Employment Agent received through his office sh8'll be disclosed to applicants. Section 5. T~e Employment Agent shall report from time to time t as tho Oi ty Commission may require. t'o the. City Commission 'of the.; City_ of, 430zeIilan, the work perfcrmed in his said office t which report shall show the number of applications for employment the number of applications for employees and the number of employments .. 3.0. /l' }..'t'QOf ~,~l:'lil (Cful. (Jbft:ll<<'d ............... .....................".............. ~~ ~p> ,. ~:\.~ ..."...,....*""'.....~......._.....~ ....~,~}~"'~..,c..,.."".:: ..~y. ,made through the instrRmentslity of the free publio employ- ment offioe of the City of Bozeman. Seotion 6. The term of offioe of the Employment .Agent shell be for en undetermined period and may be terminated ,> by the City Commission at any time. ,He shall racei ve such salary or compensation as the City Commission may fix from time to time and the salary or compensation so fixed shall be paid out of the General Fund of the City of Bozeman. Seotion 7. This Ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in force from and after thirty days from the date of its passage. Passed by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman on the 15~h day of Deoember, 1921. ,Approved the 15th day of D. Attest: ~ler~ofrtj ;~ ssion .. ~,~~- 'ii I I .1 I I I I I I I 'H"~,\: ,..,;,~" ~t .- .~~;;"""...- .oj. - /,,-.:;: __._. ..;A., 303 __ _.'.0'_'_' ( :a:TATE OF MONTANA, ) : as Oounty of Gallatin ) I, C., A. Spieth, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bpseman, hereb7 oertif.Y that the number and title ot: the foregoing Ordinance. No. 523, of the Oi ty of Bozeman, Montana, was publi8hed onee within ten days after its final passage, to-wit: on the BIrd day of Deoember, 1921, in the Bozeman Deily Chronicle, a daily Dew,paper of general circulat- ion, printed and published in the City of ~oleman, Montana, and that due proof of sail publication was made endf11ed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt.o signed my name and affixed the Corporate Seal of said City, this 2nd day of Februery, .... 1922. ~:- . ..........: ~~,'. ....... ~.: , da~i.818D' .. . .... ,..- '"...