HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- FINAL_Stormwater RFQ Master RFQ for Stormwater System Improvements and LID Design Page | 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS STORMWATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS AND LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT DESIGN INTRODUCTION The City of Bozeman (“COB”) is seeking statements of qualification (SOQ) from consultants qualified to provide professional engineering services for engineering planning, design, bidding, construction administration, inspection, and other related services as may be required for various stormwater utility improvements and stormwater management program enhancements. The city intends to pre-qualify a select consultant, or consultants, to perform services on an “on-call” basis as projects arise and funding is available. Services will be performed for two generally distinct project classifications: 1) traditional structural-based utility improvements, including but not limited to new or replacement/rehabilitated storm sewer pipe, surface and underground stormwater detention/retention, and mechanical stormwater treatment systems; and 2) implementation of Low Impact Development (LID) best management practices, including but not limited to permeable pavement, bio- swales, bio-retention, tree filter systems, rain water harvesting, and vegetated roofs. SCOPE OF SERVICES General scope of services items for the two general project classifications are provided below. The scope items are not intended to be exhaustive, but rather generally representative of the kinds of projects and activities a consultant may be involved with. Qualifications related to the two project classifications should be provided if the consultant believes they are qualified to perform for both classifications. Consultants that prefer to focus on one classification over the other must clearly establish their intended focus within their RFQ response. Proposals must clearly identify any elements of the proposed scope of services that would not be provided by the prime consultant. Consultant teams may be assembled; however, preference will be given to teams with a proven track record of successful working history between the firms. 1. Structural Stormwater Utility Improvement Projects (e.g. stormwater pipe and channel conveyance, surface and subsurface detention/retention, mechanical stormwater treatment systems, etc.): a. Pre-design services including: project scope definition, preparation of design alternatives and preliminary cost estimates, preliminary layouts, utility conflict, and encroachment analysis. b. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. c. Familiarity with federal, state, and local design standards and applicable specifications. d. Design and construction surveys. e. Soil testing and analysis. f. Design report preparation. g. Preparation of preliminary and final plans and specifications, contract documents, and construction cost estimates. RFQ for Stormwater System Improvements and LID Design Page | 2 h. Identify and secure any necessary stream permits (local floodplain, Section 124, 310, 318, USACE 404, MPDES construction stormwater, etc) i. Bid period and post-bid period activities coordination. j. Construction administration and inspection including surveying, soils and materials testing, construction certification, and warranty inspection. 2. Low Impact Development Projects (e.g. permeable pavement, bio-swales, bio-retention, tree filters, vegetated roofs, constructed wetlands, rain water harvesting, etc.) a. Pre-design services including: project scope definition, preparation of design alternatives and preliminary cost estimates, preliminary layouts, utility conflict, and encroachment analysis b. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. c. Familiarity with LID best management practice design principles, selection of context-sensitive LID BMPs, and successful project implementation. d. Development of project effectiveness monitoring protocols and sampling and analysis plans. e. Landscape planting design and specification. f. Design and construction surveys. g. Soil testing and analysis. h. Design report preparation. i. Preparation of preliminary and final plans and specifications, contract documents and construction cost estimates. j. Identify and secure any necessary stream permits (local floodplain, Section 124, 310, 318, USACE 404, MPDES construction stormwater, etc) k. Bid period and post-bid period activities coordination. l. Construction administration and inspection including surveying, soils and materials testing, construction certification, and warranty inspection. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Five (5) copies of the proposal, and one electronic searchable PDF file, must be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on July 31, 2015 to the City Clerk at the physical address below and clearly marked “RFQ for Stormwater System Improvements and LID Design”. Proposals shall be presented in a neat and orderly fashion. Proposals shall not exceed ten (10) dual-sided pages in length. Pages shall be secured by clips and/or staples and shall not be bound nor include plastic or vinyl covers or dividers. Please note that the USPS will not deliver mail to this location. Proposals must be shipped or hand delivered. Late proposals will not be considered. City Clerk, City of Bozeman 121 N. Rouse Ave., Suite 202 Bozeman, MT 59715 Proposals shall, at a minimum, include the following items: • A narrative describing the consultants’ particular qualifications and understanding of the services for which qualifications are being requested. Specific challenges should be identified along with unique solutions to delivering successful projects. RFQ for Stormwater System Improvements and LID Design Page | 3 • An example project schedule depicting all tasks typical of the project classifications (ie Structural or LID) for which the consultant’s qualifications are being provided. • Project management chart and qualifications of key individuals. • A completed and signed Non-Discrimination Affirmation Form (see Attachment A). CONSULTANT SELECTION A consultant selection committee consisting of key COB staff will choose, in its opinion, the most qualified consultant, or consultants, to negotiate a professional services contract. Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria and the requirements of MCA 18-8-201 et seq. • The consultant’s specific project approach and understanding; • Qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project; • Capability to meet project time and budget requirements; • Location of the consultant in relation to project; • Present and project workloads ; • Related experience on similar projects; and • Recent and current work for the COB. A determination of qualified consultants will be made by the selection committee based on an evaluation of written SOQs received. The COB may decide to directly contract with a firm, or firms, it determines to be most- qualified based solely upon evaluation of written SOQs received. Interviews may occur to aid in the determination of qualifications at the discretion of the COB. The COB intends to put in place a task order based services contract with the selected consultant, or consultants, with a 2 year term. Scope and fee for task orders that arise over the 2 year contracting period will be individually negotiated. If the COB is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the consultant(s) initially selected as most- qualified, negotiations with that consultant will be formally terminated and the COB will select another consultant in accordance with MCA 18-8-204 and continue until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND CONDITIONS COB CONTACT: Questions or requests for additional information regarding this project or RFP requirements may be directed to: RFQ for Stormwater System Improvements and LID Design Page | 4 Kyle Mehrens City of Bozeman Stormwater Program Coordinator PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 -1230 406-582-2270 kmehrens@bozeman.net NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: Discrimination in the performance of any contract awarded under this request for proposal on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability is prohibited. This prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the awarded entity’s employees and to all subcontracts. Every entity submitting under this request for proposal must sign and return the attached affirmation statement with their bound response to this request for proposal. SUGGESTED RESOURCES (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST): • 2007 Stormwater Facility Plan RFQ for Stormwater System Improvements and LID Design Page | 5 ATTACHMENT A: NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM [name of entity proposing] hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in the performance of work performed for the City of Bozeman, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract, if awarded, will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the [name of entity proposing] employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in the performance of the agreement with the City of Bozeman. Signature of Proposer: Person authorized to sign on behalf of the proposer