HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 21- 522, Relates to Water Service Pipes .~~'~.""Ji:,",:"",'-'"."""':"'""- "i'F".- I I I I I 291 ORDINANCE NO. 522. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WATER SERVICE PIPBS IN THE CI~Y OF EOZE~ffiN. :SE IT ORDAINED BY THB CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0]' BOZSMA1{: Section I. That where a pavement. has been or shall be ordered constructed upon any street in said City, and it has been or shall be necessary or advisable in the judgment of the City Councilor governing body of said City, or of the City Engin- eer, or person whose duty it is Qr shall be', to supervise con- i struction work of the water work system o~ said City, to replace any service pipe from the water main to the service box in said street, before such pavement is constructed, such service pipe may be replaced by said City, and the cost of replacing the same shall be charged to and p~id by-the owner of the property served by such pipe. . ' Section 2. The City Engineer, from time to time, upon the completion of renewals of ~ater service pipe in any street in the City unon which pavement has been ordered, shall prepare a list containing the name of ~he owner of the property, served , a 'description of the property served and the cost of renewing the service pipe on such street, and shall submit the same to the City Councilor governing body of the City for its approval, and upon such list being approved, the same shall be filed in the office of the Water Collector and the amounts so charged' as the cost ag~inst each owner and the property for' which such service pipe shall have been renewed shall be paid by the consumer of water or owner of such pr operty, and pCiyrnent en fo'rced in the same manner D s the pay- ment of water rent, and in case of non-payment, water service shall be discontinued; provided"that the water collector sh-vll give a notice in writing through the mail to the p~rson occupying the premises served or to the owner of sElid premises; that one-half, or'ehe wb,ole of said cost of such renewal as charged on s,;:id list !~; may be paid at any t'ime after the<';;f:i.ving of sai~ notice, and that one-holf of said charge shall become delinquent thirty daYE\ after ,".. ....... n...".'_ themailingofsuchnotit?e.ana.th<-Jt the other hDlf of ::::aid chcrge, if not paid within said period of thirty days, shall be paid within one year of the expiration of said period of thirty days, with 1nterest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the end of said thirty day period. Section 3. That whenever there is a leak or break in any service pipe between the water main and service box in Dny pcrtion of the City, which breal: or leak, is not immedie tely rept; ired snd the broken pipe replaced by 0 new pipe by the cons~er or owner of the premises served, after notice to the water consumer, the City shall, under the directions of theCi t3T Engineer or other proper officer in charge of the water work system of said City, replace ',' with new pipe all Or aTI0T portion of such service pipe, according as he shall de&m it most practical, and the cost thereof shall be cer- tified by the Engineer to the Water Collector, who shall collect the amount thereb f from the we ter consumer or O\vner of the propert y , served, in one installment, after thirty days notice in writing, to the person in possession of soid premises or 'e;he ovmer thereof; and payment thereof shall become delj.uquent thirty da~vs from the timf) of the mailing of duch notice, and in case of non-payment, wuLer service shall be discontinued for said premises. Section 4.. 'I'hat vvhcrever any service pipe 1,-3 replaced or vihare a new service pipe is laid ei ther by the Oi ty or the property OVlner, the same shall be paid with whst is known as double extra strong lead pipe, of such size as the Engineer shall direct; unless in the judgment of the .c:ngineer, on account of the character of the soil and 8 remote pOSsibility of' pavement, the Engineer shall permit galvanized irbn pipe to be used, the discretion of the Engineer to be subject to the direction and order of the Ci ty Councilor govern- i'ug b?dY. Seotion 5. That when any consumer desires a new .c'onnection or service, ei ther requ,ired a new service pipe to be laid or where connection can be made to [l service pipe which has already been laid .from the main to the service box, the consumer shall be I I I I I I I I I I requireo. b;y pay the cost of laying. such pipe GS a cond,i tion precedent to the furnishing of such service; such cost to be estim8ted and fixed by the City Councilor governing body 'from time to time. Passed by the City Council the 6th day of October, 1921. -, Approved by the Mayor this 6th day of October, 1921. ;~' . --" -' <, .... " ::" 1,ttest: 4.d*~ City C ark ....~,..- ..,.-' '"' ,.,.,.. '~ . ~';.., ~. <," .. . ~ il " I' " ' i STATE OF MONTANA, County of Gallatin .AFFIDA VIT OF POSTING. . ss I, James Smith, the duly appointed, qualified 4"": and acting City Clerk of the 01 ty of Bozeman, County of Gallatin," I'" ..... state of Montana, do hereby certify: That I did on the 8th day of Ootober, 19~1:;" . \/ post 6 true, oorreot and compared oopy of Ordinanoe NO. 522, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WATER SERVICE PIPES IN THE CITY 0]' BOZEMAN" in the 'following publio plaoes, to-wit: I....". ". -.~,' n ~ r '. '~ "- '>., ; c~ I:' ~ lst- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Ellis-Br~ndley Corner 3rd- City Hall Bulletin Board. Subs0ribed and sworn to before me this 8th dny of Ootober, 1921. City Clerk. ,- .... "'," " 11 I, ]1 I 'Ii I : ~ . '~ .~~' .'\ ---,.~... I I I