HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 21- 521, Provides for Public Band Concerts .. - ~-' .-;--,., ,._,~.- '--'--_.'.""'""E'.~""".~,~~~_., .. '~-,_~".':"".__.~_. _..,.-'rr.,.._ ORDINANCE NO. 521. .",1: O?DII7MTCE PROVIDIIJG 1~10R PUBLIC BAUD COHCic;R TS In TE.2 CITY OF BOZic;I,1.HJ. BB IT ORDAINED BY TH~ CITY QOillrCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZ~fuffiN: Section 1. That the City of J3ozernanprovide public band concerts for the entertainment of the people of said City ond pay therefor out of any monies which may be in the fund created by Section 3 of this Ordinance; that said ooncerts be given at such place or pIeces and at such time or times as may be designated by the City Councilor as mSf be designated by the Mayor of said City, with the consent of the ~ity Council; provided, that such concerts shall not be given more than twice 6achweek; and provided further that no band shall be employed to give such concerts except a band heviug: its headquarters in sai4 City of Bozeman; Section 2. The City Council of said City may from time to tiille onter into a contract with GUy band having i~S headquarters in SLl id City of BozemsL, through its proper officers "or managing head, to furnish during any year or part of a year, a certain number of concert entertainments at a price to be agreed upon far the whole number of concerts, or for concerts stan agreed price of so much cacho ... iSection 3. It shall be the duty of the City Council to ~, levy llPOIt all of the taxable property within the City of Bozeman, a tax U.f>.t exceeding one-half of one mill on the dollar in each YE:ar, to be collected the same as other taxes. and'paid into a fund to be knmVD. as the "Band Concel't Fund" of said C1 ty, for the purpose of providing ~and concerts, and the same shall only be expended by warr- ants property drawn. on said ,fund in payment for public band concerts for the en terta imnont of the pc oplc af" said City. Section 4. This Ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its 'oassage. P~~sed by the City Council ,August 11th, 1921. #, +':;" .Approved by the May-or August 11th t ~. " . Attest: '~(r4~ Clty cyerk " . ! ; .';. ',;. ~ , ~ .. <. ..jl I I I I I