HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 21- 520, Appropriations for 1921 291 I ORDINANCE NO. 520. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAU,MONTANA~ FOR THE FIS- CAL YEAR, 19~1. ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF BOZEMAB, ~ONTANA: I Section 1- That the following amounts are hereby appro- priated from the GENERAL FUND for the Fiscal Year oommencing on the first Monday in May, 1921, ,to-wit: EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE DEPART1lliUTS lst- For the annual salary of the Mayor at the rate of $25.00 per month-------------~------------------- $ 300.00 2nd- For the salar.ies-ot the eight Aldermen at the rate of $1.00 each per annum---.:.----------,----------- $ 8.00 I CITY ,CLERK , lst- For the salary of the City Clerk at the rete of $25.00 per month-------------'-------------------- $ 300.00 .,Cl,TY ENG~$R lat~ For the proportion of the salary of the City Engineer at the rate of $25'.00 per month------------ $ 300.00 CITY TREASURER . 1st-For the salary of the City Treasurer at the rate of $166.65 per month----------~--------------------- $ 2,?00.00 CITY A TTCH.NEY Ist- For the salary of the City Attorney at the rate of $125~00per month-------------------------------- $ 1,500.00 POLICE MAGISTRATE lst- For the salary of Police Magistrate at the rate of $60.00 per month--------------------------------- $ 720.00 I POLICE DEPARTMENT . lst- F.or the salary of the Chief. 0 f Police at the rate of $150.00 per month---------------------------- $ 1,800.00 2nd- For the salary of tw~ policemen at the rate of $100.00 eaoh, per month-------------------------- $2,400.00 3rd- For salary of Speoial policemen----------- $ 300.00 4th- For salary of Janitor and Jailor at the . rate of $100.00 per month-----------~--------------r----- $ 1,200.00 HEALTH DEPARTMENT Ist- For the salary of the City Health Officer at the rate of $75.00 per month-------------------------- $ 900.00 I 2nd- For miscellaneous expense, fumigation--~-- $ '100.00 GENERAL MISECLLANEOUS EXPENSE lst- For the salapy of. Janitor (See Police Dept) 2nd- For aud i ting b oaks by state l~xaminer--------- $ 3rd- For proportion of salary of the City stenographer at rate of $26.00 per month-------------------- $ 4th- For salary of the Sexton at the rate of $75.00 per month~~~~---~---~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~_-~____~__ $ 100.00 300.00 900.00 5th- For expense of heating plant for the City Hall Building--------------------------------------------__- $ 1,000.00 I 6th- For expense of lighting City Hall Building--- $ 600.00 7th- For printing, all departments---------------- $ 2,000.00 I .' 8th- For eleotion expense other than printing----- $ 150.00 Section 2- That the following amounts are hereby appro- priated from the "street F\.1ndfl..:for .the"F-1-ecal Year commencing on the 1 at Monday in May, 1921, to-wit: STREETS AND SEY!~RS SEWER DEP ARTA1ENT le.t- ]lor wages :for 1a borers,---,----- ---------....---...- $ 1,000.00 2nd- For tools and materials---------------------- $ 100.00 STREET DEPARTMENT 1st- For the salary of the Street Commissioner or Foreman at the rate of $125.00 per month-------------------- $ 1,500.00 2nd- For wa~es for laborers----------------------- $ 1,000.00 3rd- For misoellaneous expenses and suppI1es------ $ 1,000.00 4th- For snow plowing----------------------------- $ 500.00 5th- For expenses street ~ighting----------------- $ 7,500.00 Section 3- That the fol1owinp: amounts are hereby appro- 1 -- priated from the "Fire Fund" f,or the Fiscal Year commencing the first Monday in May, 1921, to-wit: Ist- For the salary of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment at the rate of $152.50 per month---------------M~------ $ 1,830.00 2nd- For the salaries of two Firemen for the Fire Department at the rate of $125.00 per month---------.....------ $ 3,000.00 3rd- For the salary of one additional Fireman for the Fire Departlilentat the rate of ~~125.00 per month-------- 4th- For the maintenanoe of ,the Fire DfJpartment at the rate of $16.00 per month-------------------------------- 5th- For miscellaneous expenses of the Fire Department-----------------------------------------___----._ $ 1,500.00 $ 180.00 th) 1,000.00 I I I I Seotion 4- That the following amounts are hereby appro- I and 4th- For the other expenses, inoluding heating, light, etc.~~~~~-~~~--~~~-~-~~-~~--~~--~~~-~-----~------ $ 900.00 Seotion 5- That the following amounts are hereby appro- priated from the "Water Fundn for the Fiscal Year commenoing on the I first Monday in Kay, 1921, to-wit: lst- For the salaryo'f the Vlater collector at the rate of $150.00 per month------------~---------------------- $ 1,800.00 2nd- For the salary of the Deputy water colleotor- at the rate of $140.00 per month-------------------~-------- . 1,680.00 3rd- For the salary of the Manager of the water Works and proportion of the salary of the City Engineer at the rete of $150.00 per month------------------------------- 4th- For water extensions, labor------~----------- 5th- FGrmsintenance and repairs of plant--------- 6th- For supplies and materials for water ex- tensions-~-~------~-~~-~~~~~~----~~~--------~~--~-.-~--~~~-~ 7th- For expenses of water Colleotor's Offioe----- 8th- For postage, printing and stationery for ~ water Collector's Office------------------------------------ $ 9th- For balance of salary of City Stenographer ' Water Collector's office at the rate of $50.00 per month---~ $ $ 1,800.00 t 2,500.00 t 3,500.00 $ '2,500.00 $ 150.00 " ~'550.00 iO<J.OO ,-.,...... ::- .. I Section 6- That the following amounts are hereby appro- priated from the npark Fund for the Fisoal Year couunenoing on the first Monday in May, 1921. to-wit: 1st- For the paving assessment, including interest-$ 4,500.00 2nd- For maintenanoe of Parks-~------------------- $ 800.00 3rd- For miscellaneous expenses, extensions- and improvements-~~~~--~-~-~-~~~-~~~~----~--~~-~~~-~~----~----~~ $ 1,200.00 Section 'f- That the following amount is hereby appro- priated from the "water Wo:t1ts 1916 Bond Fund Sinking" for the I , ~ ..~j.". Fiscal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1921, to-wit: lst- For the payment of one year's interest on the Water Bonds----------------------_-____---______________ $ 11,750.00 Seotion 8- That the following amount is hereby appro- " priated from the "Oi ty Hall Jrunding Bond Sinking Fund" for the Riscal year oommencing on the first 'Jlonde3" in Mey', 1921, to-wi.t: lst- For the payment of interest on the City Hall Bonds and for the redemption of such-O^1ty. Hall Bonds as there may be funds for the redemption thereof--------------- $ Seotion 9- That the following amount 1s hereby appro.... priated from the "Funding Bonda Sinking FUnd" for the Fiscal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1921, to-wit: lst- For' the payment of the interest on outstanding bonds and for the redemption thereof------------------------ $ Section lQ... That the following" amount is hereby appropria ted from the "Sewer Bond Sinking Fund" for the Fiscal 3,506.00 9,300.00 . Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1921, to-wit: let- For the payment of interest on the SeweX' Bonds and to ,create a Sinking Fund for the redemption thereof----- $ 5,250.00 Section 11- That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval and publioa- tion by posting. Passed by the City Council of the City of. Bozeman, at a regular session thereof, held on the 19th day of May, ,1921. .Appr-oved thi s' 19th day of May, 1921. , ,- Atteet<t ~C(./~ City O~r ". . _... ., _ ",W'.'N"~'.',,, '~",,". '."~ ".'-.~< m 1\ ~! I . I I I I I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING. STATE OF MONTANA, ) o sa County of Gallatin ) I I, James Smith, the duly appointed, qualified and act- ing Chief of Police of the City of BOleman, County of Gallatin, State of Montana, do hereby certify: That I did on the 21st day of May, 1921, post 8 true. oorrect and compared copy of Ordinanoe Do. 520, entitled: "'" "ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA! FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, 192 ." in the following public plaoes in said Oity. to-wit: lst- Rohers Grooery 2nd- Courier BUlletin Board 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board I Subsoribed a before me, the duly' apPoi.rtted, qualified and a.cting c~ty Clerk of the City of Bozeman,~ount;v of Gallatin, State of Montane, this 21st day of May, 1921." -, ~ (1. qI~~ . City g!er I '-"- . I