HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 21- 519, Vacates Alleys and Portions of Streets in Blocks 1, 2, 9 and 10 of Northern Pacific Addition 289 I ORDINANCE BO. 519. AN ORDINANOE DISCONTINUING AND VACATING ALLEYS AND PORTIONS QF STREETS AND ALLEYS IN BLOCKS ONE, TWO, NINE A ND ~EB OF NORTH- ERN PACIFIC ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZE- IfAN, MONTANA. ' I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUBeIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That pursuant to petition ant notioe thereof in oomplianoe with the provie,iona of sections #347' and #3480, Re- vised Codes of Kontana of 1907, the fol1~lng described alle18 and portions of streets and a1le18 in Bloeks One (1), Two (2),'1Iine (9) and 'fen (10) ot the lorthern Paoifio Addition to the City of I Bozeman, Montana, to-wit: Cypress Avenue South from the south line of East Ourtis street to the South line of 8aid Northern Paoific Addition to theOity of Bozeman, Montana; East Kooh street from the east line of :Button- woOd Avenue South to the west line of MOAdow Avenue, south; all of thee1le18 in ~Ilookll One (1), Two (2J, Bine (9) aDd Ten (10), of 8aid Northern Pacific Addi tiOD to Bozeman, Montane; the alle1 between the aforesaid Blocks One fl)and"TtJo (2) and the south line of 88id Northern Paoific Addit- ion, from the east line of Buttonwood Avenue south md the west line of KoAdow Avenue south I and each end 811 thereo~ 88 hereinbefore described and limited, be, and they ere hereby, vacate4 and discontinued. Passed. February 17th ,1921. Approved February 17th, I .Attest: .(4~ ai ty e1': Introduced and read for the first time F.bruar,y 3rd, 1921. Finel passage fixed for ,.bruary 17th, 1921. ~' ~ I t 290 I AFFIDAVIT OF POS~ING. STA TE OF MONT.ANA, ) : S8 County 01 Gallatin ) I, :.hn Robertson, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Cbief of polioe of the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of Montana, do hereby certify,:, That I did on the 18th day of February, 1921, post 8 true, correct end oompared copy of Ordinance NO. 619. entitled: "AN ORDINANCE DISCONTINUING .urn VAOATDG AL~EYS AND PORTIONS OF STREETS AND ALLEYS IBBLOCKS OBE, TWO, NIBE AND 'TEI OF NOR- THER! PACIFIC ADDITION TO ~E CITY~~ BOZEMAN, MONTANA." . in the fO,llowing publio plaoes in said City. to -wi t: lst- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Courier Bulletin Board 3rd- Ellie-Eraadlel Corner 4th- C1 ty Hall Bulletin Board I I ~~ Subsoribed and sworn to before me, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of Montana, this 18th day of Pebruary, 1921. '... ~.,,~~ I I