HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 21- 518, Amends Rule 10, Section 3, Ordinance 459 and Repealing Ordinance 212 -' ""',". ....~~", .,-,,.... .......-. ,., '.~~, ,,-,., ._,,~.. ,.< 1 I ORDINANCE NO. 518. AN ORDINANCE AXENDING RULE 10, OF SECTION 3, OJ, ORDINANCE BO. 4:59 OF THE CITY OF., BOZEMAN, MONTAHA, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANOE .ESiTABLISH'" ING RtrnES UD REGULATIOJfS lOa THE GOVERlfMEN!r OF THE WATER SYSTD OF THE CITY OJ' BOZEXAN, MOB TAil! ; AND PROVIDIlfG PElJ.LTIES FOR VIOLAT- ,_ IONS THEREOF ABD ALSO :m8~ABLISHIN~ W.A1'ER RATES, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE lTO. 212;" ABD DECLARIHG THIS ORDINANQBTO BE AN RERGENOY, . ORD !NANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 01 TY OOUBOIL OF BOZEJUJi, JlOliTANA: Section 1. That Rule 10, of Seotion 3, of Ordinance Bo. 459, of the Oity of Bos.m8n, lIontana, relating to the rulea and regulations for the government of the water Works System of the City of Bozeman, Montana, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as fOllo.a, to-wit: "Rule 10. Within fort7-eight hours after the completion of any work, the plumber, or other person doing the work shall meke the water oolleotor a full return stating the ordinary and speoial uses for whioh the water is to be applied, giving a desoription of the apparatus and. arrangements used, the number of stories and rooms in the building and all the parti- culars the oase may oall for. Ali plumbers shall make to the Water Colle~tor in addition to the speoial re- port required, not later than the 5th aay of eaoh month, 8 regular monuhly report,whioh shall: cover with the detail require' by the special report above referred to, 8ll~'\'II)rk done by suoh plumber, involving any new or increased use of the city's water, including sewer use and connections, during the oalender month preoeedtng the date of such report. If no suoh work has been done the plumber shall so report. "Fori.ilure. to make such report and return, or . for any misrepresentation or felse statement therein or omissions therefrom, or for leaving the water on after oompletion or after testing any plumbing, the plumber so offending shall be liable tQ the suspension or cancellat- ion of his license upon oonviction,'lind in addition to _ suoh suspension or canoellation shall be subject to 8 fine in any sum not exoeeding $50_00:''' ,." Seotion 2. For the reason that heretofore prumbe~g and others have failed and neglected :to meke proper and ,filll report-to the .City Water Colleet8r, Whereby water has been wasted end the City haB suffered. 1:058 in revenue, ...hio~ waste, 8nd lOBS in revenue, still oontinues, this OrdinaDCe is hereby declared to be an Emer- genoy Ordinanoe immediately neQ8ssary for the preservation of the peaoe, health and safety of the people of the Oity of Bozeman, Mont- ana, and shall be in full foroe and effect from and after, the date I I ,I .(:. of its passage and appro'Val. Passed and appro'Vsd this I "':'" , Att..t: ~4~ 6'l'ey/ ' er I AFJ!IDAVI! OF POS.TING. STATE OF MONTANA, ) : sa County of Gallatin ) I, John Robertson, the duly appointed, <tualified andaot1ng Chie~ of Polioe of the City of Bozeman, County pf Gallatin _ stat. of Montana, do hereby oertify: That. I did on the 5th day of February, 1921, post 8 'true, correct and compared copy o,! Ordinance No. 518, entitled: "All ORDINANOE AJlENDING~~ULE 10, OF, SEeTIOD 3, OF ORDINANCE NO. 459, OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MO.t- ANA, ENTITLE]): 'AN ORDlNAN~Ii ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT,. OF THE WATER BYS!. OF THl1: CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AND PRO- VIDING PENALrIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF AND ALSO ESTjBLISHING WATER RATES, AND REP~~ING ORDINANCE NO. 212': "ND DECLARING THI:3 ORDlNANCE TO BE AI EMERGENCY ORDINANCE." in the following public places in said C1tr, to...wit: I ,. , lst- ~nd... 7 3rd- 4th- Rohers G!'oceJ'7 C~ier Bulletin Boara Ell1s-Brandley Corner C1t, Hall BUlletin Board John Robertson Chief of P011e. I " Sub-scribed :end Sworn to before me, the duly appointed, qualified and soting City Clerk of said City, this 5th day of February, 1921. ~c1~~ " 'ty ~rk . I