HomeMy WebLinkAbout516, Vacates Birch Street from Rouse Avenue to Montana Avenue and Montana Avenue from South Line of Oak Street and Alley in Block I of Imes' Addition .n ,,",:,..n..,~~~~_._. ,( I ORDINANCE BO. 5la. AN ORDI-llAliOE VACATIBG lURCH STREB! FJlO:U: ROUSE AVElil1E TO :U:OBTABA J.VEIUE AND 1I0lTAIA AVEIt'crE FROM THE SOUTH LIIE 0 F BIRCH STREET TO TRE SOUTH LINE OF OAK STREET, AIJ> THE AIiLEJ III BLOCK ONE OF IDS' ADDIT,IOlf. ' ' BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUlfCILO.r THE OITY OF BOZEMAN: I Seotion 1. That that part o~ Ilfoh Street from Rouse Avenue to }lontana A'Yenue and that part of .o~:tana .Avenue from the south line of Birch street to the South line of Qak street and the alley 1n Block one, all in 1mas' Add1tioa,t. the City of BOleman, acoording to the plat thereof, be, and the S8.. ia hereby tisoontinut and vaoated; SeotioD 2. That the TaG.tion ant discontinusDce ot said portions of Biroh street and lIontana Avenue and said alley is ma4e pursuant to. the peti tiOD of the .ataDa Flour Killa Company and the Boart of County Commiasionere oitha couaty of Gallatin, State of Montana, filed with the Oi ty 000011 1. UJlting setting forth that the Montana !'lour Mil1a OoapSD7 is the owner. of Block One of 1...' J.4d1tion to the City of B..eman, and tha' the County of G8118- tia is the owner of Block Twl and Jleok Feurt.en of I.e.' Addition to the city of :Boseman, req1188tiD.8. a*1D.g -.n4 praTing ~t sa14 PGJ'tion of Biroh street from Rouse J:"enue to JIoJltana .i.enue between !leu oae owned by the lIOIl,ana lI'101U' Kill. Company ani Block F01U'teen ...41 by the eo~ty of Gallstin end )IOB1I8D8 A..nue :trom the a("1.~~ I I - .. ._"~"n '.~ .~,,".,~,. ".,_,...,.,....................... I granted, and that the-Oit7 Attorney be instruoted to prepare the proper resolution." S.otion 3. Thai due notice has been given of the filing of 8aid Priition for the va..tloD and disoontinuance of said portion of 1l1%'oh Stre.t from R~U8' Ayenue to J(ontana .A 1'8nU8 , anA eai4 portion Of .ontans J.,.enue and 88id alley 1n lJ100k C>>1e. a11 in 1"8' .1.41'- ion to the C1ty of BOleman, a8 required and provided b7 Seotioll M80 of the Politioal e04e, R~Ti8e4 eodes of )[oatena, 190'1, 'by p08t- jiMi, that proof of the posting of 881d notice h8S been mede; that a hearing of said P,titlon and notice waB had by the 01ty eeueil at 8 regular sess10n thereof, held on thursday, the 6th 4a1 of Ja...r;y, 1921; that, at sa1d hearing, it was determined that the vaeati... and dlscontl.uanoe of s8id portion of~ch street between Rouee .ATe.1l8 and MontaDe .Avenue, and said portion of Kon1la11a Avenue from the south line of Biroh street to the south line of Oak street and the 811e7 1n Blook an., all in DMatAldltlon to the C1t7 of Jo.tman, oa:o.,b8 het and done without detriment to the public inter- est; I 8..1;ion 4. That this Ordinance Shall be in full foroe and effect from and after thirty da78 after its passage, approva18D4 pUblication by posting. 'asse4 bY' the 01 ty Oouncil of the 01 t1 of Boseman, at a regttlar session thereof, held on the 20th day of J8Jluary, 1921. Approvel this 20th 4a1' of Ja!lUsr;y, 1921. I ", I - .t.:liNt: ~~~ Cl 1 'er Introdueecl and read for the first tlmeJ8nusry 6, 1921. Final paslage fixed forJ__17 20, 1921. I 283 I . . AFFIDAVIT O~.POST[NG I S~A TE OF llOITANA. ) : 8. County of Gallatin ) I, John Bobert.on, the 4uly appointed, qualifie' and acting Chief of Police ot the Oity of Bozeman, Oounty of Gallatin, 8tate of .ontena, 40 hereby oertify: That I did on tlie 21at iayof January, 1921, post 8 true, correot and oompared oOPY of ordinanoe .~. 116, entitle4; "AB OIlDINANOE VACATING BIROR STREB!!! FROM ROUSE AVEJroE TO KOllTAlU AYlmTJE AND J[OJ~NA AVElJUJl FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF BIRCH STHEE! TO THE SOUTH LINE OF OAX STREET AllD THE ALLEY IIi BLOCK OD OF IllES '"ADDITION" in the following publio plaoes in said City, to-wit: lst- Rohers Groo.~y 2nd- Courier Bulletin Beard 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Oorner . 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board I ' I John Rq;~ert8on Subsoribed and sworn to before me, the duly appointe4, . qualified and acting City Olerk of the City of Boseman, Oounty of Gallatin, state pf Montana, this 21st day of January, 1921. c. t. 8~le" , Oi, t .h er. I I