HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 515, Describing Lindley Park ORDINANOE NO. 515. Lindley Park. AN ORDINANCE SETTING APART CERTAIN PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FROM THE ES- TA TE OF JOSEPH M. LINDLEY, DECEA~~E.t AND, ALSO, LOUIS RAY TAYLOR AND MARY ,w!;.L'ui.IETTA RAY J AS A PUBLIC PARK, TO BE KNOWN -A:ND DESIGN.A TED AS "LINDI,.EY PARK" ANI> PROVIDING. FOR ITS SuPER- VISIOH, JlANAGEMENT AND CONTROL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEM.lB: Section 1. That the following described premises, here- tofore acquired by the City of Bozeman from the estate of Joseph M. Linaley, deceased, to~it: All that portion of the Southeast quarter o:t the Northeast quarter (SE! of HEt) and the Northeast quarter of the So~theast quarter (BEt of sEt) of Seqtion Seven, Township Two South, Range 51% East, K. P. M., within the following me~es and bounds, to-wit: " Beginning at, the Southwest corner of the Southeast" quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 7~ T. 2, R. 6 E; thence along the south lineo! satd" SEt of llEi. 250 feet, more or less to the South~." . east corner of the tract owned by the Pure Oil CC r'"" ,- - .' .-~- thence Borth along the East line of the traot' owned by the said Pure Oil Co. 313 5/10 feet, more. or less, to the South line of Main Street; thence east along the south line of s8id Main street 23' feet, more or less, to a 'point 243 feet West of the West line o~ Cypress Ave. as platted in the North- ern Pacific Addition; thence South parallel'with and 243 feet West of the West line of said C7P:resa Ave. 703.5 feet, more or less, to the Northwest oor- ner of Block 12, of said Northern Pacific addition; thence South along the West line of said Block 12, 266.6 feet, more or less, to a point 30 feet south of the extended South line of Block 11 of said North- ern Paoific Addition; thence West along a line parall- el with and 30 feet South of the South line of said Block II, sSid line being the North line,of Bozeman Cemetery, as originally s1.U'veyed489 feet, more or less, to the West line of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 7: thence North Slong the said West line of said Northeast quarter ,of South- east quarter, 65&.6 feet, more or less to the plaae of beginning; save and excepting therefrom all streets, avenues and alleys which have not been vaoated and to which the above named grantor has no title or claim. The total area within above desoribed boundary line is 9.01 acres, the are~ of all land within said boundar,. line which is included in streets, avenues or alleys (a8 originally platted) is 2.23 acres, leaving & bel- snce of 6.84 aores; ,--' --".' ....\ .'. Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equi1iY, of the said party of the first part of, in or to the said premises, and every part and parcel thereof; I I , ~'! I I I ,I I I J J , -"",' 279 - ........ ~"'~,~,--~.._~",',' ,......, and the premises heretofore acquired by the City of Bozeman from Louis Ray Taylor and Mary Henrietta Rey, to-wit: Lota 16, 17 and 18 in Blook 12 of the Ngrthern Pacifio ~ddit1on to the City of Bozeman, aooord- ing to the plat thereof on file in the offioe of the County Clerk end Reoorder of the County of Gallatin. ' be, a~d the same are hereby, set apart ~or park purposes; that the said properties, so aoquired, shall oomprise, be, and the same are hereby, established 2nd shall be maintained as a Publio P~rk; .Section 2. That said Publio Park shall be known and desig- nated as "LINDLEY PARK"; Section 3. That the park Commission shall have sole and ex- elusive jurisdiction thereof and that ssidPark, hereby established, shall, from and after the date hereof, be he~d subjeo~ to the supervis- - ion, management and control, and Sh8~1 be under the jurisdiotion, of the Park Commission of the City of Bozeman end shall, at all times, be held, used and enjoyed by the' citizens of the Oi ty of Bozeman for park and playground purposes; Seotion 4. That the proceedings heretofare had b;V the City Oouncil in the matter of the aoquisition of said propertj:.es,,-, and,. particularly, Council Resolution No. m55, Creating Special Improvement Distriot :No. 155, Col;incil Resolution No. 1089, and Ordinance N~.:-~87,.,~, --- --. ":' ~ 'i:, , " ,~. ,;/1 are hereby referred to for further particulars relat ing tQ.:'-S4idL1:n~1f9/Y ,..."..", "",^","""... Perk; '"';!i. ! Section 5. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after 30 days after its pass,age, approval and publica t- ion by posting. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, et a regular 'session thereof, held on the 2nd day of December, 1920. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Bozeman the 2nd day of .December, 1920. ... ." ",... " ,;,A tte s t : ~.t1/~ City , er , Introduoed and read for the first time, Bovember 18th, 1920. 280 ::-- , : . "..' ., .~..._....~, ~' _n.' ,.'. _, ._ ....u"...J. _'~'J",._ CERTI FJ: CATEr OF:BOS!IllG. I, c. A. Spieth, the. duly appointed, qualified and acting CitW Cl~rk of the City.of Bozeman, County of Gallatin, state of Montana, do hereby certify: That I did on the 3rd day of-December, 1920, post a true, correot and compared copy of Ordinance No. 515, in the following publio placos in-the said City, , ~.'. to-wit: Ist- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Courier Bulletin Board 3rd- El11s-Brandley,Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board II WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of the city of Bozeman, this 3rd day of Deoember, 1920. -: ~'li~ ,It / "', I I '" I I ..... ,..." " -~-~,. ,:' t .~ I