HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 513, Changes Name of Central Avenue to Willson Avenue and Amends Paragraph 46, Section 1, Ordinance 128 !1 ii. 11 i~ !, il ii ~ I " I' " ( I II ,\ II II I i :1 )i " \1 " " " II ij 'i II :1 II Ii I: II 'I Ii r: :1 II II II Ii It. ' I, ,"',' .~'. -"';../ .,.. '.,.(,' I I,. \RDIHAlJCE no. 513 AN ORDIHANCE PROVIDJlWTHA T L CbHTL IN AVENUE IlT ~'HE CITY OF }30~EMJ?*~~NOW l\l~D HEEETOFORE~ HAMED :AHD DESIGN1,TEDCJ!;lTTRAL i~V'.21mBt SELLL FROM LHD .Aji~TER ~;,'Hl;; D1~ TE HERlWF BE YJ:JOWll.l~,lJD DESIGHi,rCED .L';S T,'TLT;SOH AV1:;NUE. BE "IT OBIT.A INED BY TI-IE CITY CQunc IL OJ? TEE CI~Y (;1' 30Z1;1LI/,N: Section 1... That p<:lrsr:raph46 of Section I of I no. 128, entitled IIUames of streets", be, and the S80e is by amended toreud BS ~follows: Avenue is hereby made in honor of the late General Lester S'. YHl173 on antI :for the purpose of c;ommemoratinr, hi's civic Dndbusi~ neSH activities in t!16 City of :e'ozcmari" dur:i.ng ': a I:'; , ,.,..,:,',:,,~,:':,.. " :'.,::"", embracing a period of over 50 years; Section 3- That fromBnd after ever th,e name Centrl"ll ,:\venue :North or ;3011.th eppenrs or iEJllsed . 0 ' f in ar:y OrdinanceS, Resollltions , Orders or I\0cords of .the City Council of ,the Cit;)T of Bozemtc111, heretofo~ce. rn8cle :2md 9:"iven, it Shall, be taken,decmcd, COnstrued and consi dered the Grime sCiicl Central .Avenue had been desi~nD ted Lnd nmr:led Willson J\~J~}~~,'~:!",;;:i">', "',";':;;"',',,"'.. " ., , " ' ,:'::,: I:, ,:\::";>: ::'" ': :",:>,:::~ ~':'" Se,ction 4.:- ,That!Jll Ordiu[mces, or ]JClrts of ordirtpti'~)~" ... *,. ,:~;>,::.:.:;:J::~t~f' in con:Cltct wit'h the provisions of thisO:t'dlnance,'VJh?re1.~,.t~~ ,name of Centr81 I,venue, North or So.~th, is used, be, and t:he I '.'1:,.,; S8me are l:ereby amended ;1;0 conform with the l)rovisions of this Ordinanoe';: '. Section 5~ That the City bngineer, City Clerk, City Trel::surer 'tind' Chief of ~he pire Departrl1l'mt be ,bud tlJ.e~7 Elre here- ,,.'. , ";,,\ by directed and or'dered to amend and change all :redords way relating to. said Central 1:. venue to agree cmcl conform ivi . "- ,.;:.,,,. ,.~ tlle change of 118me as herein provided; .tt'.. Section 6... That a certified copy of I I I 11 I I ,.~ ._,~+ -"~ / furnished the MOU1;tain.States 'T~lephone and Telegraph Co., Montana POYier Company; The BO$rdof Flye' Underwri tars of Pacific and R. L. Polk &00'. · Section 'fl- That th:fsOrdinand~:"shall be in full I.' I' (;,. force and effect ~rom and after ZQd8ys after its passage, 8p-'.roval and Dublication py postiD'g. passed by the cityO<ounc;il of the City of Bozeman, Dt a regular session thereof 'held on this7t:h day of October, 19,20. . ;0 I, l. ,,',! I!;'i,;l:~", J .'~., , .... '.....' , '\~ ~' ',." .....w....' ""... ""':, ",". .~"'i~",; IT" :,/ ' ,I' i!' -10, -d:- Ii ..', ~" ,.. ~~:.^ J-\pproved by the i' i' Ii " ii ,i I' Ii I' Ii II Ii P !i H JI .., " i ... :;" i .,Ii ",",'.;>.'~;"'~::',;:~. ......."': - ~~"::"::"_:A.\"5e~t : ~ ;,'::...... -"' ~~. (f;~ "'\, . ~ ~ "" ... ,~ ~,-' ,,- ' C i ~,,' C e rk .' Introduced and read for the first.time September 16th, 1920. FiTlEll fixedforOotober7th '.. "ill 1920 . . n~1 sS8ge Ii 1: if Ii ;1 I i I i! ;; 'I il Ii II 11 it il I, ;i !i n I' il i'l " j: i t , ;: I. i: CERTIFIC.ATE,OFPOSTING -",_.- ~-' ", ' ,'::' ",.'" I, C. Af:EI!)ieth, thedtl1\'W.appofnted, qualified arid-:acting: City Clork of the City of Bozc:m8n,do'hereby certify: That I did on theSthday o:tOoto15er ,/1920, post 'a 't:t~le, cor:r(i)ct and compared copy of Ord1nanoe NO." 5):;3, in the following public plfJc'es, in the said City,'till.llliwit: . lst- 2nd- Zrd- 4th... Rghers Grocery Courier Bulletin Board., Ellis-Brandley Corner .', City Hall Bull e t i'l1"Boara: c. IIJ V:ITNESS WHEREOF, ,X. hefB:~to set n;.y hEmd and affix the " ! ~ if I'~'<!;.'... , "1:'"'"4>,::;4' il ,. ''''<.;\ 'II V :... W , ~_. ~~~l ::'.. ~~'-., ',:::~t fj , .,,"---------. of the C1 t;}r of Bozeman., this ~.~deyo:fOetober, 1920. " Ii 'I I, II II 11 II H ~ I :1' I, j! ~ ~ II " fMl~( ,'I' ,,:"',"" ."".',"~", '".,',..~,; ",",.,', "," ,.,', ',",.. ',~ ,'ffO r ' ::,,~ ::~"', ,," " . . ~- ../'\. -, " ,.~.:.-:'":':~'., ~ .- ,,- *,"" ...." i --....,-'" ,,; :: ,+:,~,~.::-.;~~ ~<>,f,t !i., . -~r..: '-' ".......'. """;'~~"" '. ~,~~"",.,rAl";"~;~"" '; ,-'I,. . ~ ,,,,,1< '- !! Ii L J II Ii I ,,~- L"~'~,,; -~~ ..........-. , ,~..:.-! :" , -" -'"t,,~ ,\~~~,":':"'::;;'~." . ::S~, ,'" .,. . ~)~ '.;::;_.~:::::-~ " ".