HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 512, Vacates Alley in Block 34, West Park Addition ..-.. . . . ..._ __'J."_""'~~"''' ORDINANCE NO .512. I AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE ALLEY IN BLOem THIRTY-FOUR, WEST P.lRK ADD- . ITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Seotion 1- That the alley in Blqok Th~rty~ Four (34) West Pa~k Addition to the City of Bozeman, accord- ing to the plat thereof. be, and the same is hereby, discon- tinued and vaoated; that the vacation and disoontinuance of said alley in asid Blook is made subject to the right of the City of Bozeman. or those authorized by its City Council to place telephone and eleotric light poles and string wires thereon Dn the alley line in ssid Blook, under the order.'dir- aotion and supervision of the City Counoi:t.; seotion 2- That the vaoation and discontinuanoe of said alley 1s made pursuant to thepetit10n of Elisabeth Bole, filed with the C.ity O~unoil in writing, sett1ng forth that she is the owner of all the propety in aaid Blook Thi1'ty.. four (34). West Park Add1 tion to the 01 ty of Boseman, request... ing, asking and praying that 8a1d alley in said Blook be va- cated; that said Petition 1188 duiy referred by the City Connoil of the City of Boseman to its street Committee; that ssid street Committee. after due oonsideration there of, at a reg- ular session of asid Oity Council. held on the 18th day of March, 1920. did sa.bmit the followmg report; R We reoommend that an Ordinanoe be prepare~ 'Yaoatihg this alley, but with the reserva- tion that eleotric and telephone lines be installed on the alley line." Seotion 3- That due notioe has been given ot the filing of' 8a1d Petition for the vacation end discontinuance of said alley. as required and provided by Seotion 3480 of Political Code of Montana, 1907, by posting; that proof of the posting of sattd notice has been made; the t the vsoati on o and disoontinuance of said alley in said Block can be had I I I I. I I I .1 1 hOOf Read \ and Checked \~" \'!-/ #\,,, -.............--...-...-....--- - ~. ....... ...---. f ..~ ----......-...--...--....,.. - -.. -..... ......"".... --.., . - --.,. -"--,,. -.--- 27B without dotriment to thepubliciptereet; , Section 4- That th1a Ordinanoe shall bo in full foroe and effeot fremand after thirty (30) days after its passage, approTa1 and publication by posting; Pa8eed by the'City Oouncil of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 1st day of July, 1920. Approved this 1st day May-or Attest: (a~~ o ty Clerk ... Introduced and read for the first ~ime June 17th, 1920. Final passage fixed for July 1st, 1920. CERTIFIQATE OF POSTING I, C. A. Spieth, the 'duly appointed, qulalfied and acting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certifYI Th8~ I did on the 2nd day of July, 1920, post a true, oorrect and oo~ared oopy of Ordinanoe No. 512, in the following publio plaoes,ln the aaid City, . # to-wits lst- Rohers Grooery 2nd- Courier Bulletim Board 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Corner 4th- City H~ll.Bulletin Board IN WITNESS WHEREOF,_ I hereunto Bet ~my hand and affix the 8eal of the Citymof Bozeman, this 2nd 4ay of July, 1920. (SEAlA ) a.A. S:21~th Ch'ty' Clerk