HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 511, Vacates Alley in Block 39, West Park Addition to City " ORDIlUliOE BO. 511. I AN ORDINANOE VAClTING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK THIRTY-NINE, WEST PARK ADDITIOn TO THE~ CITY OF BO~AN. BE IT ORD1\INED BY THE O"ITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT1 OF BOZEMAN: Section 1- 'That the alley in BlC)ck Thirty-nine (39), West Park Addition to the City of Bozeman, according to the plat thereof, be, ahd the asme is hereby, dis- . ...,1 continued and vacated; Se,etion 2- That t,he vacation arid disoon- tinuan,oe of S8id alley 1:s made pursuant to the peti tlon of the Osteopathic and Surgioal Hospital, filed with the City Council in writing, setting forth that it is the owner of all the property in said Block fhirty-n1ne (39)., West Park Addition to the City of Boaeman, requesting, aaking and praying that 8aid alley in said Bloelt be vaeated; that asid Petition 'Was .duly referred by the City Couneil f)f the ei ty of Bozeman to ita street Comml t1;.e:~ tba t 8ald street Committee, after due consideration thereof, at a tegular session of 8aid City Council, held-on the 19th day of Feb- ruary. ,1920, did submit the following report: . We recommend that the petition of the Osteopathic and surgical HOSpital for the vacation of the alley in Blook.39, West Park Addition! be granted and the nec- .~sary proceedings be ordereu.w ' Seotion 3- That due notioe has been given of the filing of Bsid Petition for the vacation and discontinuance of aaid aller, as required and provided ti, Section 3480 of the Politioal Code, of Montana, 190', by posting; that proof of the posting of Baid notice has been made; that the vaoation and discontinuance of said alley in said Blook can be had and done 'Without detriment to the public I I I interest; Seotion 4- That this Ordihance shall be in fu+l force and effect from and after thirty (30 ) day. after I I I I I 'I Proot Read \ ana Checked .~~__~S~~l~'.~Q_....~_ _ ~ ....._....~~ 2'71 .. ,..~..~."....~."."-'.. ......- .,. mts passage,_spproV81 and publication bypoeting. Passed by the 01 ty Council of the C1 ty of , Bozeman at a regular seasion thereof held on the 1st day of July, 1920. Approved this 1st Attest :. ,~tff t~ City Olerk Introduced and resd for the first time June :t,7th, 1,9,20. Final passage fixed for July 1st. 1920. OERTIIlOATE OF POSTIB~ I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified and ~cting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certtf'y: That I did on the 2nd day of July. 1920, post a true, cor~ect and comparea oopy of Ordinance No.'5ll in the following pablic places in the City of Bozeman, to-wit: lst- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Courier Bulletin Board o 3rd- El:Lis Brand1e,y COmler 4th- Oity Hall Bulletin Board IE' WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and .ff1:z: the seal of the Oity of Bozeman, this 2nd day of July, 1920. o. J.. Spieth City Clerk (SEAL) ;.,\