HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 510, Vacates Hayes Street Between Blocks 36 and 45, Capitol Hill Addition and the Alley in Blocks 36 and 45, Capitol Hill Addition -"....,... ~_.., _.~.,.'.",.,., '",--~"."~~.~,'",,.,,'.,"', ~ ORDINANCE NO. 510 AN ORDINANCE VACATIIJG HAYES STREET BETWEEN BLOCKS THIRTY-SIX AND FORTY- FIVE, CAPITOL HILL ADDITION AND THE ALLEY IN SA ID BLOCKS THmTY-SIX AND FORTY-FIVE, CAPITOL HILL, ADDITION BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . BOZEMAN: Section 1- That that part of Hayes street, between Blocks Thirty-six .(36) and Forty-five ('5),- and the alley in ssid Blocks Thirty-six (36) and Forty-five (45), Capitol Hill Addition to the City of Boseman, according to the plat thereof, be, and the same are herebY, discontinued and vacated; Section -2- That the vaoation and disoontinuance of said part of said street and alley 1s made pureuapt to the petition of the Montana stat. College, filed witli" the Oiliy Council in writing, setting forth that '1 t 1s the owner of all the property' in aaid Blooks Thirty-su (36) and .Forty-five (45) t Capitol Hill Addition, requesting, asking and praying the t said part of said IItree t an.d . . a1187 in .aid "BlookS be vBcated; that the said Petition was duly referred by the City Oounoil of the City of Bozeman, to its street Oommittee; that 8.14 8tre,et0oiDm1ttee, after due oons1de>>ation thereof, at 8 regular session of said OityOouncil, held ;'11 the 20th day of May, 1920, did submit the following report: " We recommend that the petition of the Montana state College to close Hayes street between Blocks 36 and 45 Oapitol Hil1 Addition and the Alley in Blooks 36 and 45, Capi to'l Hill Addi tion be granted and direct tbali the 01 ty J.ttor,ney prepare the ne<<essary Resolution pertinent thereto.- Seotion 3- That due notice has been given of the filing of said petition for the vaoation and disoontinuance of said part of sa1d street and alley, 88 required and provided by Seotion 3480 of the Political Code of Montana. 190'1, by posting; that proof of the posting of said notice has been made; that the vacation end dis- continuanoe of said part of said street and alley iD. ssid Blocks can . be bad and done Without detriment to the public interest; Section 4- That this Ordinanoe shall be in full faroe and effect fran and after thirty 130} days after its passage, approTal and publioation by posting. '~ \ I '. I I I I 269 I Passed an! adopted by the City Co~oil ,of B0zeman at 8 reguJ.ar .easioh thereof, held on the 1st day of July. 1920. Approved this 1st day of July, +920. Mayor I Attest: ., ~~~/.~ City 01erk Introduoed and read for the first time June l7th,r1920. Final passage fixed for July 1st, 1920. I CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, C. .1. Sl>ieth; the duly appointed, qual- ified and:act1ng City Clerk of the City of,Bozem~n, hereby cert~ "fy: I That t did,onthe 2nd 4ay of July, 1920 post a trne, correot and compared copy of Ordinance No. 510 in the following public places, in the'said City, to-wit: let- Rohers Grocery 2nd- Courier Bulletin Board 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Corner .4th-Oity Hall Bulletin Board , ,( IN \JITBES,S WHE?.EOF, I hereunto Bet my hand andaifix the ...1 of the City of Bozeman, this 2nd d~ of July, 1920. c. A. s~ City', er (SEAL) I Proof :ReAd , nnd Checked ....j~~~~~mm__.h....