HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 507, Appropriations for 1920 1 1 1 41 1 245 ORDINANCE NO. 507 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF BOZE1mN, MONTANA FOR THE FI5C~ YEAR OF 1920 BE I T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCI L OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN; MONTANA: / Seotion l- That the following amounts are hereby appro- priated from the " General l!'tmd " for the Fisoa1 Year commencing on the first Monday in May. 1920, to-wit: '" EX"0UTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE DEPA~,mNTS. lst- For the annual Bala:ry of the Mayor at the rate . of $26.00 per month --- - -- ----- - - _0 -- - -- --- -~, --- - -- - -----$ 300.00 2nd- For the'salaries of the eight Aldennen at . ,the rate of' $6.00 each per month -----------~-------------------. 576.00 REMA.INING CITY Oll'FICERS. CITY CLERK. . let- For the salary of the City Clerk at the rate of $25.00 per month ----------------------------.---------------$ 300.00 CITY ENGD1EER. 1st- For proportinn of the salary of the City Eng- ineer at the rate of $60.00 per month ------------~~------------. 600.00 2nd- For miscellaneous expenses of the office of the City Engineer ------------------------------------------..---$ 250.00 CITY TREASURER.. let- For the salary of the City Treasurer at the rate of $166.66 per month --------------------------------------$2000.00 CITY ATTORNlf!. let- For the '~lar,y of the City Attorney at the rate of $75.00 per month -----~,..--------------------------------$ 900.00 2nd- For stenographio allowanoe at the rate of, pe r me-nth ...-..- --- ---- - -- -_.....-.. "lIIIIo'__~........ -..-.. ....- - --..... -- ~-- - - e "$15.00 It?O.OO POLICE COURT. let- For the 8alary of the Polioe Magistrate at the rate of $60.00 per month -------------------- ------------------$ 720.00 POLICE DEPARTr~NT. let- For. the salary of the Chief of Polloe at the rate of tl50~OO per month --~--------------------------------~--.1800.00 2nd- For the 8alary of two polioemen a-t the . rate of $125.00 eaoh per month ----------------------;-----------$3000.00 ;"f ......'....,., 3rd.. For sslary o'f Speoial polioeman-----t 300.00 4th" For salary of Janitor and Jmlor at the rate of $126.00 per month -----..--..---..--..- --------$ 1500.00 I HEAJ.lTH DEPARTMENT. lst- For the salary nf the City Health Officer at the rate of $125.00 per mon th- -- - ..--- -..- -..-.... --..$ 1500.00 2nd- For misoellaneous expenses and Fumigation --..----------------------....----..---..-..----------t 100.00 GENERAt MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Department) lst- For Salary o'f Janitor ( See Police 2nd- For salary of Building Inspeotor at the rat. of $SO.OO per month ..-----------------..---..------_$ 600.00 1 3rd- For auditing books by the State Examiner ----~-------------------------------------------t 100.00 4th- For proportion of the sa1a ry of the City Stenographer at the rate of $40.00 per month ---------$ 480.00 5th- For the sa]ary of the Sexton at the rate of .90.00 per month ----------------------------------$ 1080,00 5th- For Maintenanoe of City RaIl Build- ing end alterations ---------------------------------------t 800.00 7th- Expenses of heating plant for the City Hall Building ----------------------------------------$ 1000.00 8th- For ex'")erB es of lighting City Hall Building --------------- --------------------------------$ 600.00 9th- For Printing -----------------------. 2000.00 1 10th- For election exnenses other than pr int ing - --------- - - - --- --- --- -- - - - --.:.------ -- -- - -- --- -- -- $ 150.00 Section 2- That the followinp.: amounts are hereby appropriated from the " Street Fund " for the Fiscal Year OOf!lIIl- encing on the first Monday in May, 1920, to-wit: STREETS AND SEWERS. SEWER DEPARTMENT. I let- For wages for laborers -------------$ 1000.00 2nd- For tools and materials --------..-..-$ 100.00 STREET DEPAR~!!ENT. 1st- For the salary of the street Foreman at the rat~yo~ $125.00 per ~onth --~------------..----------. 1500.00 2nd- For wages for laboeers--------------$ 4000.00 1 1 I 1 -J 1 1 3rd- For moving and construction of con- crete oross walks ----~~-~---~-~------..----------------..-. 600.00 4th- For misoellaneous expenses and SU~- plies including nails and lumber ------------------------$, 1000.00 5th- For snow plowing --------------------$ 1000.00 6th- For expenses for street Lighting.----$ 8500.00 Section 3- That the following amounts are h~reby appropriated from the " Fire Fund " for the Fisoal Year oommenoing with the first Monday in May, 1920. to-wit: , 1st- For the salary of the Chief of the Fir e Department at the rate of $152.50 per month--------------$ 1830.00 2nd- For the eala1:ies of two firemen for the Fire Department at the rate of .125.00 emh per month --------..--------------------- ----------------t 3000.00 3rd- For the salary of one additional fireman for the Fire Department at the rate of $125.00 per month -...----------------------~-~~~----~-------------. 1500.00 4th- For the Mnintenanoe of the Fire Dep- s.rtment at the rate of ~16.00 per month------.....---...------$ 180.00 5th- For miscellaneous expenses of. the Department ------------------------------~----------$ Fire 1500.00 Seotion 4- That the following amounts Bre hereby appropriated from the .. r~ibrary Fwla " f-or the Fisoal Year commencing on the first Monda.y in May, 1920, to-wit: lat- For the salary of the Librarian at the rate of $130.00 per month -------------------------------t 1560.00 2nd- For the salary of the Janitor at the rate of $50.00 per ~onth --------------------------------t 600.00 , 3rd- For the purchase of books for the Publio Library -----------------~------- ----------------$ 900.00 4th- For the other expenses, inoluding light -~~~--~------~---~~~.-.-----~----------$ heating and 900.00 Seotion 5- That the fol10wi ng amounts are hereby appropriated from the " Water Fund ft for the Fiscal Year commencing on the first Monday in May. 1920. to-wit: ~Bt- FOr the salary of the Water Collector at the rate of $1'75.00 per month ------------------------$ 2leO.OO 2nd- For the salary of the Deputy We. ter Collector at the rate of $140.00 per~th --------------$ 1680.00 3rd- For the salary of the Manager of the Water Wor~s and proportion of the 8s1ar,y of the Engineer at the rate of $200.00 per month ------------------------$ 2400.00 .4t~ For water extensions, Labor ---------$ 2500.00 5th- For maintc8noe end repairs of plant --~..~-~---~.----~-~--- ----.-------~.--.--~--------$ 3500.00 248 . 6th- For supnli ee an d materials for water extensions ---------------------------------------$ 2500.00 7th- For materials for maintenance and repairs --------------------------------------------$ 1500.00 I 8th- For exnenses of Water Coll- ector's Office --------------~--------------------------. 150.00 ,9th- For postage, printing and stat- innery for Water Collector's Office --------------------$ 550~00 10th- For tools for Water Wor~8 Department ---------------------------------------------$ 250.00 llth- For miscellaneous ex-pense and generA,1 utility , offiee of MAnager of the Water Worlts Department --'--- --- -- -- - - ----- -- -- ---- --- ----- -- - ----- - - $ 250.00 . l2th- For balance 881ary 0 f stenog- rapher. Water Collector's Of~ice. at the rate of $60.00 per month ----------------------------------------------$ 720.00 I Section 6- Tha.t the followi ng amounts are hereby appropriated from the ~ park Fund " far the Fisoal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1920, to-wit: let- For the paving assessment, inoluding interest ----------------.------------------------------$ 4500.00 2nd- For Maintenance of parks ---------$ 800.00 Brd- For miscellaneous expenses, exten- sions and improvements ---------------------------------~ 1200.00 I Seot ion 7- Tb:s. t. the' followi1'!1.~ amount is herr>by appropriated fro m the .. Water Works 1916 Bond Fu'na " (Sinking) for the Fiscal Ye~r commencing on the first !':onday in Ygy, 1920; to-wit: lst- For the pt:Wme:ht of one ye~rs int- erst on the Water Bonds -----~--------------------------$11750.00 Section 8- That the f'ollowing amount is hereby J appropriated from the" City Hall Bondl\Sinking Fund" lor the Fiscal Year cormnencing on the fir.st MOlfd1.W in Hay, 1920, to-wit: 1 let- For the payment of interest on the City Hall Bonde aDd for the redenptinn of such City Hall . Bonda as there may be :f'nnds for the redem'tion thereof --$, 3500.00 . >- Ii Section 9- That the following amount is hereby. appropriated from the " Funding Bonds Sinking Fund" for the Fiscal Year commencing on the first I-Jonday in r:ay. 1920, to-wit: Ist- For the payment of the interest on .outstanding bonds for the redemption thereof ----------$ 9300.00 1 249 1 Section 10- That the fo11ovi ng amount is hereby ap:oropriated from the " Sewer Bond,s Sinking Fund " for the Fiscal Year commencinR on the first Monday.in May, 1920, to-wit: lst- For the payment of interest on the ,Sewer Bonds and to create a Sinking Fund for the redemp- tion thereof -------------------~-----------------------$ 5250.00 Seotion 11- That this Ordtnanee ~h~ll take effect \ 1 and be in full foroe from and after 30 days after its passage. approvR,l and publioation by posting. Passed by the City Counoil of the City of Boz- emftn, at a regular session thereof, held on this let day of April, 1920. Apnroved this 1st d~y of April Mayor "- 'A tteet : 1 ~4>f~ City Clerk Introduoed and read for the first time at the Speo!'l Session of Maroh 31st, 1920,of the City Counoil of the City of Bozeman, oalled · For the purpose of considering and fixing the Annual Appropriation Ordinanoe, ete." Final passage fixed for the let de:- of April, 1920. 1 t 'I 50 .- , "' __., _"~M,~.__~~_~~~'''~m" ,-'''',.~_.~,.,,,..,.~_., .. .,,~'. .,~,",~...".,,,.,-,,~,-~--,~,~, .."'.~"':""~....,."- CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, C. A. Spd.eth, the duly appointed, qu.a.lified l and a.oting Oi ty Olerk of the Oi ty of Bozeman, do herel,rlJe~r- ti fy: r' ." That I did on the 2nd day of April,'. 1920, post e. true, correot and compared oopY of Ordin8.noe No. 507 , in .: ;(;~ ",', ,', ',,' .'f., " i.. ' . f :~l ~~t}'i:~'I~,c.>the :;~,~~J;:r\f~~g public plaoes, in the sa.id Oi ty , to-wit: lst- Rohers Grooery 2nd- Courier Bulletin Board 3rd-.Ellis-Brandley Corner 4th~\C1ty Ball Bulletin Board i III WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand: and affix the s.ee.1 ofth~ City of Bozeman. this 2nd day of April, 1920. '(t.4 t:ot-- Ci Y Clerk .....; , ...... -. .." "-" " (SEAL) ,. ~ :,'., i ,.,'!:\::~', '" _.... ')'''';. I " , ,.." " 1 I