HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 506, Amends Section 2 of Article I of Ordinance 494 232 , " ,,','.' .',,', t( Rnn8ftLtd\~"_:~~..r*,~~;.:~ul'/}f>6":"- ~ "".." '~..BJ!:.,.ur(l~J~~tJ!J~,,;ft' r:~, k.. ~... ORDINANCE 10. 506. .. EIIEElGDCY ORDtlIAICE AIlEBIDG SIC~IOB !t'WO 0' JllTIOLE on O!'"OImUAI'03 10..fr" ~TITLD', '''U EPRGDOY ODD- mANCE DEFIBIBG THE INDUS.fRIE$ ,PtmAUITSL PROFESS IOliS , OC,CUPATIOBS.L AVOCATIONS AND BUSINESSES wHICH JUY BE CARRIED. JJ!I THB CITY OF BOZE8.N, STATE, OJ' lLOBTAlIl'.4:.. PRO- VIDDiG FOR THE INSPEOTION, . ItEGlJL.ATIOB , COBTROL ANJfLIC- ' DSIBG THEaEOF FIXIJI8 THE AKom TEml JlANBER OJ' !ISUAlOB AllD UVOCATIOB OF LlCEBSEs THiUiFoR, PRESCRIB- DrG PDALTIES FOR VIOLATIOBS AllD R~EALnrG CERTAIN ORDIJiABOES RELATIliG THEREro~w BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUDCIL OF T~ CITY.OF BOZEMA.: Seotion 1. that Section 2 ot Article I of ordinanoe Be. 4~,.", ,.':" entitled, · An' Em$rgenoy Irdinance Defining the ];:ndustries, P'tIr8Uib,/ " . , ' Professions, Oooupations, Avooations and Businesses, whioh ma7 be" __ . carrie4 on in the City of Boseman, State of Koatana, Providing ~f.~ .~~~.? "<,.- Inspeotion, Regulation, Oontrol and Licensing !hereof, '1.Zing the" ..~...~:--_: . ' ~ ....... "~' ". Term, Jlanner ofI8suance and Revocation ot Lioense Therefor, Presc:rlb1-ng Penalties for Violations and Repealing Certain Ordinances Relating Theret.- be. and he same is hereb7, amended to read as follows: WHO SUBJEOf !fOAliD AKOUliTS SeotloD 2. That no person, firm or corporation shall conduct, operate, tranHct. ~ngage 1n, or carr7 on, 8117 of the industries, pur. suits, professions, ocoupations, avooations or businesses. with1B the C1t7 of Bozeman, hereinafter deseribed $nd enumerated, without fi~st ob- taining alic.nse ~herefor from the said 01t7, 88 herein provided, ana ~or such license shall P87 as follows, te.wit: 1. !U!()J40BILE, TAXI, MOTOR TRUCK, FOR HIRE. : Beeh- automobile, taxi, motor bus, motor ~ruck or transfer for hlre~ either passenger, freight, express or dray, $6.26 per quarter. 2. AUCTIODElil. ...'...-'" Auctioneer, tS.QO per q118rter. 3. BILLURD, POOr. OR BAGA!&LLE TABLE. Baoh bill'....;:, pool or bagatelle table, not kept exclusively tor fami17 use, $3.75 per quarter. 4. Bo,/L:mG ALLEY. . , Bowling alley, $5.00 per quarter for each alley. S. BOTTLING WORKS. Manufaoturer or bottler of pOP. soda water, or other light and soft drinks, put up in bottles, $10.00 per quarter. \ , -- ~..U.'.'~""",' I 1 1 1 I J .' "tJr" l' ;',' , ~ ,~,8 " :'i: ",i:..'" + :s-.;r- 233 I 1 6. BAKER OR BADmY. 8. Baker or' bakery, baking-100: or less loaves Of bread, per day, .2.00 per quarter~ b. Baker or baker7, ba:kirig' f:l'om. lOG to 500 loaves of bread per da7,.6.00 per qprter. o. Baker or bakery, baking 500 or over loaves of bread pe~ day, $6.25 per quarter. · 7. BOO~BLACK STANDS. Boot Blaok stands upeD the sidewalk, t6.25'per quarter. a. JlARBER SHOPS AJlD BATH HOUSa. a. Barbershops, .1.00 per Ohair, per quarter. b. Bath house, $0.50 per tub per quarter. BILL POSTIHGOR ADVEB!ISIIG. a. Bill pes"ing, distributing Or painting any adver- t~s6merit of any kind or Bature whatsoever, f12.50 per quarter; provided, however, that nothing here~n contained shall include members or employees Of resident budineBs firms, vhurohe., oharitable organisations, ;~aa41dates for po11t10al offioes, distributing advertlstDg .at,.. ooncerning themselves or their business', and provided f'urth.~, that no med1oh. or 'samples harmfu1 and injurious t. childJ'en, eat1ag er handling the same, shall be publioly distributel b1 aD7 person. b. Bill boards er frontage of &BY bul1diD8 or structure used as bill board, 1/2 oent per square foot of the fron\ sur- face per quarter. 10. BUTCHER SHOPS An UAT 1(A'Rn!s. . 9. 1 I Each butcher shop or meat market, .6.26 per qU8rter~ 11. 'BANKRUPT OR PIRE SALE. Engaging tn, conducting, Gr oarr71ng on, or advertising a bankrupt or fire sale of go.d~. warea 8r ~rchandise, $26.00 per quarter. 12. BATTERY REPAIRS. Batter7 repair shop for repairs of storage batteries, gene- rators, starters, magnetos; not'in comaeotion with a garage, t..50 per quarler. 13. eOMMISSIOB MERCHAI!. Handling frest. !ru1 t8, ~,.tables, eggs, !H8ts Bad other perishable proclucts t grain, ha,. and pro'.e at wholesale at a fixed plaoe of business, $6.21 P.I"~. ~I R 1Ift.lad by 0 .e"u'y/#vtfl;.. 8pOORMl ,', fmnance ~nl\;';/ "0';;' .',':t,. 14. OLOTHIBG STORE. Olothing store, $2.68 per quarter. 18. OIGAR JlABUFACTURER. Cigar manufacturer, $2.50 per quarter. 16. CREAMERIES. Oreameries or manufacturers of butter, of ioe cream, or other like products, $6.26 per quarter. . 1'. BROKER. Who, whether acting as prinoipal or agent, bUJ'B, _ sells, or otherwise dea18 in stocks, or bonde, or buy. or sells for future delivery, grain, provisions, or produce, of . , . any sort, when said grain, provisions or produoe are not , actually deliverei, or who buys or sells, or otherwise deals in futures, .r options on. stocks, bonds ~ grain, provisions or produce of any sert, or who reoeives, transmits, or places orders Or oommissions to bUT or sell any bonis, stecks, grain, provisions or preduoe. of any sort, or who acts as the agent of 8D.7 commission house, broker, or firm, tradiB8 1J1 buying or selling, placing or in any wise dealing in any bonds, stooks, grain, produ,ce or provisions, options, ,or futures, of ,8D.1' kind, or pretends 80 to do, whether or not such oommissio. house operaies or pretends to operate in or on any market or board ot trade of any sort, $6.26 per quarter. 18. CIGARET~ES. Selling cigarettes, cigarette papers, or material except tobaco. used1n making cigarettes, #6.25 per quarter. 19. COLD STORAGE PLAlIT. Cold storage plant, for hire, $26.00 per quarter. 20. fJcmFE q! IOBERY. a. Con'ectioner7 store, $2.50 per quarter. Manufacturer Or 30bber of oonfectionery, $6.25 per b. quarter. 21. eOJ'TRACTOR OR BUILDER. Contraotor Or builder, $10.00 per annum. The term "Contractor" and "builderrl, 88 herein used, is Sy.nonymOU8, and shall be ..saed and considered one who bUildS, . . or whose oocupation is that of building; specifically one who controls or directs the work of construction i11 any oapacity., and .." .._..._._i I I . 1 I .' I Repealed by ()nJ_~~g 1 a. Does not include 8 sult-eontracto:r, i. e., one whO takas from the principal oontraotor a dp..lf1o part of the work, or b. The employer Or party,for Wham the 'work is to be per- formed. 1 22. COAL DEALERS. aoal Dealers, P.IO per quarter. 23. CIRCUSES', JlDAGERIES AND OTHER" SHOWS. a. Circuses, menageries, 'itg and P0D7 shQws, wild ftnimal shows, or cirouses. inoluding side shows, t~ansported on more than 50 oars. .125.00 per day. b. Same transportea on more than 21 cars, and less ~han 10 oars. $''15.00 per day. e. Same, transported on les8 than 25 'cars, $28.00 per day. I d. And shall be sub3eot to regulation, inspeotion ana. con- trol as providea tn S.ction 2 of Article III of this Ordinance. 24. CARNIVAL, STREET FAIll OR TElF SHOW. a. Oa,r1ti..,.l, streat fair, or ten:t show, inoluding aide sheti. other than c1ro\l8ea. ..nageria., 40g BJld pOJq shows, wild animal shows. or oircuses, $25.00 per 4ay, .. · b. Ch8t118qufls" $16.'00 peZ' lay,. c~ single tent show not otherwise 'herein provided fbr, $6.00 per day. d. Ani shall besub~eo:' t,. regUJ:ation, ii1epeot1on and con... trol 8S provided' in S..:'ion 8 of' Artiole III of tllis Ordinance. 26. DAIRIES. , 8.. Eaeh plaoe within. OJ" within three miles of theC1t, limits..selling mitt 1a 881d 01ty. .8.00 per quarter. . b. P~oT1d.4 that thiS lio.... shsllapply only. to suoh person, firm or oorporation, owning more,tqll'o:tl.. cow. o. P'.J"sone owning only one oow and selling milk -therefr,ODl, no license, but SUbject to 1Bep.dtian. 26. DlUG STORES. Drug store;, $a.50 per quarter. provided that if cigar- ettes are sold an additioul 110.... therefore must be had. 2'1. DRAY. TRUOK. CART, WAGON. ETO. ' a. Dray, truck.' cart, wagon, haok, bus or transfer, used for hire, whether Oil wheel'B orr1U11lers, dran by one horse, $2.50 per quarter.' b. ,Same, drawn by two horaea. .5.00 per quarter. 1 1 , I 236 #- . Repealed by Ordinana8rcNo.-:fS$' , - .'" ~~"-- -."~".", - ,", ..,.. -,'-~.. ,"...\ , . 28. DmECTIVI A~UCY. Deteotive agency, t10.00 per quarter. I 29. lWlOE HALL, PUBLIC. Any public dance hall, $25.00 per quarter, prev~~ed, hew- that no lodge hall, wherein are held only ledge danoes, . . be oonsidered a ~ublio danoe h~l:.l within the meaning ever, . shall of this seotion. 30. DOLL UD CANE RAOX, ET.C. Doll a1'.l.4 oane raoll8 or 8D.7 devise for testing skill or strength for the purpose of gain, $5.00 per day. . .. 11. D"OISTRAfIOIS AND EXHIBITIQJS. . 1 Demonstrations or exhibitions of any utens:l, artiole, implement, goods, wares, or merchandise for the purpo~e of ad- vertising the Same upon the publio streets, or upon any v~c8nt ground, $3.00 per quarter. 32. DRY GOODl STORES. DrY' goods Btore~, $2.50 per quarter. 33. ELEC!rRIC LIGHT. OR POWER COMPANY. Eleotric light or power oompany, $50.00 per quarter. M.EXPRESS COEAB~S.~ .Express compan1, $12,50 per qua:rter. . , . .. 1 36. EnECfBIC WIRING. . Eleotrio wir1ng,'$2.50 per quarter, and 81:a11 be aub~eot to regul,tion, inspeo,tioJl and control as provided in Ordinance . Bo. 441. 36. ELBOmRIC JIANOS. Eleo":r1o pianolll, for profit, $5.00 per quarter. 37. IIPLQlMBITAGEBCY. . ~ Employment agency or int'lllgenoe office $5.00 ~er q1JBrter. 38. F:ILLIBG S5:.Af:tOBS. . 1 All place. or et8'1onB within the City, other than gar- . ages, looated within the walls of a s~ore room or building, or . otherwise, oonstruoted 8nd maintained in accordanoe with the , . ~ilding ()r4inanc8a, and ;regulations of ,the ,Caty, in 01" a. wh1o,h i8 carried on, or oonducted, the business of supplying automobiles, motor oycles, or other motor vehioles w;t th gasoline ~ , :' .. oils or other liquids required 1n the operation of automobiles, . . . , . .- motor cycles or motor vehioles, $16.00 per. quarter. I 237 Repealed by. OnHnan~~tWUP 1 39. FO~TUJiE TELLIBG. EfO. . Fort.. telle:r. astrologer. olairv07ut, l>>slmist, phrenologist, itinerant me4ic,1 practltlo.e~t hypnotist, . tlO.OO per 487.'.. . 4a. GARAGES. Building or place used in whole or in part for_the storage, for hire, or repa1r of automobIles, motor o1'ole8, elect~ic oars. and oth.~ motor vehioles, .6,25 per quarter. 41. GROCERY STORE. . Grocery store, 16.21 pe7 quarter, :Providect that no . other lioense shall bQ required t.rea.8 ~ooery store, save ancl except for cigarettes 8%Jd oleomargarine. 42. GREEN HOUSE AND FLORISTS. Green house and floris*. $a.50 per quarter. 43. GAS COMP.QY. Ga. Company. $26,.00 pet' quarter. 44. HARDWARE STORE. . a. Harc!lware-store, $2.50 per quarter. b. Bardwere store handling gaeoline, powder or ...:tIh"er ex- plosives, $6.25 per quarter. ~ "6. HIDES, PELTS, ETC. ~iD.g or selling hides, pelts, or other stmila1" pro.... ducts, $5.00 per quarter. 46. HOUSE lWVER. License and regulation are prfv1de4 for inOrd1nanc~ ... 1 1 I 1 < , 238 , Ji O~' ,,', "','" <:~,~ "'I. ,,' , " '",,-fi. ;. ',,' I,' Repea\ed by ,..;'f\ ;:\,H";,;l\:; < ';u;.:'..., _,_~~.,~...",'.' ,,_.. ~._",._. ,_, ..'.~r_" . ~.,~. .""'.'.."." .. o. Ant shall be subject to regulation and control as provided in Article II of this Ordinance. ". ,IlfS'J'AY.T.:a.!flU all' HEATIBG Pr.ABT. Installation of heating plant, $2.50 pe:r quarter, and shall be sub~eotto regulation and control as p~ovided by.Ord1n~ anoe BO. "SG. 10. IOE. Putting up, Dl8l3.ufaoturing and dealing in.ice, $2.60 per quarter. .. 51. JEWELRY STORES. \ ' 52. Jewelry stores, $a.60 pe~ quarter. JtmK SHOPS UD JUNK DEALDS. a. Buying or selling or,dealing in junk, rags, old- rope, paper,baggin, old l:ron,flron'bers, copper, bra.e, tin, empty bottles, rubber, or any other article -or thing that-ie ordinarily bought or daaltin by persln commonly called "Junk Dealers" $'0.00 per ann'Wll. · b. And shall be sub~ect ~o regulation, inspec~ion and control as provided for in Ordinance .0. 455. 53. LUJiOHSTAIfD OR WAGON. LUJLOh stand or wagon 0:11 the stre.ets or sidewalks, $6.21 per quarter. 54. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. Livery and feed stables, $2.50 per quarter. "55. LAUNDRY. I, ,a. steam laundr;r, $6.25 per quarter. , b. Hand laundr~, $2.50 ~er quarter. ~ c. Provided thaf this section shall not apply~o women engaged in the lSUJldr7 business, where not more than two women are so employed. 66. LUNCH OOURTER AID BOARDING HOUSE. Lunoh counter. and boarding house, pUbl:l,e, $2.50 per.quar- ~er, provided that this license shall not apply to pr~vate boarding houses. 57. LUMBER, COAL, WOOD AND MA TERIAL DEAL~S. Lumber, coal, wood and material dealers, $6.00 per quarter. 58. MESSENGER OFFICE. Itessenger office, $2.50 per quarter. ..-...~-_."~... ..., ','", ._, ,._ ~w. I I 1 I 1 1 r 1 1 I I 239 Repealed. by Ordinance "NlI.: .F~il 59. JWmFACTURE OJ' PA!E.1ITDDIOUE ,ETO. KanufacturGof patent medicine, drugs, toilet articles, etc., $6.00 per quarter.' 60. UDIOUE, DRUGS, BOSTRlDlS, ETC. Advertising, selling or glviD8 aW8Y, medicine, drugs, .. ;> nostrums, etc., $25.00 per 4ay. .Lloense an4 regulations are provided for in Ordinance Bo. 364. 61. JlEBRY-GQ-ROUND. Merry-GO-RO'tU1d.tS.OO per d87. .. 62. DIL QOJ4PANIES., 911, kerosene, and ga8 cGmpanies, other than filling stations, garages, and stores, vending or dispensing 011, kerosene, or gas from wagoBe or other vehicles, $10.00 per quarter. 63. OLE01IARGARmE, ETO. Manufacturing or selling oleomargarine or butterine or imitations of oheese or butter, one cent per pound. 64. PLUJlBIBG. Either a8 master or employing plumber, inc~uding in- . stallation of hesting plants and gas service, .6.25 per quarter. 65. Pl!jlmY ARCADE. Exhlbitionawith pho~ographB, tineto..opes, vitascQpes, or other similar 1nstruments, by whatsoever named called, " $25.00 per quarter. 66. PRCIIOQ,lS OR SELLmQ STQ~ qJiI. QOB.PORA!IOBS. 1 '. ,: " \ '\ : ~ I: Promoting or selling or offering for sale stock of cor- poratipns. $25.00 per quarter. 67. POPCORN ABD PEAJUT SWDS. , , popcorn and peanut stanis on streets or alleys, $6.25 per quarter. 68. PACXIliG HOUSE. Wholesale packing house, tlO.OO per quarter. 69.~1(1mBROXER. Pawnbroker, $86.00 per quarter. '10. PEDDLERS. (See I~1nerant Veniers.) 240 /,L Repealed bl..~r~i~~.,ft~No. ---~~~ ~. PHOTOGRAPHERS. K.lttng and pr'inting pictures and photographs for 1 . , sale or compensation, without fixed place of business, $10.00 per quarter. '72. PUSHOART OR ICE CRE.UI WAGON. Selling upon the streets of the city from a pushcart, ... 10', , wagon, or other vehicle, ice cream, sowapoP. chewing gum, fruits, etc. .~.OO per" quarter per cart, wagon or vehicle~ '73., PAIN!!! SHOP,S. ~ . Paint shops, $2.50 per quarter. I o 74. RESTAURANTS, CAFES AND EATING HOUSES. Restaurants, oafes and eating houses, $6.25 per quar- ter, provided th~t this license shall not be required frOM . . private eating houses. 75. RAILROAD AND RAILWAY COMPANIES. ., . Railroad and railway companies, other than street, $12.50 per quarter. . '16. STALLIONS, JACKS AND BTJI,LS. .. Stallions, Jaoks and Bulls, propagation for hire, $2.50 per quarter.. . , '/7. SLAUGHTER HOUSES. 1 Slaughter house, $6.25 per quarter. I 78. SlATING RINK. Roller or ice skating rink, ~li.OO per quarter. within three miles of the city limits, . 79, SQFTDRIR' PLACE OR PA.llLOB. ~ a. soft drink place OT parlor selling, offering, or keeping for sale, any near beer, malt ~everages, ginger ale, . .. grape juioe, soda water, root beer,' milk, cream, butter I o milk, or similar~V$rages, commonly known ss soft drink~, either by the glass or bottle, including bar, card tables, . lunoh c01,Ulters, oigar stands, etc., and cigarettes, common11 knOlll1 and de~ignated a8 soft drink place or parlor, $ao.oo o per quarter; . b. Other establishments operating soda fountains, 8el1- A " ing confeotionery, fruits, cigars, inoluding restaurant, cafe, or lunch counter, and cigarettes, $12.50 per quarter. I 24' R8pe.ale~..._Ili"",,_Qfd;na_nca,. 1 c. "n1 other eetablishDlent selling soft dri:O.ke, not hereinbefore provided for, $6'.25 per quarter. d. Selling soft drinks, at retail, in 08Sa er bottle, not hereinbefore proTided for, $2.50 per quarter. e. Selling soft drinks at wholesale, in oase or bottle, not hereinbefore provided for, $.5.00 per quarter. 80. SHOOTING GA'LT.~y. Shooting Gellery, $26.00 per quarter. 81. STREET RAILWAY COJ4PANY. street Railway Company, $25.00 per quarter. 82. SEOOND HAND STORES. Dealer or keeper of second hand store, $5.00 per . -quarter. 1 1 83. SHOE STORES. Shoe stores, $2.50 per quarter. M. SIGN HANGING: S~gn han,ing, $2~50 per quarter. 85. SLOT" lUCErNE. Slot maohine for ssle of merchandise, $2.50 per quarter. 86. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. !relegraph office, $5.00 per quarter, per instrument. 87. TELEPHOBE COJIPABY. Telephone Company, .100.00 per annum, payable in ad- vance. 88. ~AILOR SHOP. 1 Tailor shop where dry oleaning is done or~asoline is used $2.50 per quarter. 89. THEATERS, ETC. a. Theater, not variety Or concert, $lOO.OO per annum. I b. Moving pioture show house, $25.00 per annum. o. Theater and moving picture house, combined, $125.00 per annum. e. Variety and Qoncert t~eaterB, whether admission fee is charged or not, $100.00 per annum. f. Minatrela, or legerdemain when not in theaters paying regular license, $5.00 per day. d. Moving picture show house with vaudeville .r other per- formance or exhibition, $2.00 per day extra for such other -vailde- villa perfor~ee Dr exhibition. /',r/,t;-,:, !. .: , ~ Repealed.~y _.Q!~inance No. s ~~..!_u.. .- '-"'. ,y,~~,._..",'.'-'-" .,..,..~"....,.- -- ... - -- - .,_.."-"....~ .........',<-,..,..., ._.~- ~~.~.....~-,~~, ..,..", '" ~_.". g. Opera or concert singer or concert entertain- , ment not in re~118r theater, $3.00 per day. h. But no lioense must be collected from anf amateur exhibition or concert for school or charitable or religious purposes. 90. TANNERY. Tannery, $2.50 per quarter. 91. UNDER TAXERS AND EMBALllERS., Undertakers and Embalmers, $2.50 per quarter. 92. VULCANIZERS. Vulcanizers, $2.50 per quarter. 93. WAREHOUSE.llAN. Storing goOds, wares or merchandise for compensation $2.50 per quarter. 94. WRESfLING EXHIBITION OR MATCH. Wrestling exhibition or matoh, tlO.OO per day. 95. WEIGHING SCALES OR PUBLIC PLATFORM SCALES. Wllgb1 soales or publio platform scales, .2.50 per quarter. 96. WATER OR SEWER SERVICE INSTALLING. Water or sewer service installing, $2.50 per qua~t~r. 97. That whenever there is any doubt or question about the 01ass1- \ ficatlon of the business or license to be paid by any person, firm or oorporation under the provisions of this Ordinance, then and in that , -~~ event. the City Treasurer shall refer the matter of said classifioation and license to the CitY' Council; that the Ci.ty CoUncil shall t!Iereupon make an offer ,fixing the classification and license and the City Treas- .. \ urer shall lfe'- governed thereby. Section 2. That for the preservation of the good or~er, morals, welfare, safety, peace and health of the residents of the City of Bozeman and the Protection of their property, it is immediately neoessary that this Ordinanoe be passed; that by reaeon thereof an Emergenoy is hereby declared to exist; that this Ordinance is specifically declared to be an Emergency O1rdinance, and shall take effect and be in full force i1llD1ed- iately upon its passage, approval and publication by post~ng, as herein- after provided; 1 1 1 I 1 243 ''"_.____B~PQaIBd_., 4' .:~-F~ I 1 Seotion 3. That i:.n all oases where the olassifioations of industries, pursuits, professions, oocupations, avocations ani businesses, as provided by Section 2 of Article I. of Ordinanoe 494, have not been modified or ohanged herein. bai the amount of the lic- ense required therefor has been reduced, and persons, firms and oorporat.ions liable therefor haTe paid the amount of the license re- quired according to the cla8sifications, as prattie' by said Section 2 of Article I, of Ordinance Io. 494. effective August 7th, 1919, then and in that event the City Trea8~er and City Clerk are her6b~ authorized and direoted to credit suoh person,firm or oorporation wi th the pa1Jllent or payments of suoh lioense _made by p.im or it sinoe the 7th day of August, 1919, aecording t. the o~assiflcation and the amount of such ~ioens. 88 herft'in provided; that where., the ciassification has not bee. changed or m9dified, and the amount of the license has not }:teen paid, then and in that event the City Clerk and City Treasurer shall oollect such lloense from such per- son, firm or corporation acoording to the olassifioation and amo~t of the license as herein required; and effeotive aa of said 7th day of August, 1919; that all classifications added and the amount of the license. therefor sh,all be effective 88 of the date of the pass- age, approval and publioation of this Ordinance. Passed by the City Council of the City of Bozeman, by two- thirds of the votes of all the members thereof duly elected at 8 regular session thereof, this 18th day of larch, 1920. Approved this 18th d 1 ....,,' I ~ -....:;: - . ~ '..Attest: ~r1 ~/~ Qi ty'"'the~' , Introduced and read for the first time at a regular ses,ion of the City Council of the City of Bozeman, held on the 4th day of Karch, 1920. Final passage fixed for the 18th day of Karch, 1920. ., 1 ,.. _m _~_~. ..~.^"u..n..',,,,~ '~~..~N""~". I GE.i."1TTFICA TEOF'POS'l!ING. . I,C~ A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified and 'aoting Oity Olerk of the City of BQI;eman, do hereby certify: ~hat I did on the 19th day of Karoh, 1920, post a true, oOrreot and compared copy of.Ordinance Bo. 506, in the following public pIsces in the said 01 t;y, to-wit,: Ist~ Rollers Grocery 2nd- Courier Bulletin Board 3rd- Ellls...Brandley COrner 4th- C1t7 Hall Bulletin Board XI WITNESS WHEREOF. I hereuntb set my hand and affix the seal of the 'Ji ty of Boz,eman, this lL 9 th day of Jlarch, 1920. I o~ itt .s-giethl '€I ,,' 7 'lerk (,~) P.roof RM4 B,ud Checked I ...___..,... ~____.._ ~ ~ ~ _.. ~ w. ~~..._..,... ..... n.._________7LiI..uo " .-.......;-- ."..,.~,.,,- I I