HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 505, Regulates Operation and Conduct of Pool Halls, Bowling Alleys, Etc., Repeals Ordinance 386 and 424 t, '\ . .,..,",.,~.>EE~.~~':.~:.:cL.,...:,,~L.: .- ,. ..-. ..~,-,-".". ~~....~-,..,'".". .,." ~,.''''...'.~''".,- ~ -' .l_."'''''__"~ ,.~..,-, ORDINANCE NO. 505. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION Repealed b~, AND CONDUCT OF POOL HALLS, BILLIARD RALLS, BOWLING ALLEYS, Ordinance ij:525CARD ROOe AND SOFT" DRnm: ESTABLISHMENTS, AND OTHER pLACES OF BUS INEBS ,WHERE POOL ,BILLIARDS .AND CARDS ARE PLAYED: PRESCRIBING THE HOURS WITHIN WHICH THE SAME MAY BE OPEN FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS: PROHIBITING MINORS UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN YEARS FROM VISITING OR FREQUENTING THE SAME: AND PROHIBITING THE PLAYING OF OERTAIN KINDS OF POOL: PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROV- ISIONS OF THIS ORDI&NCE AlIn REPEALING ORDINANCE N.(). 386 AND 424 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. Repealed b; Ord~nanca No.. ~fr BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI':Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAB: . Section 1,- That all pool halls, billiard halls, bowling alleys, card rooms or soft drink establishmente, and other place8i')f business, where pool, billiards, or cards are played, shall close each night of the 7fU~t' at 12 o' clock, midnight, and shall be kept and remain closed until 7 o'clock, the following mOEning, and all of each sunday,provided that . . all such pool halls, billiard halls, bowling alleys, a.a. roof:l18' and soft drink establishments, and other places or business ,"" -- . :;'~.\ where pool, billiards, bowling and cards are played, may ~~>>.,~ ... open on Sunday, between the hours of 7 o'clock, A. M. and lO~ o'clook, P. M., for the sale of cigars, tobacoo, candies, soft drinks, etc., provided, however, that during said hours on Sunday no pool, billiards, bowling or cards are played; Section 2- That no person, except the owner or employees of aI17 pool hall, billiard hall, bowling alley, card room or soft drink establishment, or other place of business, where pool, billiards, or oards are played, shall be, or remain, in such place of business between the hours of 12 o'olook, mid- night, and 7 o'clock, A. M., of the following morning on week days, or ol;!. Sundays except between the hours of7 o'clock, A. M. and 10 o'clock, P. M. Section 3- That any person, or persons, exoept the1MBers, agents; or emplop:ee. of snch owners, of any such pool hall, billiard hall~ bowling alley, oard room, soft drink estab- lishment, or other plaoe of bUBiness where pool, billiards, or oarde;, are played, between the hours of 12 o'clock,D1.dnight, and 7 o'cloo~, A. K., of the fOllQwing morning, and on Sundays, exoept between the houre of 7 o' clock, A. M. and- 10 o' clock, l? M. v shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall '~"'''~'''J..'_._'''..' I' II I I I I I I I I I I ~ . .. .. -...--..... -.. ReR :, 229 m'.,.,'..',....~,__.,... ~. pla;yed, or who shall play or p..r1iiol:pate in aJ17 game of pool, "''':'1"'.". 30 R~p.~_~'-~~_h,Y Ord~nan~aNQ_~"..~(.o - ",__.__..,..._.. "" _,-,",,_'..0.' __.._ billiards or oardsi. any such pool hall, billiard hall, bowling alley, card room or Boft drink::establishment. or other plaoe of bueine.s wherepoolt bilLlar4e, or oarde are played shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this.Ordinanoe and upon oonvio- tion shall be punished as herein provided; Seotion 9- That the license of. any owmr or -prppr1etor, of any pool hall, billiard hall, bowling alley, oard room or soft drink establishmeat" or any place of businese where pool, bil11aris or cards are playea, who shall violate the provisions of this Ordinance, shall upon conviction far the second offense, in addition totha punishment herein pro- vided, be revoked and no license shall be issued to the same owner or prorietor for the same place of business for a -pei5- iod of siX months thereafter; Seetion 10- That any owner, or proprietor or the serTant, agemt or representative of any owner or prop- rietor of any pool hall, billlardhall, bowling alley, oard room or soft d:tinlt establishement, or any other plaoe of business, where pool, billiards Or cards are played, or any minor under the ~er t age of 18 years, or an~lPerBon, who ahall viola e the prov- isions of this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not lesa than $5.00 snd not more than $300.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jailor County Jail for not less thea' 5 days and not more than 90 days, or by both fine and imprisonment, provided that in esse the fine of such person 1s not paid, such person shall be imprisoned in the County or city Jail until 8uCh fine is satisfied in proportion to one day's imprisonment for every $2.00 of said fine; I 1 1 Section 11- That Ordinance No. 386, entit- led n An OX"dinance Providing for Prohibiting Minors from Loi t- ering in or Playing at Games in Pool or Billiard Halls, and Public Card Rooms in the City of Bozeman", and Ordinance Bo. 424, entitled, " An Ordinance Providing for the Closing of SaloDnS, Bar ROOms, Club Bars and Other Places ~2e intox- icating Liquor. are sold or dispensed, and Pool Rooms, Card Rooms, Club Rooms, Club Card Rooms Bnd Bowling Alleys between the Hours of Twelve O' Clock Midnight and Six 0 I Clock, A. M., of the follawinC day ,nd on Sundays in the Oit1 of Bozeman, aDd I' I ( I'~!',c'~' ,,'''''' '/:i"~'\::. ;".;"J:,'~li"r.I.. I I .".,.....~ 1 I I,~. ,:~.~:, :::~ '" ,i ~~,,:.. .""-"'. -"'C: ;'- ....- - - 231 Pre8cribing Penalties for ita Violation sad Repealing . . Orciinance No. 336", ,and all Ortinanees or parts of Orcfinanees in oonnio", with the'pJ"ov1"elon8 of this Ordinanoe be", and the 8811e are herebJ, r8pea1e4; 'S.etioD. 12.. <That thil Grd1J1ance shall take effect aDd be in full foroe hbl and after 30 days from and atter ita passage, approval ..4 publication by postiXl8.. P88S.a b1 the Clt,J Council of the City of Bozeman, at 8 r.gula~ session thereof, held on this 18th day of Maroh, 1920. ~ ~pproT.4 thla 18th tal' Attest: ~d.r- . Oit7 Olerk OERTIFIOATE OF POSTING. . It C. A.spieth, the dull' appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the Citl' of Boseman, do hereby oertify: That I 'did on the 19th day of Maroh, 1920,.post 8 true, oorrect and compa~.d 08P10f O~4tnanoe Bo. 505, in the fQllowtDg public places, in the,"id City, to-wit; lst- Rohers Grooery 2nd- Oourier Bulletin Board 3r4- Ellis-Bradl_)" Cerner 4th- City Hall Bulletn B~ard . III I'ITJ'lJESS WHEREOF, I hereunto Bet my' hand and affix the 8eal of the "City of Bozeman, this 19th day of Karch, 1920. . (SEAL) :Proof lltlM and Ohe0ke4 .............--...-...-....-".. ~ __hmm._-:lLit