HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 504, Prohibits Gambling in City and Repeals Ordinance 259 .......~:,..&4..."-- . .f>-<1:,.I"< -::;:.. .f"'4 " .. ...".L~.~t~..~L"_,",.__..J~.,,. ..L. J .......). C . ~~..;:; - . - 1'.\ '1\ .\ I ORDINANCE NO. 504. ~ \ AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE PROHIBITING GAMBLING IX THE CITY OF BOZEltWI, PRESCRIBING PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION HEREOF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 259 OF SAID CITY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That every person who deals, plays or carries on, opens or causes to be opened, or who conducts or causes to be conducted; operates or runs, either as principal, agent, owner or employee, whether for hire or not, any game of monte, dondo, fan-tan, studhorse poker, craps, seven-and-a-half, faro, roul- . I ~tte, hokey-pokey, pangeni or pangene, draw-poker 01.'" the game commonly called round-the-table poker, or any banking or percentage game, or any game commonly known as a sure thing game, or any game of chance played with cards, dice or any I device whatsoever, or who runs or conducts or causes to be run Or conducted, or keeps any slot machine, punch board or other similar machine or device or permits the same to be run or conducted for money, checks, credits or any representative of value, or for any property or thing whatsoever, or any person or persons who conduot any bucket-shop where stocks or secuxi ties of any kind are ro ldon mar- gins and any person owning or in charge of any saloon, beer hall, bar-room, cigar store. drug store) pool room, card room, soft drink establishment, Or other place of business, or any place where drinks are sold Or served. or.any room or place whatsoever, who permits any of the games mentioned in this section to be played in or about such saloon. beer-hall, bar-room, cigar store, drug store, pool room, card ]/'Q.,om, soft drink establishment, or other place of business ,_ or any room or - . I place whatsoever, or permits any slot machine, punch board or similar" device to be kept therein, and every person who plays or bets at or against any of said pro- hibited games or devices shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance, and upon conviction therefor shall be p,unished as hereinafter provided; Section 2. That no person. otherwise competent as a witness, shall be excused from testifying concerning the offense of gambling on the ground that his or her testimony may incriminate himself or herself, but no prosecution may afterwards be had against him or her for any offense to which he or she testifies; Secti'on 3. That the Ohief of Police, Or any police officer of the City of Bozeman, shall have authority and it shall be his duty, upon receipt of in- formation that Bny house, room, tent, or apartment is bein~rused for any of the I ,..- games prohibited by this Ordinance, to break open any door or opening into any such house, room, tent or apartment, with or without a warrant, for the purpose of arresting offenders against the provisions of this Ordinance and seizing any gambling. device which may be used as evidenoe aguinst such offenders; . ._,. ~_.,.."~ ".",.,."j,.,-",~,--, .~,_.,,-_.., .'~'-'.' ",..,,,.,.,.,~.,,-,,.,,,-,,,. Seotion 4. That any person who violates the provisions of this Ordinance sha~l, uron conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars, ($10.00), and not more than Three Hundred Dollars, ('300.00), er by imprisonment in the County or City Jail for not less than five (5) days and not more than ninety (90) days, or by both fine and imprisonment, pro- vided that in oase the fine of such person is not paid, .such person shall be imprisoned in the County or City Jail until said fine is satisfied in pro- portion to one (1) day'S imprisonment for every $2.00 of said fine; Seotion 5. That Ordinance No. 259, entitled, "An Ordinance Pro- hibiting Gambling in the City of Bozenian and to Prowicle Punishment for'Vio- , I - ~ - lation Thereof",. and all Ordinances, or parts of Ordinances, in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance" be, and the same are hereby, repealed; Section 6. That for the preservation of the good order, morals, welfare, safety, peace and health of the residents of the City of Bozeman and the Protection of their property , it is irmnediately necessary that this Ordinance be passed; that by reason thereof an Emergency is hereby .declared to exist; that tbis Ordinance is specifically declared to be an Emergency Ordinance, 'and shall t'ake effect and be ~n full force iirnmediately upon its passage, approval and publication by posting. , Passed by the Oity Council of the City of Bozeman by two-thirds of the votes of all the members thereof duly elected at an adjourned regular I .. se ss i ontJinere.of" this 11th day of March, 1920. Approved ~h1s 11th day of March Attest: ftf!d:.~ C Y k. I, " 1 ~ '.,.,... '.~':". 22 .1 CERTI1!'ICATE OF POSTmG. 1 I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointe~, qualified aad acting City Clerk of the Oity of Bozeman, do hereby certify:' That I did on the 17th d~ o~ Maroh, 1920, post a true, correct and compared copy of OrcUn&loe No. 1504, in the fOllowing public plaoes in the Ba1d City, to-wit: lat- 2nd- ~ig: Rohers Grocery Courier Bulletin Board Ellis-Brand1ey Corner City Hall Bulletin Board II WI TNESS WHEREOF t I hereunto Bet my ha.nd and affix the . seal of the C1 ty of Bozeman, this 17th day of Karch, 1920. " I ~O{\f Re!U1 and Checked --..'". ,.-.....-..._~ .....-..-__.. ~"V"'/ .. I'I-fl.o_ I I .......