HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 503, Defining and Regulating Public Dances and Public Dance Halls; Repeals Ordinance 481 I I I I I ORDINANCE NO. 503 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AN~ REG~~TING PUBLIO DANCES AND PUBLIC DANOE HALLS IN ~HE CITY OF BOZEMAN. Repsaled by Ordinan~a ~"'J .' t, ;2 Z BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OF BOZEMAN: Section 1- That the term "public deace", as used in this Ordinance, shall be taken to mean any dance or ball to which admission can ~e had by the payment of a fee, or by the purchas8,possession Or presentation of a ~icket, br token, or in which a charge is made :eor the caring for cloth- ing, or other property, or any other dance to ~hich the public generally may gain admission with or without the payment of a fee; t.ha~ t:{1e term ":publio dance hall", as used herein, shall be taken to mean any cabaret, restaurant, cafe, delicatessen Or confectionery store or ice cream parlor, or any room, ..place or space in which a public dance or public ball shall be held, or hall Or academy in Which classes in dancing are held and instructions in dancing is given for hire; PROVIDED, that public dances and public dance halls, as hereind~fined, shall not be construed to include dances held Or given for benevolent, fraternal, educational or charitable purposes; Section 2- That no person, firm or corporation shall hold any pub- lic dance or maintain any public dance hall as herein defined within the limits of the City of Bozeman, without first having obtained a license there- for; that the application for, the granting of, the revocation and the amount of said license shall be, and the same is hereby, gove..rned, except as herein provided, by the provisions of Ordinance No. 494, of said City; Section 3- That no license for a public dance hall shall be issued until it shall be found that such hall complies with and conforms to all o~din:ances, health and fire regulations of the City, that it is p~oper,:+Y ventilated and supplied with sufficient toilet conveniences, and is a safe and proper place !for the purpose for which it is to be_ used; Section 4- That all dance halls shall be kept 4t all times, in a olean, healthful and sanitary condition and all'St$1:rQYs and other passages and all rooms cDnnected withthe dance hall shall be kept open and well lighted; that the lights at any public dance shall not be dimmed during the time any public dance is being held and no dances commonly known and termed as "t'W1light" or "moonlight" dances, or lewd dances known as the "shimmy" or ,.'11"'.. Repsaled" by ~,~~11~~~~, !~Ol.~....q. t 22 danoes of like character shall be permitted; that no indecent aot shall be oommitted, nor shall any disorder of a gross, violent or vulgar ohar- acted take place therein. Section 5. That all public dances shall be discontinued and all public dance halls shall be closed on or before the hour of 12:00 o'clock midnight, PROVIDED. however, that upon applioation ora bona fide and res- ponsible organization or society and upon investigation and a favorable report by the Chief of Police, the Mayor may grant such organization or society a permit to continue a dance until the hour of2 o'clock, A. I., that no tioket shall be sold or accepted for admission after the hour' of I 11 o'clock, P. M.; I Section 6- That it shall be unlawful for any girl under the age of 18 years; Or any boy under the age of 19 years, to attend any public dance in any public dance hall in the City of Bozeman and it shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation owning. conducting. managing, or having in charge any public dance hall in the City of Bozeman. to per- mit any girl under the age of 18 years, or any boy under the age of'19 years, to attend any public dance in such -public dance hall unless the boy Or girl is accompanied by one or both of his or her parents, or by I his or her legally appointed guardian. and any boy or girl under said ages Who does so attend any such public danoe hall shall be punished as herein provided;" Seotion 7- That it shall be unlawful for any person Or persona to claim or represent th&t th~, he or she Bre the parents or legally appointed guardian of any girl under the age of 18 years. or any boy under the age of 19 years for the purpose of obtaining admission for any girl under the age of 18 years, or any boy under the age of 19 years, to any public danoe held in a public ~ance hall in said City; Section 8- That every public dance and public dance hall shall be subject to the supervision, inspection and control of the Chief of Police, the City Health Officer and the Probation Officer of the County of Gallatin, and any person or persons attending a public dance in the City of Bozeman shall u.,n the request of such officer give to such officer his or her name and ag'; provided that if any such person shall refuse to give his or her name or age, he Or she shall be deemed ~uilty of a violation of this Ordinance and shall be punished as herein provided; I I J, 223 I RltJJea~db, DrdJ_ 11.__ (p z Z Section 9- That any person. firm or corporation, or th~ representa- ti ve of any pers on, f,irm or oorporation or any girl under the age of 18 years, Or any boy under the age of 19 years, or the parents or guardians of any such girl Or boy, vih 0 shall violate the provisions 01' this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than $2.00, and not more than $300.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not le:ss than one (1) day and not more than 90 days. Or by both fine and imprisonment, provided that in case the fine of such person is not paid, such person shall be imprisoned in the City Jail until said fine is satisfied in proportion to one day's imprisonment for every $2.00 of said fine; Section 10. That the license of any person. firm or oorporation for holding any public dance or maintaining any pUblic danoe hall, as herein defined, within the limits of the City of Boseman, who shall-violate the provisions of this Ordinanoe, shall upon oonviction for the second Qffense, in addition to the punishment herein provided, be revoked and no license shall be issued to the same person, firm Or corporation for the same place for a period of six (6) months thereafter; Section 11- That Ordinance No. 481. entitled, "An Ordinance Reg- ulating Dance Houses, and Prohibiting the ~intenance of Dance Houses, Danoe Halls and Rooms for the Conduct of Publio Dancing within the Corporate Limits of the City of Bozeman, Montana, when Operated in Connection with Restaurants, Cafes, Confeotionery Stores, Delioatessen Stores and Ice Cream Parlors, and providing Penalties for theV~lation of this Ordinance", be, snd the same is herepy, repealed; Seotion 12- That this Ordinanoe shall take effeot from and after thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication by posting; I I I Passed by the City Counoil at a regular sess on thereof, held on the 4th day of Maroh, 1920. Approved this 4th Attest :.' ..~{j~ Introduced and read for the first time at t~e regular session of the City Counoil, held on the 19th day of February, 1920. Final passage fixed for the 4th day of March, 1920. I 224 CERTIFICATE OF POSTING. ~f&y~~ I'Mof 1'tM4 and Checked -.._--......... - -... - ...........'" ---"--OhmO ~ ~(' .L'-f.,,,,(J:......___ .. I I I I ",'" / I