HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 502, Providing for Removal of Snow from Sidewalks and Repeals Ordinance 385 ..,....,'".~.,~"--.'.-...;.i""'... , ORDINANCE NO. 502 c4 I Z :L. / 9~ t:J AN ORDINAlVCE PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL OF SNOW FROM THE SIDEWJ1LKS m ~HE CITY OF BOZ.E.'MAN AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED, " AN ORD INANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REMOV.';L OF SNOW AND ICE, DIRT FILTH AND OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS FROM SIDEWALKS ON MAIN STREET BETWEEN WALLACE AVENUE AND FOURTH AVElnJE IN THE CITY OF BOZE - MAN. " ,;2 ?.3 ~r~c.. /1 IS- BE IT ORDAINED BY ~HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOZm\~N: Seotion 1. That the owner or occupant of any building or grounds in the City of Bozeman fronting upon or adjoining any street or avenue, when a sidewalk exists in front of, or adjoins such prem- ises, so owned or occupied, and the owner of any unoccupied building'" ., " or lot, fronting or adjoining such building or lot, fronting or. ad....: joining as aforesaid, shall clear the side walk in front o~ or~ad- ~'~ '\. .. ': ~..-" .. ~,," joining such building or grounds, or unoccupied building, as the _'d_"_"~:~~' / case may be, of snow, to the width of such sidewalk, by 12 ololook, .'" ","'I... ...... ,J I I I I I I or premises withinthe City o~ Bozeman shall keep the sidewalks along or in front of the same free from snow, and it shall be the duty of the City Engin- eer of said City to r~m~ve end cause to be removed all snow from the sidewalk along or in ftont of any such-building, grounds or premises within the said City, whose owner, occupant or agent of such owner. shall refase,.neglect or fail to remove suoh snow at the expense of suoh owner or OOCup8l1t;snd the cost and expense of such removal of such snow by the City Eng!neer,,~~~ll be assessed against and shall be a lien upon the property and pre1ll;tses along or -I.. in front of which such snow is so removed from the sidewalk by the City EZl- I gineer; Section 4. That whenever the Oity .Bngineer shall, pursuant to the ~rovisions of this Ordinance, remOve or cause to be removed any snOW from any sidewalk or sidewalks along orin front of any such building, grounds or prem- ises within the City of Bozeman. he shall report to the City Council in writing the actual cost and expense of such removal of snow,-a description of the lot, lots or parcels along or in front of which is thes1dewalk, or sidewalks, from which snow is so remO'Ved. and the name of the owner of such premises; that thereupon the City Council shall annually and before the 1st M9nday of Octo- ,Far 7 S PC .s;.o37 jPC/" . /",~I I ber of each year pass and adopt a Resolution. levying an assessment and tax against each lot or parcel of land in front of Which snow has been removed from sidewalks under the order of the City Engineer and accGrding to his re- port; that said Resolution le~g said assessment shall be in every manner prepared and certified the same as Resolution levying assessments for the making of improvements in Special Improvement Districts; that upon all assess- c /; '-'.'~ 1?~7 I "ments levied and assessed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance simple interest shall be charged at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum from the dat& when' said work is performed and up to the date when said assess- ment Shall become due and payable; that the cost and expense Of removing snow as herein provided shall be paid from the street Fund and the "~ssessmants therefor levied and assessed as herein provided when collected and paid shall be credited the said Street Fund; Section 5. That Ordinance nO. 385, entitled; I1An Ordinance Provid- ing for the Removal of Snow and Ice, Dirt, Filth and other Obstructions from Sidewalks on Mein street between Wallaoe Avenue and Fourth Avenue in the City I af Bozeman", be, and the same is hereby, repealed; Section 6. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication by printing in the Bozeman Courier in one issue thereof. 1 Passed by the City Council of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held this 4th day of March, Approved this 4th' .... At-test: -tk!d~~ ~ntroduoed and read for the 1st time at the regular session of the City Counci1.held on Jan. 15th, 1920, and taken from the table and action thereon' postoponed and final passage fixed for Maroh 4th, 1920. I. CERTIFICATE OF :Jl?UBLICAmrON. I, C..A.. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City 01erk of th~ C1ty of Bozeman, do hereby oertify: That I did on the lOth day of Batoh, A. D. 1920, cause to be published, proof of whioh publication is on file and of reoord in the office of said City Clerk, in the Bozeman Courier, a weekly newspaper printed and published in said City, a true, correct and compared copy of' Ordinanoe lic. ~Q2" it being, "An Ordinance Providing for the :ijemoval , of Snow" from the Sidewalks1n the City of Bozeman and Repea11(n~/ O;rdin.:" snee No. 3'85, Enti tle-d, "Arl Ordinanoe Providing for the R~moval of Snovi and Ioe, Dirt,~Filth and other Obstructions from Sidewalks of 'sin Street between Wa1laoe Avenue and Fourth Avenue in the City of Bozeman." IN WITNESS VffiEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Seal of the C1 ty of Bozeman this I tJ~ Day of March, A. D. 1920. 1 ~~~~ i y flIer .1 Proof Bead and Oh.",tr..(l. '71.;(1. r 1