HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 20- 501, Provides Uniform System of Numbering all Homes and Businesses and Repeals Ordinance 209 -,..~ __ ..,"_..~_.'_n. ORDINANCE NO. 501. ft AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF NUMBERING ALL HOUSES, PRIVATE, PUBLIC AND BUSINESS, IN THE CITY OF BOZEL~N, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 209, ENTITLED, " AN, ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF HOUSE NUMBERING WITHIN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN." I - - - ~ - - - ~ - - BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI~Y COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF BOZE~~N: Sectimn 1. That in order to establish a uniform system of num- bering houses, private, public er business, within the City of Bozeman, all houses, private, public or business, fronting on streets, avenues and public highways within said City shall be numbered as herein provided; Section 2- That the map or plat heretofore prepared by the City Engineer of the City of Bozeman under date of October, 1919, designated as "Map of Bozeman, Montana, Showing Bouse Numbering Systemlt, be, and the same is hereby, referred to and made a part of this Ordinance and shall gov~rn insll matters relating to the numbering of houses, private, public and business, as herein provided; I Section 3- That the numbers heretofore assigned to houses, pri- vate, public or business, except 88 hereinafter provided, shall remain the num- bers of such houses, respectfvely, until otherwise ccanged by the City Councilf Seotion 4- That i:b is hereby made the duty of the wwner, agent or person in possession, of every house, private, public or business, in t~e City of Boseman to number it 8S herein provided; Section 5- That the City Engineer shall assign to each house, private, pUblic or business, in tl;re City of Bozeman, its proper number and upon application shall deliver, free of charge, to the owner or oocupant thereof, a certificate designating said number; Section 6- That all streets and avenueS running North and South shall be numbered from Main street as a base or division line and shall be num- bered-North and South therefrom; that all streets running East and West shall be numbered from Tracy Avenue as a base Of division line and shall be numbered East and West therefrom; that the initial number in each instanoe shall be zero; that one hundred (100) numbers shall be assigned to the houses, private, public or bUSiness. on any street or avenue, in any block; that on both sides of Main Babcook and Mendenhall streets, between Wallace Avenue and Third Avenue, one number shall be given for every fifteen (15) feet fronting on said streets; that I I on both sides of Wallace Avenue, Church Avenue, Rouse Avenue ,_.,Bozeman Avenue, Black Avenue, Tracy Avenue, Central Avenue, Grand A'1enue and Third Avenue, be- l- tween Babcock Street and Mendenhall street, one number shall be given for each fifteen (15) feet fronting thereon; that on both sides of all otller streets and avenues, or perts of streets and avenues, one number shall be given for each IT': . ~~,";' ..~ ~~., --'- -~.. '---- I twenty-five (25) feet ~ro~ting thereon; that houses, private, publio or business on the North and West aides of streets and .venues shall be given odd numbers and houses, private, publdc or business, on the South and East sides of streets , and avenues shall be given even numbers; that in numbering, only full blocks shall be given one hundred (100) numbers.'blooks;: approximately double the ord- inary frontage shall be given two hundred (200) numbers. Bcrosa all undivided tracts of land intervening between portions laid out into blocks, the lines of. all streets or avenues shall be considered to cross in regulBr .cantinuation of streets in additions adjoining; Section 7- That it is hereby made the duty of every owner or occupant of every house, private, public or business, and the agents of such ownerS of atS id houses, 'upon all streets and avenues of the City of Bozenen to number said buildings in accordance With the provisions of this Otdinance and it shall be unlawful for any such owner, ocoupant or agent to retain or use, or permit to remain upnn any such house, any other number than the number designated by this Ordinance for such house;:; that it Shall be the duty of every such owner, oocupant or agent upon notice from the City Engineer, or any person designated by \1 I I him.) to cause the official number to be placed upon every house, so owned or ocoupied by such owner or oocupant, of for which suoh agency may exist, such "numbering to b~ done in the manner herein provided wi thin thirty (30) days after serviae of such notice; Section 8- That all numbers shall be of some metallic substance or porcelain, or may consist of gilt lettering on the inside of a glass transom or door, and shall be distinctly: legible and at least three (3) ,~nohes and all suah metal or porcelain figures or lettering shall be in 8 conspicuoy:s'-place ~,"'I", where the number CBn be easily seen from the middle of the stree''t.; .-. :- '~' .... I Section 9- T~eat every 8~ley running East and West.~?81:,1.take the '1~~, number of the street South of it and every alley running North and South shall ~I ,~ take the name of the streot or avenue East of it; that all alleys shall take the same numbers as the -streets or avenues from whioh they are named, the even numbers being on the South and East sides and the odd nu~bers being on the North and West sides thereof; Section 10- That the City Engineer. shall, and it is hereby made his duty to, arrange with some business hbuse in the City of Bozeman, to procure e supply of standard figures to number houses ,as herein provided, and thereafter ,keep on hand a sufficient supply therefor, whioh numbers shall be furnished to owners, oocupants, and agents of houses at a minimum and standard price there- for; Section 11- That every owner or occu-'::ant or agent of any owner or any house, private, public or basiness, now erected or hereinafter to be erected in the City of Bozeman, who shall fail, neglect or refuse, wilfully or otherwise, to comply with the terms and provisions of this Ol1'dinance shall be I I t< ,i deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and upon conviction shall be pun- ished by a fine of not less than $2.00 and not more tl~n $10.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not less than one day and not more than five (5) days, or by both fine and imprisonment, provided that in case the fine of such person is not paid such person sh@ll be imprisoned in the City Jail until said fine is satisfied in propo:rtion to one (1) day's imprisonment for each ~~2.00 of said fine; and each day's continuance of act forbidden, or ommission of duty required, sh!lll be and constitute" a separate and distinct offenee and fined and p.unished I aocordingly; Section 12- That Ordinance No. 209, entitled, n An Ordinf}lloe to Establish a Uniform System of House Numbering Wi thin the City of Bozeman",' be, and the same 1s hereby, repealed; Section 13- That this Ordinance shall take effect and be fun full , force !from and after thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publioation by posting. I Passed by the City Counoil of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof, held this 19th day of February, 1920. Approved this 19th day of February, 1920. Attest: ~(/f ~/d?- City Clerk J:'l','('~)~' R' 1l~r1 0*", ,..... ~~_..._~_, ....,;,~ ".'_::Od ~ILdr,a-- ..~_.~----_._~~L~___.:._ I Intorduced and read for the first time at the regular session of the City Council held on the 15th day of 17enuary, 1920, Final passage fixed for the 19th day of February , 1920. I J I CERTIFICATE oF' POSTING. I, C. A. Spieth, the duly appointed, qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bozeman, db hereby certify: That I did .on the 20th day of February , 1920, post a true, correct and compared copy of Ordinance No. 501, in'the following public places in the said City, to-wit: lst- Robers Grocery 2nd- Courier Building Bulletin Board 3rd- Ellis-Brandley Corner 4th- City Hall Bulletin Board . I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I'hereunto set my hand and atfix the seal-of the City of Bozeman, this 20th day of February , 1920. , '- ~4~~ c ty Clerk " -.,,,,~'-~ ~ - - ,~ ,." ..,~ I ~:tReal! and Ohecked ......-.....-.....~- _ 7 ~ ~__..____ ~...__.___..__ '- ''''1, ,,( /. .LJ~L!:=-..... .. / I I \ \\ \"